INTERREG IVC – instruction for use seminar

2 December 2010

Hotel Cosmopolitan

1-3 Dobri Nemirov street, Ruse (Bulgaria)

Draft Agenda

08:30 – 09:00 Registration and welcome coffee

09:00 – 09:30 Welcome speech by Mr. Marius Mladenov, Head of Multinational and Horizontal

Programmes Department, Territorial Cooperation Management DG,Bulgarian Ministry for

regional development and public works

Welcome speech by a representative of the Romanian Ministry ofRegional Development

and Tourism(tbc)

09:30 – 09:45 Introduction into European interregional cooperation

Michel Lamblin, Programme Director, INTERREG IVC

09:45 – 10:00 INTERREG IVC Information Point East Thematic & geographiccoverage analysis


Zornitsa Tsoneva, INTERREG IVC Information Point East

10:00 – 10:20 PIMMS TRANSFER project– sharing the achievements of the project and

partner regions

City of Maribor (Slovenia)

Q&A session


11:00 – 11:20 PERIURBAN project presentation, incl. reflections on project preparation phase,

partner search tips, etc.

Vitosha Nature Park (Bulgaria)

11:20 – 11:40 In focus: Regional Initiative Projects in the framework ofINTERREG IVC programme

Thorsten Kohlisch, INTERREG IVC Information Point East

Q&A session


13:00 – 13:20 MORE4NRG project – sharing the achievements of the project and partner regions

Euro Perspectives Foundation (Bulgaria)

13:20 – 13:40 SURF-Nature projectpresentation, incl. reflections on project preparation phase,

partner search tips, etc.

Environment Agency Austria - EAA

Q&A session

14:00 – 14:40 INTERREG IVC Quality Assessment criteria: Insight into key requirements for

a good project proposal

Benoît Dalbert, INTERREG IVC Joint Technical Secretariat/

Thorsten KohlischZornitsa Tsoneva, INTERREG IVC Information Point East

Q&A session


15:30 – 16:15 Workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship and SMEs’ sub-theme

in parallel

Workshop on ‘Waste prevention and management’ sub-theme

16:25 – 17:10 Workshop on ‘Employment, human capital and education’ sub-theme

in parallel

Workshop on ‘Energy and sustainable transport’ sub-theme

The workshops’ structure will be based on the ‘talk show’ approach. There will be one facilitator and a panel of project partners.The facilitator acts as ‘talk-show presenter’ and conducts the ‘interview’through carefully prepared questions/ points for discussionThe audience would be invited to ask questions or add comments. Each workshop will end in summarising major points discussed on a PowerPoint slide/s, which can be then printed out for the participants.

FACILITATORS:Benoît Dalbert, INTERREG IVC Joint Technical Secretariat

Thorsten Kohlisch,INTERREG IVC Information Point East

Zornitsa Tsoneva, INTERREG IVC Information Point East

Ilze Ciganska, INTERREG IVC Information Point North

17:15 – 17:30 Sum up of event and closure

INTERREG IVC1/210/11/2010