Uploading a Payroll File
To upload a payroll file in SchARP, logon to SchARP andfollow the steps below.
Note: If the Payroll File Upload page does not appear immediately, select Payroll>Upload Payroll File from the PlanCenter menu in SchARP.
Step 1: Upload File
- On the Upload File page, select a Plan from the list.
- In the Pay Date field, select an available payroll date
OR - Click Off Cycle Payroll and select a date from the calendar in the Pay Date field.
- Select theSkip New Participant Threshold Checkoptions to bypass the automatic system check on the percentage of new participants added to the plan.
- Select any or all Plan Divisions.
- Select a file and click Upload Payroll File.
Step 2: Verify File
- On the VerifyFile page, select the appropriate Excel worksheet.
- Select the appropriate Financial and Synoptic templates if different from the default templates, as defined in SQL Recordkeeping ADT.
- Click Apply Templates.
- Review the data and, if it looks correct, check the box I agree that my data looks correct.
- Click Submit File for Edit.
Step 3: Review/Adjust Contribution Totals
- View the totals for each source on the payroll file in the Contribution column.
- If you are reducing your funding by using forfeitures, enter the amount of the reduction in the Forfeiture column.
- Enter any other adjustments in the Adjustment column.
- To view the Payroll Validation page, which shows the results of the payroll data validation, click Validate Payroll Data.
- If another user will be performing the validation review, click Submit for Review.
- If the displayed Contribution Totals are not correct, select one of the following options:
-Re-UploadPayroll— If you selected the wrong payroll file, this option allows you to return to the first upload window and choose a different file to upload.
-Mark Payroll with Exception— The second option will allow you to mark the event with a business exception status, allowing the payroll upload process to move forward by submitting the file to your operations team for further attention.
Step 4: Review Notice of Deposit (for users of the Schwab Trust platform only)
- If you have not previously been authenticated by Schwab Retirement Center (SRC), you must enter your SRC Username and Password now and click Submit. This is a one-time authentication that will not be repeated in the future.
- On the Notice of Deposit page, view the NOD values and do one of the following:
-Click Save NOD Dataand proceed to the Payroll Validation page. You can edit the NOD data now; however, if you are using the Calculate Match feature, your NOD data will be incomplete until after the match or non-elective contribution amount has been determined, if applicable.Consequently,the NOD information must be reviewed and submitted later in the process.
-Click Add NOD Recordto add a new NOD record to the grid.
-Click Reset to clear changes and reset NOD record.
-Click Skip NOD.
Step 5: Review/Correct Validated Payroll Data (optional)
- View the color-coded status summary that appears at the upper left of the page, itemizing the number of participant records that passed validation as well as the number of critical errors, warnings, and data validation errors that were encountered.(See “Status Color Codes and Icons”)
- View Financial and Synoptic Validation Reports for reference, as needed.
- View the validation results on the Financial Template and Synoptic Template tabs and make any necessary corrections to the data by clicking on the appropriate column of the grid.Modified data is marked with a pencil icon .
- After making corrections, click Re-Validate Payroll Data to repeat the system validation of payroll data.
- If the results look correct, click Submit(if status is green) or Submit with Warnings (if status is yellow) or Submit for Review (If you do not have approval rights). If there are no errors and approval is not required, the payroll process continues to the next step when submitted.
Note:You can upload with multiple templates but Payroll Validation only supports one Synoptic template and one Financial template at this time.
Status Color Codes and Icons
The colors codes and associated icons associated with each type of Validation satus are described below:
/ Green indicates that no errors were encountered during the validation process. Click Submit to submit the file./ Yellow indicates that non-critical errors (warnings) and/or data validation errors (if enabled in Plan Maintenance) were encountered during the validation process. Each warning error is identified by a yellow warning icon in the appropriate row of the grid, with an arrowicon that you can click to view a description of the warning.Data validation errors are marked with a blue information icon.
Click Submit with Warnings to submit the file.
/ Red indicates that critical errors, as defined in ADT, were encountered during the validation process, which can include exceptions generated from the Financial/Synoptic edit. Each error is identified by a red error icon in the appropriate row of the grid, with an arrowicon that you can click to view a description of the error. The file cannot be submitted until all critical errors are corrected.
Step 6: Payroll Upload Summary
After you submit the payroll file, the Payroll File Upload Summary appears, providing a record of the upload process
To print a copy of the summary, click the Print button in the lower right corner of the page.
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