The club operates on a Friday evening in term-time from 6.30-9pm. The first session in each new term is closed for planning but nominated club reps are invited to feed into the planning process.The club is open to 11-19 year olds.
It cost 50p per week.
We understand that not all members will be able to afford to come to the club, so we operate a ‘Pay It Forward’ scheme. Where members can choose to give an extra 10p per week which would be available to another member who for whatever reason can’t pay their subs one week. We monitor this carefully i.e. if someone turns up to the club with a bag of sweets and a KFC and they say they can’t afford their subs. They wouldn’t be offered the ‘pay it forward’ option.
Red Brick Building Youth Club operated in partnership withMendip YMCA.
The club will continue to offer the usual regular activities like air hockey, table football, basketball shootout, arts and crafts etc. but with extra fun activities focusing on relationships, health and well-being including sexual health, personal safety, participation and independence.
New members are buddied up. The buddy will explain the ground rules, how the club works and where the toilets are etc.
Members are asked for their opinion on how the club is run and activities are based on their interests.
We provide opportunities for young people to seek support and advice relating to health, personal issues, education and careers on an ‘established need’ basis.
All staff hold a clean DBS certificate, they have received training in safeguarding, first aid and safe food handling.
The club has been awarded a Safe and Welcoming benchmark from Somerset County Council which confirms that all the club’s health and safety, risk assessments and safeguards are in place.
You can keep up to date and see what the club has been up to my liking the Red Brick Building Youth Page.
& signing up to the Youth Club newsletter.
Red Brick Youth Club Ground Rules
Be Respectful - Be Kind - Be Honest - Be Safe
If you choose to attend this Youth Club you will be expected to keep to the Ground Rules discussed and agreed between the Red Brick Youth and its leaders.
While you are at the club you are representing the club please make us proud.
- You must sign in and out every time you arrive and leave even if you just leaving for a short time.
- Respect each other, volunteers and staff
- Respect the equipment and the building
- Please enter and leave the building quietly and be considerate of other users (Do not hang around the stairs or in front of the building, the club is held in the studio nowhere else unless supervised.)
- Be polite (‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ cost nothing but mean a lot)
- No illegal substances, tobacco, e-cigarettes or alcohol on the premises (including the car park) Parents will be informed!
- Listen to each other
- Offer help to people who need it
- Do not bring in an item that can be deemed as an offensive weapon i.e. Baseball bat, knifes etc. These items will be confiscated and parents and maybe the police will be called.
- Be honest
- Do not sit on the tables or windowsills (This is for your own safety)
- Do not walk or loiter in/through the car park – KEEP to the Path.
- If you pop outside for fresh air the ground rules still apply in the Red Brick grounds
- Stay safe,please arrange to be collected by a parent or walk with other friends.
- No canoodling in the club or grounds
- Scooter or skateboard outside not in the building
- Don’t go against your parent’s consent. (if your parent hasn’t given permission to leave the club during a session you must stay in the club or your parent will be contacted)
Some behaviour will instantly not be tolerated
Fighting - In Possession of an offensive weapon -Damage to Property - Abusive Language/Behaviour - Stealing
To be completed by parent/gradian and returned to the club as your next session.
NB without consent you will be not be allowed to return to the club.
Members full NameName of Parent/Guardian: / Relationship to member
Parental contact - e-mail address: / Home Tel:
Work Tel: / Mobile:
Address if different from member
2nd Contact Name of Parent/Guardian: / Relationship to member
Parental contact - e-mail address: / Home Tel:
Work Tel: / Mobile:
Address if different from member
Medical Information/Dietary Requirements/Allergies
Please down any medical information, including any dietary restrictions or allergies that you think may be important for us to know.Any other important information you think we should know about:
I understand that the club leader and/or other adults approved by the Red Brick Building Board of Directors will take reasonable care of my daughter/son. In the very unlikely event of an injury and I am uncontactable, I am willing for my child to receive emergency care from a medical professional i.e. doctor or paramedic Yes/No including an anaesthetic. Yes/No
Print Name______
Signed (parent/or adult with parental responsibility) ______
Please add any other information that you feel the youth club team should be aware off to ensure the member settles quickly and happily into the club.
Please tick as appropriate .I have read and understood club rules. I understand that my child may be asked to leave the club if rules are broken. (in these circumstances the lead worker in charge will contact you)
I give consent for my son/daughter to take part in normal activities of this club on a Friday night. i.e. Table tennis, board games, craft activates, group games. On occasion activities and workshops will be run by tenants and volunteers of the building. I understand that my Son or Daughter will be fully supervised by the club leader and helper during such activities. E.g. Broadcasting with GFM, Media, Music, Cooking, Crafts will all be in addition to the normal activities.
I give consent for my son/ daughter to take part in informative youth development activities. These activities will be weaved into the usual programme of activities and will always be fun and engaging
Example of topics covered
Relationships - Friendships, Confidence Building and Self-esteem.
Health and Wellbeing - Healthy Eating, Fitness, Mental Health awareness, Drugs Awareness, Alcohol, Smoking, Gambling and Sexual Health.
Personal Safety Internet, Bullying, Child protection.
Understanding yourself Communication, Team work, Cognitive development, Emotional intelligence, Creativity
Participation – Understanding our community, Volunteering, Equality and Diversity, Environment, Global education.
Independence – Skills for independent living, money management, employment ready, cooking.
I am happy formy child to leave the club with friends during session i.e. To visit Tesco’s, fast food restaurants or the skate park. I understand that once my child leaves the club they are no longer the responsibility of the club.
I am happy forThe Red Brick Building to use photos and videos of my child inpromotional materials, funders’ reports and on the Red Brick Building website/social media. A member’s name will never be included with a photo or video.
NB Many young people own and use a personal smart device. The Red Brick Building cannot be held responsible for any images taken and uploaded to social media by member’s friends and peers.
I would like to receive a dedicated Youth Club Newsletter so I can be kept informed of up and coming events, activities and information. This newsletter is about your children!
(I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time, we will never share your details with third parties)
I would also like to receive the Monthly e-Newsletter from The Red Brick Building.
(I understand that I can unsubscribe at any time, we will never share your details with third parties)
Club Members Name______
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
Parent/Guardian name in block capitals: ______Date:______
Please note that all additional youth group activities that take us outside the usual venues (trips, residential etc.) will require a separate consent form and you will always be given plenty of notice and details well in advance.
Please also be aware that this information will be stored securely in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988, The Red Brick Building and Mendip YMCA will only use personal data for youth work purposes. We do not make personal data available to other organisations unless a specific safeguarding issue has been identified and it is in line with Child Protection protocols.
This information is required by some of our funders,and is also a condition of your membership of Red Brick Building Youth Club
White Irish
White (Other)
Please State ______
Black (African)
Black (Caribbean)
Black (Other)
Please State ______/ Indian
Asian (Other)
Please State ______
Any Other ethnic background
Please State ______/ Mixed Black Caribbean /White
Mixed Black African/White
Mixed Asian/ White
Any other mixed or multiple ethnic background
Please State ______
Members Full Name / Male or Female (Please circle)Date of Birth: / Age at joining club
Post Code:
Emergency contact Name
Emergency contact telephone number
School /College (if applicable) / Members Email address
(This will only be used to share club news and events)
What are your Interests and hidden talents.
I ______(Club Member Print Name) understand that I can only be a club member if I promise to obey the club rules, (see below) I understand that if I repeatedly break the rules. I may be asked to leave. In these circumstances, I understand that my parent/guardian will be called and informed. I also understand I can only return to the club with parental consent. See consent form.
Signature of member______Date: ______
Club Rules
- While you are at the club you are representing the club please make us proud.
- You must sign in and out every time you arrive and leave even if you just leaving for a short time.
- Respect each other, volunteers and staff
- Respect the equipment and the building
- Please enter and leave the building quietly and be considerate of other users (Do not hang around the stairs or in front of the building, the club is held in the studio nowhere else unless supervised.)
- Be polite (‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ cost nothing but mean a lot)
- No illegal substances, tobacco, e-cigarettes or alcohol on the premises (including the car park) Parents will be informed!
- Listen to each other
- Offer help to people who need it
- Do not bring in an item that can be deemed as an offensive weapon i.e. Baseball bat, knifes etc. These items will be confiscated and parents and maybe the police will be called.
- Be honest
- Do not sit on the tables or windowsills (This is for your own safety)
- Do not walk or loiter in/through the car park – KEEP to the Path.
- If you pop outside for fresh air the ground rules still apply in the Red Brick grounds
- Stay safe, please arrange to be collected by a parent or walk with other friends.
- No canoodling in the club or grounds
- Scooter or skateboard outside not in the building
- Don’t go against your parent’s consent. (if your parent hasn’t given permission to leave the club during a session you must stay in the club or your parent will be contacted)
Fighting - In Possession of an offensive weapon -Damage to Property - Abusive Language/Behaviour - Stealing