Urban Park Elementary

6901 Military Parkway

Dallas, Texas75227


Fax: 972-794-1101

August, 2012

Greetings Urban Park Panther Families:

It is with great pleasure that I write to welcome you and your child(ren) to the 2012-2013 school year to Urban Park Elementary. The Urban Park faculty and staff eagerly awaits welcoming our new families and students. I am thrilled that you have chosen Urban Park Elementary as your school of choice. As the principal, I am looking forward to meeting all of our new families and forming strong and positive partnerships as well as reconnecting with our current families.

Our first event of the new school year will be Meet the Teacher Night on Friday, August 24 from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. The intent of Meet the Teacher Night is to allow children accompanied by parents to quickly find their classroom, meet their teacher, and drop off their classroom supplies. We hope that this short visit will help children feel more comfortable beginning the first day of school. Classroom supply kits may be ordered in the foyer of the new wing before visiting the classrooms. Students and families may then visit the PTA informational table to acquaint themselves with PTA, and decide to become a member of our school PTA. You will have the opportunity to order school spirit shirts for students, staff, and parents at this time as well.

Please be certain to check the class lists posted on the bulletin board in new wing for classroom assignments when you arrive for the Meet the Teacher Night. The information will be posted on August 24 and not before that day so that student lists can be as complete as possible.

The first student day will be Monday, August 27 and will be a full day. The school day begins at 8:15 a.m. and runs until 3:15 p.m. We will be hosting half-day morning Pre-K and Kindergarten session which meet from 8:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., the first week of school only. The second week of school will be full day for both Pre-K and Kinder.

We will begin the 1st day of school by lining up according to class out on the front lawn of the school. Please help your child find his/her classroom teacher. Teachers will hold up signs indicating their grade level. We will proceed into school and lead students to the appropriate classrooms to begin the school day.

The staff and administration eagerly await welcoming you to another wonderful school year and look forward to meeting you all soon.

On behalf of the Urban Park Elementary “A” team,

Angie Torres, Principal