Upsilon Andromedae
Visual magnitude: 4.10
Distance: 45.1 +/- 1.5 light years
Luminosity: 3.55 +/- 0.24 x Sun's luminosity
Position information for 01 ene 2000 0:00:00
(Julian day number 2451544.41667)
Apparent RA (epoch of date): 01h 36m 47.65s
Apparent Dec (epoch of date): +41° 24' 24.4"
Constellation: Andromeda
Altitude: +58° 35' 49"
Azimuth: 285° 48' 4"
Rise: 11h 49m 23s
Transit: 21h 8m 40s
Set: 6h 31m 53s
Names and Catalog Numbers
Bayer letter: u Andromedae
Flamsteed number: 50 Andromedae
Tycho catalog number: TYC 2822-2210-1
PPM number: PPM 44216
Henry Draper number: HD 9826
DM number: BD +40 0332
Star Atlas Chart Numbers
Herald-Bobroff Astroatlas, Chart C-38
Millennium Star Atlas, Charts 101-102 (Vol I)
Sky Atlas 2000.0, Chart 4
Uranometria 2000 Chart 61, Vol 1
Tycho Catalog Data
Tycho Catalogue (ESA SP-1200, 1997).
Tycho Identifier/Proximity Flag
Catalog number: TYC 2822-2210-1
Proximity flag: None
V magnitude: 4.10
Source of V magnitude: Johnson UBV photometric system.
Astrometric Data
Equatorial coordinates (epoch J2000.0, ICRS)
RA: 01h 36m 47.8439s
Dec: +41° 24' 19.636"
Standard errors of the equatorial coordinates (epoch J1991.25)
RA: 0.0020 arcsec
Dec: 0.0015 arcsec
Astrometric reference flag: This is a recommended astrometric reference star, having good Tycho astrometric quality, and not recognised as double.
Trigonometric parallax: 0.07230 arcsec
Standard error of the parallax: 0.00250 arcsec
Proper motion components (epoch J1991.25, ICRS)
RA: -0.22812 arcsec/yr
Dec: -0.38290 arcsec/yr
Standard errors of the proper motion components
RA: 0.0032 arcsec
Dec: 0.0015 arcsec
Number of accepted data points: 115
Goodness-of-fit parameter, F2: 0.83
Hipparcos catalog number: 7513
Astrometric quality flag: 1 (very high).
Signal-to-noise ratio of the star image, Fs: 11.2
Source of astrometric data: Standard data processing.
Photometric Data
Mean Bt magnitude: 4.748
Standard error: 0.004
Mean Vt magnitude: 4.159
Standard error: 0.003
Source of photometric data: The Bt,Vt data are median values, rather than de-censored mean values (mainly relevant for bright stars with Bt<=8.5 mag and Vt<=8.0 mag).
Johnson B-V colour index: 0.541
Standard error: 0.004
Number of transits used in mean photometry: 115
Vt scatter, s: 0.023 mag
Vt magnitude at maximum luminosity: 4.13
Vt magnitude at minimum luminosity: 4.18
Previously known or suspected variability: None.
Variability of the Tycho measurements: Variability suspected in the Tycho data; this may be due to intrinsic variability since no correlation with position angle was evident. No thorough investigation has been carried out to eliminate other reasons intrinsic to the Tycho measurements.
Unresolved duplicity status: An investigation was carried out on the Tycho data, but no indication of duplicity was found.
Cross-identification and Notes
PPM identifier: PPM 44216
HD identifier: HD 9826
DM identifier: BD +40 0332