Urbana Middle School

3511 Pontius Court, Ijamsville, MD 21754


Urbana Middle School is excited to continue in our tenth year of the 6-8h grade competitive team program for gifted math students. Our goal remains to develop a math team that is recognized as tops in the state. Your child can be a part of this outstanding group. The classes will focus on the problem solving skills needed to compete in the Continental Math League and the Maryland Mathematics League. These are recognized as two of the top middle school competitions in the nation.

These practices are a great opportunity for students to gain problem solving skills up to two or three grade levels above average.

The UMS MathCounts season will officially begin September 13, 2016! Coach Erb is looking forward to working with the team members and is committed to maintaining the high level of success that the UMS MathCounts team has experienced over the last seven seasons!

All team practices will be held from 3:05 – 4:25 on Tuesdays (when school is scheduled) in Mr. Erb’s classroom (room 212).

  1. Be on time for weekly practices.
  2. Be attentive and non-disruptive during practices.
  3. Regularly attend practices or inform the coaches of absences as far in advance as possible.
  4. Each Mathlete should bring a snack to each practice.

The first competition will be the County Competition on a Saturday in early January 2017 at TJ Middle.

Please return the bottom portion of this letter with signatures and requested information to Coach Erb prior to the first practice on September 13, 2016.

I have read the above expectations and intend to abide by them to the best of my ability, for the good of myself, my team, my school, and my community.

Mathlete First & Last Name Printed neatly: ______

I give my son/daughter permission to stay after school for UMS Mathcounts practices. I understand that I am responsible for transportation from UMS at the time noted above.

______Phone (home) : ______

Parent/GuardianPhone (work) : ______

Email: ______