Golden Farmers’ Market Food Bank Raffle winners !!

Wendy Allenbach

Bronwen Starke

Margrit Bezzola

Sheila Blackburn (won twice)

B. Neraasen

Bruce McKenzie

The Russells

Thank you to the vendors of the Golden Farmers' Market and the generosity of our community!! The Christmas Farmers' Market held in December raised $406.30 for the Golden Food Bank. We appreciate everyone's generosity and organization that made this possible. Donations like this contribute to the nutritional value of the food hampers we create which makes a difference for those in need in our community.

Health and Happiness to all of you in 2012, Barb Davies Coordinator, Golden Food Bank Society

Music Schedule Golden Farmers’ Market Winter Series

January – Mel Hynes and the Kootenay Legends

February – Krista & The KryBabies (John Collison, Krista Fouillard & Russ Lybarger)

March – John Jenkins

April – Dave Whyte