Urban Park Elementary School Action Plan 2012-2013

KEY ACTION ONE / Key Action One: (Briefly state the specific goal or objective.)
Ensure all staff members understand and support Urban Park action plan, key concepts of DISD destination 2020 and DISD/Urban Park core beliefs.
Indicators of success (Measurable results that describe success.)
  • Based on DISD Climate Survey, staff will score an average of 80% on six questions for philosophy in November 2012 and March 2013.
  • Based on DISD System Review, Urban Park Elementary will achieve “proficient” or higher in the area of philosophy and “proficient” on accomplishment of Action Plan.
  • 80% of teachers at Urban Park can identify all “Core Beliefs” as measured by the climate survey at the end of November 2013 and March 2013.

Specific actions – School Leaders (What specific action steps will the building leaders take to accomplish the objective?)
  • Ms. Torres and Mr. Luedecke will review the developed mission, vision, Core values, and goals from May 2012 with staff by focusing on the professional philosophy by September 2012.
  • Review how to write effective goals prior to September20012
  • Conduct goal setting conferences with each employee and ensure all employees have a at least 2 specific goals for Professional Growth with measurable indicators of success September 13, 2012: one goal must be a student achievement goal ) 80% of students are proficient or above on DISD/Urban Park assessments
  • Implement Urban Park Action Plan with fidelity
  • Conduct activities and discussions during PLC’s and staff meetings on DISD/Urban Park “Core Beliefs” and Destination 2020
  • Ms. Torres and Mr. Luedecke will conduct team building exercises and core belief and Destination 2020 activities 2020 during PLC’s and monthly staff meeting.
  • Administrative team will regularly recognize staff by writing positive notes or thank you notes each monthly for all staff.
  • Ms. Torres will provide regular updates on the Panther Press (weekly newsletter) and Principal Update Memo (monthly).
  • Ms. Torres and Mr. Luedecke will embed and work with staff on the key concepts of Destination 2020 and the DISD Action Plan 2012-13 during PLC’ and staff monthly meetings.
  • Administrative Team and The Instructional Core “A” team will conduct reviews of Urban Park Action Plan monthly.
  • Administrative Team and The Instructional Core “A” team will conduct 4 action planning sessions for staff input in April and May of 2013.
  • Conduct a building climate survey by November, 2013 and March 2013.

Specific actions – Staff (What specific action steps will the staff take to accomplish the objective?)\
  • Staff will describe and identify key action goals of Destination 2020
  • Staff will identify their individual professional philosophies and understand the impact it has on effective teamwork.
  • Staff will make a commitment to transfer their professional philosophy to their actions during the school year 2012-13.
  • Staff will learn and be able to identify and participate in core beliefs activities during PLC’s and monthly staff meetings.
  • Staff will comprehend and execute the building action plan.
  • Staff will understand their role in the school action plan as evidenced on the district survey.
  • Staff will participate and offer input in action planning sessions in April and May 2013 and throughout the school year.

Key Action One:
Ensure staff members understand and support Urban Park action plan, key concepts of DISD destination 2020 and DISD/Urban Park core beliefs.
Staff Devel. / Who:
School Administrators
School Administrators:
  • Coordinate PLC/Staff Meetings:
  1. Action Plan Review
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation Process-Professional Goal Setting Conferences, Formal Observations, Spot observations, Annual Summative Conferences
  1. Core Belief Activities
  2. All staff complete Climate Survey-November 2012 & March 2013
  3. Systems pre and post presentation review
  4. Assessment-schedule, implement/score with fidelity

Monday-Grade Level Meetings
Tuesday-PLC/Staff Meetings
Urban Park Elementary School
Budget / Proposed item / Description / Amount
Staff development / Core Beliefs
Vision and Values
Goal Setting and Progress Monitoring / There are no associated costs for providing these professional development modules for this key action
Materials/resources / Printing of Staff Handbooks-paper
Principal’s Training Packet, article studies on Vision and Values / $40.00 -General Budget
Purchased services
Funding sources:
199-General Budget -$40.00 for printing
KEY ACTION TWO / Key Action Two: (Briefly state the specific goal or objective.)
Ensure complete curriculum alignment of standards, objectives, assessment and interventions are evident school-wide.
Indicators of success (Measurable results that describe success.)
  • Instructional feedback: As measured by Urban Park spot observations
  • Out of 296 spot observations, 80% of teachers will average 1.5 or higher on lesson objectives by December, 2012 and will increase to 2.0 in May.
  • Out of 296 spot observations, 80% of teacher will average 1.5 on student engagement or higher by December, 2012 and will increase to 2.0 by May, 2013.
  • Out of 296 spot observations, 80% of teachers will average 1.5 on demonstrations of learning (DOL’s) or higher by December and will increase to 1.75 by May, 2013.
  • By October 80% of tested common assessment standards are vertically aligned, and will increase to 90% by December and 100% by March, 2013.

Specific actions – School Leaders (What specific action steps will the building leaders take to accomplish the objective?)
  • Strengthen Curriculum alignment
  • Supervise and assist the campus leadership team on monitoring the use of district and school curriculum maps and instructional calendar and provide feedback to teachers regarding their teaching of the guaranteed and viable curriculum beginning August, 2012
  • Train teachers on the use of Demonstrations of Learning (DOL’s) feedback to teachers on written instructional feedback forms (teachers will be required to post (lesson objective and DOL’s)
  • Provide on-going professional development and feedback for teachers in order to support purposeful instruction, alignment and engagement
  • Facilitate data discussions during PLC’s and grade level meetings
  • Student Achievement
  • Provide on-going staff development on lesson objectives, student-teacher engagement (bell-to-bell instruction//time on task, multiple response strategies, and check for understanding) and provide effective feedback through spot observations and staff goal conferences to professional staff throughout the year.

Specific actions – Staff (What specific action steps will the staff take to accomplish the objective?)
  • Curriculum and Assessment
  • Develop individual goals that are aligned to school wide goals
  • Teach the guaranteed and viable curriculum
  • Develop assessment, activities and lesson objectives based on the instructional calendar and mapping curriculum
  • Become aware of the curriculum of previous and subsequent grade levels
  • Administer DISD and campus assessments throughout the year
  • Develop, post, and use lesson objectives and demonstrations of learning (DOL’s) in classroom instruction
  • Analyze the alignment of assessments with the instructional calendar
  • Utilize district resources (My data portal and Curriculum Central) to develop lessons
  • Student Engagement
  • Engage students through purposeful and planned instruction including multiple response strategies, checks for understanding, bell to bell instruction, and other strategies at a proficient level
  • Select and use appropriate instructional strategies matched to the demonstration of learning (DOL’s)
  • Provide individual student with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate learning through a variety of response formats

Key Action Two:
Ensure complete curriculum alignment of standards, objectives, assessment and interventions are evident school-wide.
Staff Devel. / Who:
Administration, CILT, Instructional core “A” team and other campus leaders
Alignment of Curriculum data, instruction and lesson objectives
progress monitoring and instructional decision making
  • Monday- PLC’s
  • Tuesday- Grade Level Meetings
  • Thursday- Staff Development

Urban Park Elementary
Budget / Proposed item / Description / Amount
Staff development / 1) Progress Monitoring
2) Data assessments, and instruction alignment
3) Staff Development in the areas in need of growth based on spot observations / There are no associated costs for providing these professional development modules for this key action
Materials/resources / Instructional calendar, CPG’s, data review document / There are no associated costs for providing these professional development modules for this key action
Purchased services
Other / Instructional coach
Lead teacher / $132,153.00
TOTAL / $132,153.00
Funding sources:
211-Title I Budget- $132,153.00 Instructional Coaches
KEY ACTION THREE / Key Action Three: (Briefly state the specific goal or objective.)
Ensure Stellar “First Instruction” with emphasis on core teaching practices utilizing multiple response strategies, demonstrations of learning (DOL’s), thinking maps and effective response to intervention differentiation strategies (RtI).
Indicators of success (Measurable results that describe success.)
Instructional Feedback: As measured by Urban Park spot observations
  • 80% of students are successful on assessments and DOL’s by November, 2012 and increases to 90% in March, 2013
  • Out of 100 spot observations of classrooms from August to November, 2012, 80% of teachers receive a 2.0 on student engagement strategies and increases to 90% in March, 2013.
  • Out of 200 spot observations, 80% of teachers will score a 1.25 on DOL strategies and purposeful instruction by first semester end, increasing to an average of 1.5 by May, 2013.

Specific actions – School Leaders (What specific action steps will the building leaders take to accomplish the objective?)
Curriculum Alignment and Engagement
  • Monitor the use of District curriculum maps and provide effective feedback to teachers regarding their teaching of the guaranteed and viable curriculum beginning in August, 2012.
  • Train teachers on the use of demonstrations of learning and provide DOL effective feedback to teachers on written instructional feedback forms (teachers will be required to post DOL’s)
  • Provide ongoing professional development and effective feedback for teachers on the development of DOL’s, student engagement, RtI and EXCEEDS
  • Monitor and analyze data to provide support and effective feedback to staff on interventions and student groups
  • Monitor individual class data to provide support and effective feedback and accountability for all teachers to show gains in student achievement
  • Assist and supervise in the development of profiling templates
  • Conduct data conversations and goal setting conferences in September, 2012 and May, 2013
Student Achievement
  • Provide on-going training for staff on student-teacher engagement (bell to bell instruction, multiple response strategies, and check for understanding) to teachers by September, 2012.

Specific actions – Staff (What specific action steps will the staff take to accomplish the objective?)
Curriculum and Assessment
  • Plan and submit weekly lesson plans aligned to the DISD curriculum map
  • Teach the guaranteed and viable curriculum
  • Administer DISD and Urban Park assessments
  • Develop, post, and utilize demonstrations of learning (DOL’s) for classroom instruction
  • Document RtI strategies in EXCEEDS and refer to SST when necessary
Student Engagement
  • Engage students’ through purposeful and planned instruction including multiple response strategies, check for understanding, bell to bell instruction and other strategies at a proficient level
  • Select and use appropriate instructional strategies matched to the demonstration of learning
  • Provide individual students with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate learning thorough a variety of response formats

Key Action Three:
Ensure Stellar “First Instruction” with emphasis on core teaching practices utilizing multiple response strategies, demonstrations of learning (DOL’s), thinking maps and effective response to intervention differentiation strategies (RtI).
Staff Devel. / Who:
Administration, Instructional Core “A” Team, CILT and lead teachers
  • Action Plan Review-status
  • Lesson Objectives
  • DOL’s
  • Engagement
  • Alignment
  • Rigor/Critical Thinking

  • PLC’s
  • Staff development
  • Grade level planning-Student Proficiency-data

Urban Park Elementary
Budget / Proposed item / Description / Amount
Staff development / 1) purposeful instruction and DOL development
2) RtI and Exceeds / There are no associated costs for providing these professional development modules for this key action
Materials/resources / My Data Portal, Curriculum Central, Exceeds / There are no associated costs for providing these professional development modules for this key action
Purchased services / I-Station purchase / $8,500.00
Personnel / Instructional Coach
Lead Teacher / $132,153.00
TOTAL / $140,653.00
Funding sources:
211-Title I Budget- $8,500.00 I-Station
211-Title I Budget- $132,153.00 Instructional Coaches
KEY ACTION FOUR / Key Action Four: (Briefly state the specific goal or objective.)
Implement a school-wide, systematic, positive behavior management system with a focus on character development and parent and community involvement.
100% of Urban Park’s referrals occurred in our classrooms, the most structured environment. We will revisit previous behavior strategies that have proven to be successful and implement new researched based behavior strategies to develop our students to become positive and productive caring citizens. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding our students daily, Urban Park staff must have a commitment to the children and continue to be “United We Stand, in the Pursuit of Excellence.”
(The Rachel’s Challenge philosophy of education is based on a historically sound principle of the “three H’s,” the Heart, the Head and the Hands. The doorway to improving education is a student’s heart. If a teacher captures a student’s heart (emotion, passion and imagination), the student will give you the opportunity to train their mind (head) which will lead to the student applying their hands to meaningful work and service. Rachel’s Challenge program teaches students to live a life of purpose, do simple acts of kindness and create a Kindness and Compassion Club to make their school a better place.)
Indicators of success (Measurable results that describe success.)
  • Administration will guide and support Counselor and staff regarding Rachel’s Challenge Program
  • Administration will provide effective feedback and accountability regarding behavior management and engagement
  • Administration will develop, a Positive Behavior incentive program(Panther Loot’s to utilize in the Panther store) to align with Urban Park goals that supports Rachel’s Challenge and include:
  • Staff development on Rachel’s Challenge program(classroom, hallway, bathroom, cafeteria, assemblies)
  • Calendar of student training regarding Rachel’s Challenge in September 2012
  • Calendar of family training and communication regarding Rachel’s Challenge in September 2012
  • Level II and Level III office referrals will decrease from 2011-12 DISD Office of Student Discipline data from the Student Discipline Management data system from habitually disruptive behavior in-class and defiance of authority.
  • Administration will track office referrals in the DISD Student Discipline Management System
  • 100% of teachers will incorporate the Kagan and Mendler’s Behavior techniques and
75% of our completed parent surveys will indicate a positive response in the area of parent communication
Specific actions – School Leaders (What specific action steps will the building leaders take to accomplish the objective?)
  • Provide on-going review of Allen Mendler’s Power Struggles, Successful Techniques for Educators Rachel’s Challenge Program, Panther Loot Positive Behavior Incentive Program and Kagan’s Win Win Discipline.
  • Administration will monitor discipline data in the DISD Student Discipline Management System monthly and provide staff with immediate feedback regarding purposeful instruction and engagement.
  • Ensure teachers are implementation suggestions provided by Administration, counselor and Rachel’s Challenge program
  • Administration will conduct routine spot observations and provide staff with immediate feedback regarding purposeful instruction and engagement
Develop and administer a parent survey by April 2013
Specific actions – Staff (What specific action steps will the staff take to accomplish the objective?)
  • Utilize professional development strategies in the classroom (Mendler-Power Struggles, Successful Techniques for Eduators, Rachel’s Challenge Program, Panther Loot Positive Behavior Incentive Program and Kagan’s Win Win Discipline)
  • Implement suggestions provided by Administration and Counselor to increase and promote positive student behavior
  • Monitor student discipline data and have conversations with students, parents, counselor

Key Action Four:
Implement a school-wide, systematic, positive behavior management system with a focus on character development and parent and community involvement.
Staff Devel. / Who:
School Administration, Title I Community Liaison, Counselor and Staff Leaders
School Administration/Staff Leaders:
  • Provide training regarding Rachel’s Challenge and Positive Behavior Incentive Program
  • Provide teachers with information for parents of Positive Behavior Incentive Program
  • Implement calendar and training

When: Friday-PLC/Staff Meetings/model strategies in classrooms as needed
Urban Park Elementary
Budget / Proposed item / Description / Amount
Staff development / Rachel’s Challenge-3 hour staff training , student and community assemblies / There are no associated costs for providing these professional development modules for this key action
Materials/resources / Rachel’s Challenge program curriculum, resources, and DVD’s / $1,500.00
Purchased services / Rachel’s Challenge core team will provide staff training on campus for students, parents, and staff / There are no associated costs for providing these professional development modules for this key action
Other / Colored construction paper / $100.00
Other / Student awards for end of year character development / $2,000.00
Other / DISD contract services for Parent Handbook-Graphics department / $1,275.00
TOTAL / $4,875.00
Funding sources:
199 General Budget-$1,275.00 for parent handbooks
199 General Budget- $1,500.00 for materials and resources
199 General Budget-$100.00 for colored construction paper
211-Title I Budget- $2,000.00 end of year student awards