(Replaces two forms – see Page 2 for details)
Ref. No.
What will the proposed Location hold?
Nuclear material?....Associated items?... / Earliest date the proposed locationwould be used:
Proposed Location details
Street address: / Building name/number (if applicable):Other relevant descriptive details:
Material/Item details
Maximum quantity of material to be held at this location: / Kg....grams.. / Material category:
Description of item/materials to be used at proposed location
Proposed use of the item/material:
Updated control measures to be applied to the proposed Location
Describe proposed updates to the accountancy and control procedures:Describe proposed updates to the security arrangements:
Applicant’s signature, and permit details / ASNO use only
For Director General ASNO
Name :
Permit Holder: / Permit number:
Explanatory Notes
Ref No...... / A sequential reference number is required for each form of this type submitted by the Permit Holder (eg 001, 002, 003 etc). Where amendments are made to a previously submitted form, please use the same reference with a sequential revision number (eg 2005-003 Rev1).Associated items.... / Includes associated material (heavy water and graphite), associated equipment (eg, reactors, Zirconium tubes) and associated technology (SILEX laser enrichment technology).
Earliest date the Proposed Location would be used / Approval must be granted before nuclear material or associated items are introduced into the new location. Approvals are typically granted within:
(a)7 working daysfor proposed locations holding nuclear material;and
(b)20 working daysfor proposed locations holding associated items.
Proposed Location details / A map or other relevant information clearly identifying the proposed location should be attached to this form as part of the formal application.
Material Category... / Options are D (depleted uranium), N (natural uranium), L (uranium enriched to <20%), H (uranium enriched >20%), P (plutonium), T (thorium), W (heavy water), or G (graphite).
Updated control measures to be applied to the proposed Location / Plans and procedures should be attached as applicable. Changes to the accountancy and control procedures, and the security arrangements, shall be fully implemented prior to any nuclear material or associated items being held at the Approved Location.
Applicant’s signature. / This form must only be signed by an individual authorised by the Permit Holder to provide this application, notification or report.
This form replaces the following forms / ASO112 (version 3 - issued 22 July 2010) and ASO116