INSTRUCTOR: / Stacy Ebert / E-MAIL: /
OFFICE: / S108 / OFFICE PHONE: / 281-756-5660
CELL PHONE: / 281-451-6672

HECO 1322 is a study of nutrients including functions, food sources, digestion, absorption and metabolism with application to normal and preventive nutrition needs across the lifespan. The course includes nutrient intake analysis, energy expenditure evaluation, and diet planning. (3 lecture hours/week)


Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

1.Apply nutritional knowledge to analyze personal dietary intakes, to plan nutritious meals using nationally established criteria to meet recommended goals, and to evaluate food labels and the validity of nutritional claims.

2.Trace the pathways and processes that occur in the body to handle nutrients and alcohol through consumption, digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism, storage and waste excretion.

3.Discuss functions, sources, deficiencies, and toxicities of macro- and micronutrients, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and minerals.

4.Apply the concept of energy balance and its influences at the physical, emotional, societal, and cellular level to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of various methods used to correct energy imbalances.

5.Utilize concepts of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems, and knowledge about macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, ergogenics, and supplements and relate them to fitness and health.

6.Describe health and disease issues related to nutrition throughout the life cycle, including food safety, corrective dietary modifications, and the influence of specific nutrients on diseases.


Prerequisite: BIOL 2401. Corequisite: READ 0309


Lecture Text: Whitney, E. N. & Rolfes, S. R. (2016). Understanding Nutrition, (14th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Software:Diet Analysis Plus 9.0 or 10.0 Software (online or CD rom version)

Up-to-date textbook information (including the correct ISBN) for this course can be found at The textbook/diet analysis software can be purchased online and mailed directly to your residence. Additionally, they both can be purchased from the ACC bookstore, room E-112.


The preferred method of communicating with your instructor is through email or text my cell phone. You may also reach me in my office (281-756-5660). I respond to texts very quickly, and will usually respond to calls or emails within 24 hours.


The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus as needed and will notify the students of any changes using ACC email or Blackboard announcements.


Make-up exams and Make-up homework will be allowed for excused absences only. All make-up exams will be taken in the ACC Learning Lab. Students have 1 week to make up an exam after they return to campus. Unexcused absences for lecture exams or homework will result in a grade of zero for that exam or assignment.

  • Please make sure that all cell phones and pages are turned off or are on vibrate. Your ringtone may be the greatest symphonic achievement since Mozart, but no one paid money to come to class and listen to your cell phone.
  • You will have to study and read outside of class to be successful.
  • Come by my office if you find yourself getting behind. Don’t wait until the last minute.
  • Work is not an excuse for missing class. Make sure to work out your scheduling.
  • Ask questions. No questions are stupid questions.
  • Form study groups in class. Two brains are always better than one!
  • All students are required to attend their scheduled lectures.
  • Excused absences (for exams and quizzes) will be allowed for the following reasons:

School trips and/or functions – arrangements must be made with our instructor prior to the absence.

Death in the immediate family – a notice must be sent to your instructor.

Too ill to attend class – a note from your physician must be brought to your instructor.

  • Extra credit work will not be granted for any reason.
  • Students are responsible for all work missed. Notes, data, etc. from missed lectures may be obtained from your instructor or other students.

4 Lecture Exams (100 points each) = 70%

Homework Average= 30%

Total= 100%

Grade Calculation

  • Lecture average = AVG (exam1, exam2, exam3, exam4)
  • Homeworkgrade = (Points earned/total points) * 100
  • Final class average = (LectureAvg*.7) + (HWGrade*.3)

There will be four lecture exams (100 points each) throughout the semester. The exams will be 80% multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and matching type questions. The remaining 20% of the exam will be essay questions. Exams are not comprehensive.


Alvin Community College students are members of an institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through a formalized program of instruction and learning. At the heart of this endeavor, lie the core values of academic integrity, which include honesty, truth, and freedom from lies and fraud. Because personal integrity is important in all aspects of life, students at Alvin Community College are expected to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity both in and out of the classroom. Incidents of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and students guilty of such conduct are subject to severe disciplinary measures.


Americans With Disabilities Act:

ACC complies with ADA and 504 Federal guidelines by affording equal access to individuals who are seeking an education. Students who have a disability and would like classroom accommodations must register with the Office of Disability Services, A 136, 281-756-3533. Instructors are not able to provide accommodations until the proper process has been followed.

Assessment and Care Team (ACT) – Letting Someone Know:

Are you concerned about a currently enrolled ACC student or community resident on campus?Consider making a referral to ACC’s Assessment and Care Team (ACT).The Assessment and Care Team consists of a multi-disciplinary group of ACC employees including counselors, faculty, police, and student services staff.The ACT is committed to providing ACC staff, employees and students with supportive resources through a practical, collaborative, and thoughtful approach to the prevention, identification, assessment, intervention and holistic management of situations that may be disruptive in a student’s academic progress or to the well-being of campus employees.

For an urgent emergency call: (281)-756-3700 or go to the Campus Police in Building H, room H-132.

ACC Library:

The ACC library is an excellent source for research and writing help. For more information, visit the ACC Library Website or call 281-756-3559.

ACC Learning Lab:

The ACC Learning Lab is located upstairs in building A, and provides students with a variety of services including: tutoring (math, writing, and other disciplines); computers and printers; a testing facility; and tables/carrels for studying. Call 281-756-3566 or visit the ACC Learning Lab Website for more information.


Any technical problems or issues with MyBlackboard should be directed to the Distance Education Department at . Include your first and last name, student ID number, and a description of the problem. Students will not be penalized if there is an interruption in MyBlackboard service and the instructor is notified of such an issue by the Distance Education Department.

ACC Computer Labs:

For help with WEBAccess, passwords, or to get information on the ACC Computer Labs, visit the ACC Help Desk Website, or contact the IT Department Help Desk at 281-756-3544.


1Introduction, Overview of Nutrition1

2Planning a Healthy Diet2

3Digestion, Absorption, and Transport3

4Test 1

Carbs and Lipids4,5

5Lipids and Protein5,6

6Metabolism and Energy Balance7

7Test 2

Water Soluble Vitamins10

8Fat Soluble Vitamins11

9Water, Major Minerals, Trace Minerals12,13

10Test 3

Weight Management and Fitness9,14

11Pregnancy and Lactation Nutrition15

12Infancy, Childhood, and Adolescence Nutrition16

13Adulthood-Senior Nutrition17

14Nutrition and the Consumer 19

15Global Hunger and the Environment20

16Finals --

Important Dates

Labor Day:9/5

Last day to drop with no grade/census date: 9/7

Withdrawal Date:11/14

Thanksgiving:11/23 – 11/25

Finals: 12/5 – 12/10