Date of Final Report Grant Start & End Dates

Title of Project

Amount Awarded Amount Spent

PI Name Email

Department Phone

Describe the progress you made toward achieving your objectives, referring back to the objectives indicated in your initial proposal. Describe the overall outcomes of your project (500 words).

To what extent did the project contribute to your professional development as a scholar & educator? (i.e. has the project impacted your teaching, scholarship, and/or mentoring?) (200 words)

If students were involved in this project, please list the names/majors (if not indicate N/A). Describe the ways in which these students were involved in and benefitted from the project. (200 words)

Describe any collaborative efforts involved in planning and/or implementing this project, if applicable. Include collaboration with students, colleagues, community partners, or others. (150 words)

Do you have plans to continue this project or has the project generated new ideas/interests? Please explain. (150 words)

Describe your project in lay terms for the general public in 1-2 paragraphs. The Office of Research and Sponsored Projects wants to showcase all grant-funded projects for both TAMIU and external communities. This short paragraph should not divulge proprietary information, but should use general terms that can be used for highlighting your work. (250 words)

Please indicate how you have shared your results/findings by checking the boxes (check all that apply). If you have submitted an article or manuscript attach a copy of just the abstract or cover page with your report.

Presented project at TAMIU conference

Presented project at external conference


Submitted article(s) for publication


Submitted manuscript for publication

Developed website or posted information on website


Exhibited or performed work

I plan to…




I acknowledge that any information submitted in this report may be used for institutional reporting and to showcase internal grants at TAMIU. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Research & Sponsored Projects at or 3028.

Submit the completed form by October 1st to the

Office of Research & Sponsored Projects (KL 326) or to

This form has been modified from one developed at St. Catherine's University by Beth Koenig and is used with her consent.