The English version of the “Article 9 Association(A9A)” Bulletin and News
This is the translated version of the Japanese edition (No.195 dated November 15th, 2014). It is published by Katsuyuki Naraof the New English Teachers Association (or Shin-Eiken, Stuart McLelland.The translationis on our own.

UploadedDecember 13rd English edition No.129

Raise public awareness “Defend Article 9” at grass roots level

On October 28th, Miyagi prefecture A9A chapter held a press conference to introduce its 85 groups’ activities during the October intensive action period. Representative Kawai Kazushige said that the latest moves for constitutional revision and Japan-U.S. Defense guidelines gave momentum to those groups’ initiatives. The Miyagi Chapter is going to hold “Miyagi A9A rally” on November 15th, inviting A9A secretary-general Komori Yoichi and film star Sugawara Bunta as guest speaker.

Below are the latest activities held by local A9A groups.

Takayama group in Gifu

On October 25th, the group’s 15 members staged “Peace Action” in the tourist-crowded streets, calling for signatures against the Abe Cabinet decision on the Right To Collective Self-defense. They chanted, “Say ‘No’ to war!” and “Let not our children carry guns.”About the two-thirds of the tourists responded to them saying, “We’re worried about the militaristic atmosphere hovering over us,”and“Good luck in your activities.”The members distributed handouts carrying the message“No war!” and “Block the path to war!” translated into five foreign languages.

Nagoya City group

A peace parade and a signature campaign were conducted on October 10th in the main streets. About 100 people joined the action. They staged a signature campaign in front of local stations, and marched through the streets as far as the zoo, chanting“Defend the Constitution” and “No path to war.” At a plaza in front of the zoo entrance81-year-old peace activist Kurimoto Nobuko appealedto holiday-makers saying, “We war-victims won’t keep silent, and will spreadthe message of Article 9 worldwide.”Afterward, they sang a song,“Children Ignorant Of TheLast War,”and asked zoo visitors for signatures.

Kusumi group in Wakayama

On October 31st, the group carried out a demonstration for “No war!”“Defend Article 9!” and “No Collective Self-defense Right.”The demonstration came into being after a series of study meetings given by housewives with children. One young member clad in an animal costume who joined the campaign said, “I won’t let my childbe dragged into war.”

Shibecha group in Hokkaido

On October 25th they held their 11th rally. Hirano Atsushi, town resident, recalled his younger days when he received his call-up papers written in red, and said:“I shed tears when Isaid goodbye to ourfarm animals and trees. When I was ferried to the mainland, the debris left after air raids and bodies hanging on power lines came into my eyes. I was terrified and nearly fainted.”At the end of his speech, he called on participants to“Work on our movementtogether, to defendArticle 9.”Finally, the participants read together the part describing renunciation of war from the booklet “Story of the New Constitution” published by the education ministry in August 1947.

Given below are newly-born A9A groups.

Takasaki group

A new group, the 10th of its kind in Takasaski City, was set up on October 28th. After four preparatory meetings, it held its first public with 80 citizens attending.Naito Shinji, one of the founders of the fledging group, addressed the gathering saying, “For seven decades now, we have been free of war. Yet, prior to seventy years ago, Japan waged war every 10 years.”Next, Nagai Akira, representative of another local A9A group, said, “We should create ayouth branch in our group, and boost it with young people’s ideas.”