Department of Ecology and Evolutionary BiologyPhone: +1(785) 864-1500

Kansas Biological Survey

University of KansasE-mail:

Lawrence, KS, USA, 66047.

Professional Details


University of Kansas/Assistant Professor/2013-

Kansas Biological SurveyAssistant Researcher2013-

Lincoln University, Bio-Protection CenterPostdoctoral Fellow2012-2013

Archbold Biological StationResearch Associate, 2011-current

University of Texas at AustinPostdoctoral Fellow2010-2012
National Wetlands Research CenterBiologist I 2003-2005

Postdoctoral Fellow – Lincoln University, New Zealand2012-2013

David H. Smith Postdoctoral Research Fellow- University of Texas at Austin2010-2012

“Utilizing natural soil biotic communities to enhance ecosystem resilience and recovery”

Ph.D.-University of Guelph, Canada 2005-2010

“Functional Differences in Arbuscular Mycorrhizas: Causes and Consequences”

BSc.- University of Tennessee, Knoxville1997-2001

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)

Awards and Grants

David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship ($141,000 total)2010-2012

FESIN travel grant- Edinburgh Fungal Metagenomics Workshop ($2,000)2010

Parkinson Travel Award, Soil Ecological Society ($400)2009

Visiting Researcher Grant, Freie Universität Berlin-CIC (3100 €)2009

University of Guelph, International Graduate Scholarship ($4,000 total) 2007, 2008

University of Guelph Graduate Scholarship ($2,000)2007

Arthur Richmond Memorial Scholarship, University of Guelph ($3,500)2006

Gold Award Customer Satisfaction /National Wetlands Research Center ($500)2005

Journal Articles

† = undergraduate student co-author,‡=high school student co-author,i= invited

  1. BA Sikes, H Maherali, JN Klironomos. (2013) Mycorrhizal fungal growth responds to soil characteristics, but not plant host identity, during a primary lacustrine dune succession. Mycorrhiza. In press.
  1. BA Sikes, H Maherali, JN Klironomos. (2012)Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities change among three stages of primary sand dune succession but do not alter plant growth. Oikos. 121: 1791-1800.
  1. KC Courtney†, LD Bainard, BA Sikes, AM Koch, MM Hart, H Maherali, and JN Klironomos (2012) Determining a minimum detection threshold in terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Journal of Microbiological Methods 88(1): 14-18.
  1. J Harnden†, AS MacDougalland BA Sikes.(2011)Field-based effects of allelopathy in invaded tallgrass prairie. Botany89(4): 227-234.
  1. SA Schnitzer, JN Klironomos, J HilleRisLambers, LL Kinkel, PB Reich, K Xiao, MC Rillig, BA Sikes & RM Callaway. (2011) Soil microbes drive the classic plant diversity–productivitypattern.Ecology92(2): 296-303. [Selected by Faculty of 1000]
  1. BA Sikes, JR Powell, MC Rillig. (2010) Deciphering the relative contributions of multiple functions within plant-microbe symbioses.Ecology 91(6): 1591-1597.
  1. BA Sikes, K Cottenie and JN Klironomos. (2009)Plant and fungal identity determines pathogenprotection of plant roots by arbuscular mycorrhizas.Journal of Ecology 97: 1274-1280.
  1. RJ Howard, SE Travis and BA Sikes. (2007)Rapid Growth of a Eurasian haplotype of Phragmites australis in a restored brackish marsh in Louisiana, USA. Biological Invasions 10(3): 369-379.
Manuscripts In Review

R1.BA Sikes, J Paszalek†, NE de Leon‡, CV Hawkes. Fungal Endophytes from Converted Pastures Outgrow and Outcompete Native Endophytes. Fungal Ecology

R2.C Aslan, BA Sikes, K Gedan.Mutualisms between native and non-native partners in earth, air, and water.Journal of Ecology

Manuscripts In Preparation (full manuscripts at the editing stage)

P1.M Mann‡, CV Hawkes, BA Sikes. Fungal endophyte improves corn root proliferation in living soils, but simultaneous addition with mycorrhizal fungi inhibits benefits. Target Journal: Journal of Agronomy

Non peer-reviewed/ Book Chapters articles

B1.BA Sikesi(2012) Internalizing Conservation through our own Microbes. Conservation Biology, 26(2): 198.

B2.BA Sikes i. (2010) When do arbuscular mycorrhizas protect plant roots from pathogens? Plant Signaling and Behavior 5(6): 763-765.

B3.BE Wolfe, JL Parrent, AM Koch, BASikes, M Gardes, JN Klironomos. (2009) Spatial heterogeneity in mycorrhizal populations and communities: scales and mechanisms. In Mycorrhizas – Functional Processes and Ecological Impact. Edited by C. Azcon-Aguilar, J.M. Barea, S. Gianinazzi, V. Gianinazzi-Pearson. Springer-Verlag. Berlin Heidelberg. Chapter 12. Pg. 167- 185.

Scientific Presentations(*presenter,)

BA Sikes (2011) Enhanced restoration using soil microbial communities. Curious Nature web presentation:

Invited Talks

BA Sikes (2013) Deciphering the dirt: understanding microbes, their roles in ecosystems, and potential application. Louisiana State University.
BA Sikes (2013) Deciphering the dirt: understanding microbes, their roles in ecosystems, and potential application. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment, University of Western Sydney-Hawksbury Campus, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
BA Sikes (2012) Plant and Fungal Community Assembly Can Determine Exotic or Native Dominance. EcoPathWays Seminar Series: Lincoln University. Lincoln, New Zealand.
BA Sikes (2012) Deciphering the dirt: understanding microbes, their roles in ecosystems, and potential application. Bio-Protection Research Centre. Lincoln, New Zealand.
BA Sikes (2011) Soil microbes as a restoration tool to improve degraded landscapes. Society for Conservation Biology (SCB-ICCB). Auckland, New Zealand.

BA Sikes(2011)Can soil microbial amendments enhance plant and ecosystem restoration?Baylor University Seminar. Waco, TX, USA.

BA Sikes (2011)Changes in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi during sand dune succession and their effects on plants. Rice University Seminar. Houston, TX, USA

BA Sikes (2011) Using soil microbes to enhance restoration of native Florida scrub. Lake Wales Ridge Ecological Working Group (LWREWG), Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, FL

BA Sikes*, JN Klironomos. (2008) Who wears the pants? Plant roots, pathogens and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Ecological Society of America (ESA), Milwaukee, WI,USA

Contributed Talks

BA Sikes*. (2010)Utilizing natural soil biotic communities to enhance ecosystem recovery and resilience. Society of Conservation Biology(SCB-ICCB), Edmonton, AB, Canada.

BA Sikes*, JN Klironomos (2009)Where’s the biota? Lack of differential plant benefit from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi across a sand dune succession. Soil Ecology Society, Burlington, VT, USA.

JR Powell*, BA Sikes, MC Rillig. (2009) Evolution of pathogen protection in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. British Ecological Society, Hertfordshire, U.K.

BA Sikes*, JN Klironomos. (2007)The Roots of Succession. Soil Ecology Society (SES), Moab, UT, USA.

RJ Howard*, SE Travis, BA Sikes. (2006) Growth comparisons between European and U.S. Gulf of Mexico clones of Phragmites australis in different environmental conditions. Society of Wetland Scientists, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.


BA Sikes*, JN Klironomos. (2007)The Roots of Succession.Soil Ecology Society (SES), Moab, UT, USA.

JR Powell, PM Antunes, L Carvalho, G De Deyn, A Fisher, JN Klironomos, J Rodrigues, BA Sikes*. (2006) International Conference on Mycorrhizae (ICOM5), Granada, Spain.

RJ Howard, SE Travis, and BA Sikes. (2005) Invasiveness of a European lineage of Phragmites australis in a restored Louisiana coastal wetland.Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Charleston, SC.

Teaching Experience

Guest Lectures

University of Texas at Austin

Microbial Ecology 364 (Spring 2011, 2012)

Advanced Topics in Microbial Ecology graduate level discussion group (Fall 2010)

University of Guelph

Environmental Soil Biology 3200 (Spring 2010)

Students Supervised

Estefania de Leon (Fall 2011-Spring 2012): University of Texas at Austin

High School Senior: UT Research and Design Intern

Rudy Portillo (Fall 2011): University of Texas at Austin Freshman Research Initiative

Effect of root fungal endophytes on competition between native and invasive plants

Michael Mann (Fall 2011- Spring 2012):International Science Fair (high school student)

Interactions between Piriformospora indica and Glomus intradices on Maize growth; 2nd place in Intel International Science Fair, Plant Science Category.

Matt Daley (2010-2011): University of Texas at Austin (co-advised w/ Christine Hawkes)

Effects of Drought and Priority Effects on Fungal Community Assembly

John Paszalek (2010-2011): University of Texas at Austin (co-advised w/ Christine Hawkes)

Senior thesis: Fungal Endophyte Resource Use and Competition

Adam Garibay (2010-2011): University of Texas at Austin

High School Senior: UT Research and Design Intern: Fungal decomposition of Bahiagrass

Kevin Courtney (2009-2010): University of Guelph (co-advised with John Klironomos)

Honors thesis: T-RFLP limitations in mycorrhizal fungal detection -> leading to publication

Graduate Teaching Assistant - University of Guelph

Environmental Biology I (ENV1020)2009

Humans and the Natural World (ZOO1500)2009, 2006

Biology I (1030)2008

Biostatistics and the Life Sciences (BIO2250)2008

Community Ecology (BIO3120)2007

Ecological Methods (BIO4110)2007, 2006, 2005



Undergraduate Curriculum Committee- Guelph Integrative Biology2009

Seminar Committee- Guelph Integrative Biology 2008

Associate Professor IB/BIO Search Committee- Guelph2008


Ad-hoc Handling Editor: Conservation Biology

Recent Reviewer: PNAS, Ecology, American Journal of Botany, Oikos, Plant and Soil


SCB North America Board Member at Large2011-2014

ESA Soil Ecology Society Nominating Committee2008


Ecological Society of America (2005-present); Soil Ecological Society (2006-present); Society for Conservation Biology (Lifetime member); AAAS (2009-present)


UT Design and Research Mentor- High school student internship2010,2011, 2012

National Science Fair Mentor (high school)2011

Conservation biology symposium for 40 AP Env. Bio. Students2011

Organized symposium between Crockett High School and Smith Fellows;

Crockett teacher contact: Michael Herring:

Other Research Experience

National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC)2003-2005

General Biologist I /Genetics Researcher

UTK Center for Environmental Biotechnology2003

Volunteer Research Assistant

UTK Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries2002

Field Research Assistant

Institute for Biological Invasions2001- 2002

Research Assistant, Volunteer Research/Web Design


Benjamin A. Sikes- Curriculum Vitae