Article I.Name

This group shall be known as Saint Augustine’s Sodality.

Article II.Mission

Saint Augustine’s Sodality miss ion is to lead members to Jesus through Mary and to cooperate with and assist St. Augustine’s Parish and Community spiritually, socially and financially.

Article IIIMembership/Meetings/Dues

Membership is open to all ladies 18 years of age and over.

Meetings are held monthly from September through May.

Dues are $10 per year and due and payable at the September meeting.

Article IV.Officers

The officers are the President, Vice-President, Secretaryand Treasurer. The term of office for all officers will be two years. There is no term limit.

A nominating committee of at least two members will be established at the March meeting to survey the general membership for nominations. A slate of officers will be presented at the April meeting and voted upon at the May meeting. The officers will assume their respective offices at the September meeting.

Duties of Officers:

President –

Preside over business meeting

Ensure the organization abides by its By-Laws and established policies

Provide leadership and policy guidance

Regularly inform the membership of organization activities

Charge committees (See Appendix A attached)

Receive reports from committees

With the Treasurer, oversee the accuracy of the bookkeeping records

Vice-President –

Preside over business meeting in the absence of the President

Other duties as the President assigns

Secretary –

Custodian of records for the organization

Record minutes at business meetings, including motions made and voting results

Provide minutes of preceding meeting at monthly meetings

Responsible for sending out correspondence for the organization

Read correspondence sent to the organization at monthly meetings

Treasurer –

Monitor the financial condition of the organization

Oversee. With the President, the fiscal affairs of the organization

Maintain the organizations financial records, using standard accounting procedures

Collect and record dues

Recommend modifications as needed

Article V.Filling Vacancies

The general membership will be approached at the meeting following a vacancy for volunteers to fill the office. A vote will be immediately taken. In the event an office cannot be filled, the other officers of the organization will assume the responsibilities of the vacant position until such time as the office is filled.

Article VIExpulsion of Officers

In the event of unethical conduct by an officer in the administration of her duties, she may be relieved of her position as follows:

A presentation of the facts must be made at a business meeting by the member/members presenting the request for expulsion.

The officer in question may respond immediately at this meeting or request to waive her response until the next meeting at which time she must present a rebuttal.

After the officer in question has been given an opportunity to respond to the charges, a ballot vote of the general membership will be taken. These votes will be tallied by the other officers and one person, elected by general consensus of the membership at large.

If acquitted of the charges, the officer will remain in her position. If an expulsion is voted for, the vacated office will be filled using the Filling Vacancies section of these by-laws.

Article VIIVoting Procedures

Voting will be by quorum. A quorum consists of one fourth of the dues paying members of the organization as determined by the Treasurer.

Article VIIBy-Law Amendment Procedures

Amendments may be made to these by-laws by making a motion at a business meeting and voting on the amendment by quorum.




In order to continue the outstanding work and activities that have been the history of the Sodality at St. Augustine’s, it is essential that all active members join at least one of the standing committees. The current officers have agreed to hold only a co-chair position in any committee to allow for more participation by the membership.


In collaboration with Membership Chair will maintain accurate Phone Tree to be used for notification of membership of all activities as deemed appropriate.

Prepare notices for Parish Bulletin and submit in a timely fashion for publication prior to all events. Provide updated information as needed for the Sodality web site.


Oversee varied on-going project, e.g. Project Linus, gifts for the Military, McKeets Nursing Home Party, Little Sisters of the Poor assistance.

Coordinate cleaning of the Church both weekly and semi-annually.


Coordinate all fund raising events, e.g., afghan raffle, bake sales, 50/50 raffle.


In collaboration with the Treasurer will maintain an accurate roll of all active and inactive members with contact information.

Endeavor to recruit new members and retain present membership.


Maintain a list of member’s birthdays and announce at month meetings.

Organize travel as determined by the membership.

Coordinate Christmas Dinner and spring activity.

Schedule meeting refreshments