SPRING 2006 EE C054






SPRING 2006 EE C054


TRUE & FALSE - 10 points

1. Horsepower originated during the time when horses were first used to do work. True____ False____

2. Billington feels that everyone should understand equations. True____ False____

3. Bridges and arches have very little in common from a mathematical point of view. True____ False____

4. The major drawback of Newcomen’s steam engine was the very large boiler. True____ False____

5. Watt preferred linear motion whereas Bolton preferred rotary motion. True____ False____

6. Fulton’s two components necessary for his success were design skills and his money. True____ False____

7. Drag is the resistance seen by a steam engine’s piston. True____ False____

8. Copper has no resistance. True____ False____

9. Key elements of a telegraph system are copper wire, battery and electromagnet. True____ False____

10. One can generate much more force with electromagnets that are arranged in parallel. True____ False____



You are also allowed to comment or to explain your answer if you feel it is necessary. Comments and explanations can be entered in the space to the right of the choices.

1. Billington’s four primary categories that identify engineering works are (circle the "BEST ANSWER" )-

a. Structures, Machines, Networks, Projects.

b. Structures, Machines, Networks, Processes.

c. Structures, Engines, Networks, Power.

2. Some ways in which the steam engine enhanced technological development are:

a. Textile Industry

b. Bridges

b. Thermodynamics

c. New Measurement Ideas.

3. The Constitution of the United States does not expressly sanction, by any of its provisions, the establishment of (circle the "BEST ANSWER" ) -

a. An Engineering Council to enhance technology development.

c. Federal regulatory agencies.

d. More than one way to make money.

4. Had Fulton chosen a lower paddle velocity in his calculations for his steamboat design, he would have had to (circle the "BEST ANSWER" ) -

a. Start his calculations all over again.

b. Decrease paddle size (area).

c. Increase paddle size (area).

5. The word telegraph means -

a. Loud tapping noise.

b. Graphs sent by mental telepathy.

c. To write at a distance.

6. The first telegraph lines ran alongside -

a. Trolley lines.

b. Railroad lines.

c. Back country roads.



For this section, a short answer of 1 or 2 sentences will be enough. Too much is just as bad as too little. Also, lists get minimum points – sentences get more points.

1. What are formulas, what do they convey and what do they suggest?

2. As the project manager of Karnataka Construction Company, you determined that you needed to use 10 wires per cable in order to achieve a safety factor of 2 on cables with tensions of 150,000 pounds each. If the allowable stress for each wire is 45000 p.s.i,

a. What is the area of each wire in square inches?

b. What is the breaking strength in pounds for each wire?

c. If you needed to reduce the number of wires to 5 per cable, what would the new safety factor be? What does this tell you about engineering design?


3. Billington states that Watt was an inventor as well as an innovator. What is invention and what is innovation and how are they different? Why do you think Watt was considered both?

4. How was Fulton’s process of design an “early example of modern engineering design”?

5. What kind of engineers do you think are involved in building bridges and in what magnitude? Explain some possible responsibilities of the Engineers you have listed.

6. One of the most important equations in electrical engineering is Ohm’s Law, which is V = IR, where V is the voltage across a resistor (like pressure in a water pipe), I is the current flowing through a resistor (like water flowing through a pipe) and R is the resistance of the material to current flow (like the resistance produced by a hose nozzle restricting flow). Try to put Ohm’s Law into your own words.

Below are two EXTRA CREDIT questions


For this section you are allowed to pose a single question, related to material discussed in class or read in the course textbook (The Innovators), that you were well prepared for, but was not on the quiz. You must also answer the question. The question and answer will be graded based on level of difficulty, appropriateness, completeness of answer, and creativity. For example, a question like "Who wrote The Innovators?" would be worth 1 point max., maybe. Please note that you CANNOT use study questions.

5 points max. (for only one)

You can choose ONLY ONE of those below. Circle your choice.

1. Since reading Billington and attending class for the discussions about his writings, have you become less fearful or more fearful of mathematics and equations? Explain.

2. Can you trace the “genealogy” of the industrial revolution? That is, list the categories and the inventions in chronological order and explain the flow.

3. If you were to teach using Billington’s book, to students who were really fearful of mathematics and equations, how would you help them overcome their fear?