Upper Southampton Summer Camp

Staff Handbook


  1. WELCOME 4
  1. PURPOSE 5


  1. Location 5
  2. Arrival and Departure 5
  3. Requesting Absences 5
  4. Authorized Absence 6
  5. Lateness 6
  6. Failure to Report Absences 6
  7. Excessive Absenteeism 6
  8. Camp Days & Hours of Operation 6
  9. Groups 6
  10. Important Dates 7
  11. Camp T-shirts 7
  12. Dress Code 7
  13. Smoking Policy 8
  14. Harassment 8
  15. Sexual Harassment 8
  16. Lunch 8
  17. Visitors 9
  18. Leaving Camp 9
  19. Items Not to Bring to Camp 9
  20. Personal Equipment 9
  21. Injury or Sickness 9
  22. Medication 9
  23. Ticks 9
  24. Sunscreen and Sun Block10


  1. Discipline10
  2. Camper Pickup10
  3. Accident Procedures 10
  4. Threats11
  5. Child Abuse12
  6. Child Sexual Abuse12
  7. Child Abuse Reporting12


  1. Access to Personnel Files14
  2. Personnel Data Changes 14
  3. Job Description14
  4. Performance Evaluations14
  5. Discipline and Discharge for Employees15
  6. Resignation and Termination15
  7. Benefits15
  8. Drug & Alcohol Abuse16
  9. Workers’ Compensation Insurance17
  10. Gifts18
  11. Communication Equipment18
  12. Computer, E-Mail, Internet Communications18
  13. Internet, Intranet & Extranet Guidelines19

N. Social Networking 19


A. Paydays21

B. Administrative Pay Corrections22

C. Pay Deductions22

D. Overtime22


A. Behavior During Major Incidents and Accidents23

B. Electrical Storm23

C. Missing Person Procedures23

D. Intruders24

E. Kidnapping Attempts24


  1. Camp Rules25




  1. Things to do about Rule Violations28
  2. Time-Tested Strategies28
  3. Bully – Show Off29
  4. Fighting 29
  5. Stealing 30
  6. Behavior Management Policy30


Fire Marshall will cover in orientation a plan of action for:

Evacuation procedures

Building Damage



Natural Gas leak

Hazardous Material Release

Criminal Act


Assignment of employee’s responsibilities







Welcome to Upper Southampton Summer Recreation. We plan on having a summer filled with excitement and lots of fun! This handbook is designed to help you understand what is expected of you, what you can expect in return and to help you understand your place in the Township’s service to the public. While it is virtually impossible to cover every situation, the necessary procedures for camp preparation are carefully explained in this handbook. The text of these policies and procedures is not intended to be, nor should it be construed as a contract of employment or as a contract guaranteeing continued employment. It is hoped that this handbook will give you answers to the questions you have. No employee handbook can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. As Upper Southampton Township Parks and Recreation continues to grow, the need may arise, and Upper Southampton Township reserves the right to revise, supplement or rescind any policies or portion of the handbook from time-to-time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion. If this handbook does not answer your questions, the Personnel Administrator or the Parks and Recreation Director will be happy to discuss them with you. We expect that you will familiarize yourself with the details of this guide.

II.Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action

Upper Southampton Township shall provide an equal opportunity for all employees and applicants for employment on the basis of their demonstrated ability and competence without discrimination on the basis of their race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, marital status, political affiliation, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status. Employment decisions are made based on individual merit, qualifications, skills and competence as they relate to the particular position at issue. Discrimination and/or harassment based on any of these factors are inconsistent with our philosophy of doing business and will not be tolerated at any time. Upper Southampton Township is committed to offering equal employment opportunities to all qualified individuals in every aspect of employment such as, but not limited to, hiring, promotions, transfers and compensation. Through our EEO policies and affirmative action, we are continuing our efforts to create a diverse workforce and an environment in which individuals are treated equally and without discrimination. Any employees with questions or concerns about any type of discrimination in the workplace are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of the Parks and Recreation Manager or his or her designate. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

III.Employment Applications/Recruitment

Upper Southampton Township relies upon the accuracy of information contained in the employment application, as well as the accuracy of other data presented throughout the hiring process and employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in the exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or, if the person has been hired, termination of employment. The Township intends to recruit, hire and place applicants on the basis of the applicant’s relative knowledge, skills and abilities. The decision to employ an applicant will be based solely on the individual’s qualification for the particular position, along with other requisite job skills. Minimum qualifications shall be specified in the job description.

Hiring Policy:

Mandatory for EVERYONE!

2018 Federal Fingerprinting – The new website for regulated employees and volunteers to register for fingerprint scans is: . Current locations where applicants can obtain the actual scans (after registering online) are listed on the IdentoGO website at the following link: . The service code is 1KG738 (Child Care Services/Program Employee or Contractor). Please schedule early because they could be backed up and it could take a few weeks.

Child Registry Clearance – The website to be used for the Child Abuse Clearance is: ). For the Child Registry you must open an account first and create a Keystone ID and password. Clearances must be completed by May 1, 2018.

Mandatory for EVERYONE!

Open a household account online at ustwprec.com and choose 2018 Employee Training under the Summer Camp Staff Page in Programs; must be completed by May 1, 2018.

Mandatory for EVERYONE!

June 15 at 6:00 PM at the Upper Southampton Community Center: Basic first aid, Wilderness Training and Bloodborne Pathogens.

Mandatory for all Camp Directors, Leaders, Sports Coordinators, Craft Instructors and Bus Drivers:

EVERY YEAR BY MAY 1 you are required to have or complete Heartsaver® First Aid CPR AED Online ($44.00: paid by you and can be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.)

Part 1 (print certificate and hand in to SUE TOMKO ASAP). Please note Counselors are not required to complete this course.

  • American Heart Association

Course Catalog - First Aid CPR AED Online Part 1.

Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Online is a self-directed course that uses interactive lessons and videos to teach you comprehensive First Aid, CPR and AED knowledge. This program is for anyone with limited or no medical training who needs an AHA course completion card. You will learn: First aid basics, Medical emergencies, Injury emergencies, Environmental emergencies, Adult CPR and AED using adult choking, child CPR and AED.

All Camp Directors (required every year before May 1) must complete and print their certificate for Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse, Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania and give us a copy of your certificate.

This training is “free” of charge and meets Act 31 training requirements, as well as Act 126 requirements. All other licensing-related questions should be referred to your respective board(s). Please note: If you are licensed by more than one board, the Department of State will apply your credit to all relevant boards.

How to Access the Online Training:

  • Go towww.reportabusepa.pitt.edu. If you have not previously registered, please click the “Registration” link at the top of the page.
  • Enter your username and password to log on. Print certificate and hand in to us ASAP. Please note Counselors are not required to complete this course.

All Camp Directors, Leaders, Sports Coordinators, Craft Instructors and Bus Drivers: June 16, 2018 (Mandatory CPR First Aid skills, AED and Epi Pen) SKILLS DAY at 5 PM at the Upper Southampton Township Recreation Center, 913 Willow Street, Southampton.

Mandatory for EVERYONE!

On Friday, June 15th at 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM all Directors, Sports Instructors, Activities Leaders and Counselors are to report to 1255 Second Street Pike for a Camper Orientation Meet and Greet Night at the Tamanend Park Pavilions. You will be providing guardians with a schedule and expectations of our camp. This will not be an open forum but rather an informational Meet and Greet.


Our program is designed to provide children with a safe environment that enhances social and emotional development in a nurturing atmosphere of fun and creativity. Our goals for each child are to learn and practice being a good group member, to explore their personal interests and to be exposed to new experiences.



Southampton, PA (locations may vary)

Youth Camp – Southampton, PA

Teen Camp – Southampton, PA

B. Arrival and Departure

Each staff member is responsible for being at camp during the camp program. Please arrive no later than 15 minutes to the start of your schedule and depart 15 minutes after your schedule or after the last camper has left for the day, unless otherwise agreed upon with the Parks and Recreation Director.

C.Requesting Absences:

  1. When an employee knows in advance the reason for the absence and the duration of the absence, prior request should be made to their supervisor.
  1. When the employee cannot provide advance notice: Employees must report all absences to their Site Director within one (1) hour of their scheduled start time, stating the reason for the absence and the duration of the absence, if known.
  1. When the absence exceeds three (3) days: Employees absent from work for three (3) consecutive days due to personal illness or injury must produce a doctor’s certification for return to work when requested by the Recreation Program Coordinator.

D.Authorized (excused) Absence

Excused absences include accident or sickness supported by a doctor’s statement (when requested).


  1. The first incidence may necessitate a verbal warning to the individual. A written warning will be placed into the employee’s personnel file for the second incidence.
  1. The third incidence may result in suspension with intent to terminate.

F.Failure to Report Absences (NO CALL)

  1. The first incidence will necessitate a verbal warning to the individual.
  1. The second incidence will result in a written warning placed into the employee’s personnel file.
  1. The third incidence will result in suspension with intent to terminate.

G.Excessive Absenteeism

  1. Three days of absence will be considered excessive. A written warning will be given to the employee and a copy of the warning will be placed in the employee’s personnel file. A doctor’s note will be required.
  1. The second incidence of excessive absenteeism is grounds for termination of the individual.

H.Camp Days & Hours of Operation

  • Youth Camp - Monday through Friday – Times may vary
  • Teen Innovation Camp - Monday through Friday – Times may vary
  • CIT Program Camp – Monday through Friday – Times may vary
  • Hours may differ on field trip days. Please refer to your program packet.


Children are placed in groups according to grade level. The following configurations will be used whenever possible.

1.Youth Camp

  • Younger Boy and Girls – Children ages 5 - 6, 6 to 1 ratio.
  • Middle Boys and Girls – Children ages 7 - 8, 8 to 1 ratio.
  • Older Boys and Girls – Children ages 9 - 14, 10 to 1 ratio.

2.Teen Camp

  • Children ages 9 - 14, 10 to 1 ratio.
  • Children ages 15 - 18, 12 to 1 ratio.
  1. Important Dates

Summer Recreation – The camp starts on the Monday after the last day of elementary school and ends the Friday prior to the start of elementary school. Field trip dates can be found in your program packet. Every staff member is not always required for every field trip. Your Site Director will determine which staff members are accompanying each field trip.

  1. Camp T-shirts

Camp t-shirts will be distributed before camp starts. Counselors will wear their t-shirts to work Monday through Friday and on all field trips. This policy is in effect to ensure the safety of the campers. T-shirts from past years may be worn.

  1. Dress Code

All staff members should conduct themselves so that they will be a credit to the Upper Southampton Summer Recreation Program. While at camp, employees should conform to the customs, policies and ideals of the camp. All staff members are required to wear the camp t-shirt, as outlined above, and name tags. T-shirts will be handed out prior to the start of camp. We play hard and use multi-media and “messy” materials but we also need to project a professional, safe appearance to the children and parents.

1. Appropriate clothing includes:

  • Comfortable shoes
  • Comfortable pants
  • Camp T-shirt

2.The following clothing is not appropriate for Summer Camp:

  • Very short shorts, skirts or dresses
  • Low cut pants or jeans
  • Ripped clothing
  • Clothing with inappropriate words or pictures
  • Flip flops and sandals
  • Shirts that show the abdomen or tummy (i.e. halter tops, tank tops, etc.)
  • Dirty clothes
  • Visible body piercings
  • Visible tattoos
  1. Smoking

No smoking is allowed while on camp property or when you are working with campers at any time. This includes smoking

of any kind, even electronic vapor pens or box mods. And this includes trips.

  1. Harassment

Our Camp recognizes that a person’s right to freedom from discrimination includes the opportunity to work in an environment untainted by harassment. Offensive speech and conduct are wholly inappropriate and intolerable to the harmonious relationships necessary for the operations of the camp program. Harassment has the potential to create an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment and may unreasonably interfere with an individual’s work performance, which could adversely affect an individual’s employment opportunity.

Harassment includes all unwelcome advances, written or verbal innuendoes, threats, insults, or disparaging remarks concerning a person’s gender, national origin, race, creed, color, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, physical or mental disability or religious beliefs that are offensive to a person associated with the camp program. Examples include verbal harassment (epithets, derogatory comments, demeaning jokes, slurs, threats, etc.), physical harassment (assault, unnecessary touching, impeding or blocking movement, physical interference with normal work or movement, etc.) and visual harassment (derogatory or demeaning posters, cards, cartoons, graffiti, gestures, etc.).

  1. Sexual Harassment

In addition to the above, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and conduct of a sexual nature when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment AND/OR submission to, or rejection of, such conduct is the basis for, or a factor in, any employment decision affecting the individual. Any employee who has a question or concern regarding any type of discrimination or harassment is encouraged to bring it to the attention of their immediate Site Director. Any individual who is found to have harassed another individual will be subject to disciplinary action up to termination. Persons that have been exposed to harassment are encouraged to report the harassment to an appropriate supervisor. Supervisors that become aware of unlawful harassment or inappropriate behavior must report the incident to the Site Director or the Parks and Recreation Director.

  1. Lunch

Full day staff may bring a lunch. Some camp locations do not provide a snack stand to purchase food for lunch. Staff accompanying field trips over the lunch hour should also pack their lunch.

  1. Visitors

Staff members are not permitted to bring guests or visitors with them at any time. Unfamiliar faces wandering the campus should be politely directed to the Site Supervisor.

  1. Leaving the Camp

All staff members must receive permission from the Site Supervisor when leaving the camp for any reason.

  1. Items NOT to Bring to Camp

Please do not bring the following items to camp:

  • Jewelry and valuables
  • Ipods or other electronics
  • Cash
  • Weapons of any kind (i.e. water guns, slingshots, etc.)

Any item that is found to be inappropriate to bring to camp will be taken away and given back to you at the end of camp. We cannot be responsible for items that are lost or stolen.

  1. Personal Equipment

The camp will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any personal property brought to camp.

  1. Injuries or Sickness

1. If a camper suddenly becomes ill or is injured in any way, staff is required to attend to the camper’s needs and inform the Site Supervisors so that they can call the parents. In the case of an emergency, supervisors will call 911 and escort the camper to the hospital.

2. If a staff person is hurt or injured in any way, contact your supervisor immediately so the injury can be assessed and the necessary report completed. In case of an emergency, an administrator will escort you to the hospital.

  1. Medication

No medication, and this includes sunscreen, is to be given to campers if the Medical Release Form has not been completely filled out by the parent.

  1. Ticks

Please make sure that you check yourself for ticks after each camp day.

  1. Sunscreen and Sun Block

Sunscreen and sun block are recommended! Please apply sunscreen prior to the camp day.


These are policies that you are to follow while you work at camp. If you have any questions or need guidance on any issue, please see the Site Director.