ImagineProductions ofColumbus,Inc
PerformanceSpace: Northland Preforming Arts Center
4411 Tamarack Blvd
Columbus, OH 43229
Revised August 2014
Thishandbook is meanttobe used as a guide topeople who are involved in Imagine ProductionsofColumbus,Inc,whetheryou are a member oftheExecutiveBoard,the ExecutiveStaff,or theProductionStaff.Thisis a work in progress thatwill be updated each season as we modifyour operations,procedures,and policies.
Imagine's mission is to educate and promote personal growth for performers and audiences through extraordinary theatrical experiences.
Imagine will be a prominent, inclusive and respected theatrical organization in Central Ohio. Through artistic and community partnerships and sound financial practices, we will continue to grow our production values and educational experiences.
ArticleI– Name
Thename ofthiscorporationshall be thatwhich is statedin theArticlesof Incorporation,namely “ImagineProductionsofColumbus,Inc.,”an Ohio domestic,non-profitcorporation,hereinaftersometimesreferredtoas the “corporation”or the“organization.”
ArticleII– Purpose
Thepurposes ofthecorporationshall be thosesetforthin theArticlesof
ArticleIII– Membership[TH1]
Section1 – ActiveMembership
Theactivemembership ofthecorporationshall consistofthosepersons actively participatingin one or more productionsofthecorporationfromJune 1 – May 31
ofeach year.Activemembers have fullvotingprivileges atmembership
meetings,and such otherprivileges as theExecutiveBoard shall fromtime-to- timedetermine.
Section2 – InactiveMembership
Inactivemembers shall be thosepersons who have formerlybeen active members,butwho have notparticipatedin any activitiesofthecorporationforat leastone year calculatedfromJune 1 – May 31.Inactivemembers may attend meetingsofthemembership,butshall nothave votingprivileges.TheExecutive Board shall determineany otherrightsand privileges ofinactivemembers.
Section3 – OtherClasses ofMembership
TheExecutiveBoard may provide forhonorary members,associatemembers, honorary officers,or any otherclasses ofmembership itdeterminestobe
appropriate.TheExecutiveBoard shall determinetherightsand privileges of
theseadditionalclasses ofmembership,ifany.
Section4 – Membership Roll
TheSecretary,under thedirectionoftheExecutiveBoard,will maintainthe officialmembership rosterofthecorporation.
Section5 – Membership AgreementtoBylawsPolicies
All activemembers ofthecorporation,by virtueoftheiractivemembership,shall agree toabide by,support,and uphold thearticlesofincorporation,these bylaws,and any policies and procedures adoptedby thecorporationor its ExecutiveBoard.TheExecutiveBoard shall establishpolicies todiscipline
members (including permanentexpulsion frommembership) who do notabide by
thissection,or whose actionsdefamethegood name and reputationofthe corporation.
ArticleIV– MembershipMeetings[TH2]
Section1 – Annual Meeting
Thereshall be an annual meetingofthemembership ofthecorporationforthe purpose ofelectingmembers oftheExecutiveBoard,and forany otherlawful
business thatmay come beforethemembership.Thismeetingshall takeplace
during themonthofMay,ata date,time,and place as determinedby the ExecutiveBoard.TheExecutiveBoard shall determinethemanner ofholding the annual meeting,and determinetheprocedures forconductingit.
Section2 – Special Meetings
Aspecial meetingofthemembership may be called by theExecutiveBoard, which shall also determineitstimeand location.No business may be conducted
ata special meetingthatwas notincluded in thecall forthatmeeting.
Section3 – Notice
Noticeofany annual or special meetingshall be provided toeach activemember notless thantendays prior tothemeeting,in a manner or manners determined by theExecutiveBoard.
Section4 – Quorum
Aquorum formeetingsofthemembership shall consistoftenactivemembers of thecorporation.
ArticleV– ExecutiveBoard
Section1 – Composition
Thecorporationshall be governed by an ExecutiveBoard which will consistofat leastsix,butnotgreaterthantenmembers.TheinitialExecutiveBoard will consistofsix members.An additionalboard member (up tothemaximum) shall be electedattheannual meetingin any year in which themembership ofthe corporationexceeds one hundred members,and thereafterata ratioofone additionalboard member foreach one hundred additionalmembers.Thisshall be determinedby examining themembership roll on April 15 ofeach year.
Section2 – Powers and Duties
TheExecutiveBoard shall have general authorityover thecorporation,shall set meetingdates,establishcommittees,and shall have such authorityas would
normally devolve on such governing boards as determinedby thelaws ofthe
StateofOhio,and as containedin theparliamentaryauthority.
Section3 – Policies
TheExecutiveBoard shall establishpolicies togovern thecorporation,and provide foritseffectiveadministration.All such policies shall be binding upon all
members and officersas a conditionofmembership.Officersmay give advisory
opinions,and thelike,concerning any topicwithinthescope oftheiroffice,but theseopinions are not,by themselves,binding upon thecorporationor the officer(s).TheExecutiveBoard is theonly instrumentofthesocietythatmay make,and rule upon,officialpolicy.
Section4 – Meetings
TheExecutiveBoard shall meetnotless thanquarterly,ata timeand place thatit shall determine.Special meetingsmay be called by thePresident,Vice- President,or by any threeboard members.
Section5 – ElectionsTerms[TH3]
Electionofboard members will takeplace attheannual meeting.Board members shall serve three-yearterms,and are eligible tobe re-elected.Terms
ofboard members shall be staggered,and theExecutiveBoard shall determine
theprocess forstaggeringthetermsofitsmembers.Board members electedat theannual meetingshall begin immediatelyserving as non-votingmembers of theboard,and shall officiallytakeofficeon August1 ofeach year.
Section6 – Quorum
Aquorum formeetingsoftheExecutiveBoard shall consistofa majorityofthe members oftheboard.
Section7 – Notice
Noticeofeach meetingoftheExecutiveBoard shall be provided toeach member no less thanone day in advance ofsaid meeting,unless thisrequirementis
waived by all members oftheboard.
Section8 – Resignation,Termination,Absences[TH4]
Aresignationas a member oftheExecutiveBoard mustbe in writing,and shall be delivered tothesecretary,who shall presentittotheExecutiveBoard for action.Any board member who has threeor more unexcused absences for board meetingsduring thecourse ofa year may be removed fromtheboard by a majorityoftheremaining members.Aboard member may be removed from officeforotherreasons by a 2/3voteoftheremaining board members.
Section9 – Vacancies[TH5]
Wheneverthereis a vacancy on theExecutiveBoard,theremaining board members shall appointan activemember toserve theremainder oftheterm according tosuch procedure as itshall adopt.
ArticleVI– ElectedOfficers[TH6]
Section1 – Officersand Elections
Theelectedofficersofthecorporationshall be a President,Vice-President, Secretary,and Treasurer.Officersshall be electedfromthemembers and
members-electoftheExecutiveBoard,and shall takeofficeon August1 ofeach year toserve a one year term.
Section2 – President
ThePresidentshall be thechiefexecutiveofficerofthecorporation.He/She shall preside atall meetingsofthemembership and oftheExecutiveBoard. He/Sheshall appointand dismiss all standingand special committees,subjectto theregulationoftheExecutiveBoard;cooperatewithall committeechairs and see tothetimelyreportingofcommittees;be an ex-officiomember ofall committees;have general oversightofall officersand activitiesofthe
corporation;and provide forthegeneral welfareofthecorporation.He/Sheshall performsuch otherdutiesas may be assigned by theExecutiveBoard.
Section3 – Vice-President
TheVice-Presidentshall assume thedutiesofthepresidentin theeventofthe latter’sabsence,disability,etc.He/Sheshall performsuch dutiesas are normally incidenttotheoffice,and such otherdutiesas shall be assigned by thePresident or theExecutiveBoard.
Section4 – Secretary
TheSecretaryshall have custodyof,and maintain,thegeneral records ofthe corporation;attendance,committeeappointments,elections,and contact informationofmembers;be responsible fortheeffectivecommunicationofall meetingstothemembership and theExecutiveBoard;takingminutesatall meetings;distributingagendas;and performingsuch otherdutiesas shall be assigned by thePresidentor theExecutiveBoard.
Section5 – Treasurer
TheTreasurershall be thechieffinancialofficerofthecorporation.He/Sheshall receive,and have custodyof,all monies and securitiesofthecorporation,and shall depositthesame in such financialinstitutionsas are determineby the ExecutiveBoard.He/sheshall have oversightofall monies ofthecorporation; shall pay all bills and otheritemsas necessary;sign all checks and vouchers for money;keep and maintainthegeneral records ofreceiptsand disbursement,in accordance withthefinancialpolicies ofthecorporationadoptedby the
ExecutiveBoard;and performsuch otherdutiesas may be assigned by the
Presidentor theExecutiveBoard.
Section6 – Vacancies
Intheeventofa vacancy in theofficeofPresident,theVice-Presidentshall become president.Intheeventofa vacancy in any otherelectedoffice,the
ExecutiveBoard shall cause thevacancy tobe filledfromitsmembership.
ArticleVII– AppointedOfficers
TheExecutiveBoard shall have therighttocreateappointedofficerpositions
(including an ExecutiveDirector),definetheirduties,appointand dismiss these
officers,and provide fortheregulationofthesepositions.Appointedofficersmay be unpaid or be paid employees ofthecorporation,as theExecutiveBoard shall determine,and may be ex-officionon-votingmembers oftheExecutiveBoard,as theboard shall direct.
ArticleVIII– Committees
TheExecutiveBoard may createsuch standingand special committeesas it determinesnecessary,definetheirduties,and regulatetheirfunctions.
ArticleIX– FiscalYear
Thefiscalyear oftheorganizationshall commence on the1stday ofAugustand end on the 31stday ofJuly ofeach year.
ArticleX– ParliamentaryAuthority
Therules containedin thecurrenteditionofRobert’sRules ofOrderNewly Revised shall govern thecorporationin all cases in which theyare applicable, and in which theyare notinconsistentwiththesebylaws,corporationpolicies,or any special rules thecorporationmay adopt.
ArticleXI– Dissolution
Thecorporationmay be dissolved according tothelaws oftheStateofOhio.In theeventofa dissolution,theprocedures setforthin theArticlesofIncorporation shall be followed.
ArticleXII– Amendments
Section1 – Subordination
Thesebylaws shall be subordinatetotheConstitutionand laws oftheStateof
Section2 – AmendmentProcedure
Thesebylaws,or theArticlesofIncorporation,may be amended atany meeting ofthemembership ofthecorporation,atwhich a quorum is present,by a two- thirdsvoteoftheactivemembers presentand voting,provided thatnoticeof such amendmenthas been given atleastone week prior tothevotingon such amendment.TheExecutiveBoard shall have therighttoprovide recommendationstothemembership prior tothevotingon any amendment.
Thefollowinglistofis a statementofprinciples and practicesestablishedby the
1. ImagineProductionsbelieves in having high qualityand funproductions, respectingindividuals oftheirtimeand talents.Wepromotethefosteringof strongfriendshipsin thetheatre,and are committedtorecognizing each individual’s righttorespect.Wediscourage any behavior which is demeaning or hurtful.
2. Weare always seeking continuousimprovementindividually and as an organization.Wewill utilizetoolstogive constructivecriticismin auditionsand in internalreviews.
3. ImagineProductionsbelieves show auditionsshould be free,fair,and respectful, withno pre-casting. All participantswill be given feedbackin a timelymanner. Wepromoteintegrationand diversityin our membership.
4. All shows will be safeand all technicaland special effectswill operatedby trainedindividuals.
5. All ImagineProductionsBoard members,directors,and productionstaff members will observe professionalbehavior atall times.Weinsiston this behavior withtheindividual castmember,and we pledge tomodel thisbehavior as leaders.
6. ImagineProductionsis a collaborativepartnerin theColumbus metroarea,and will notbe expansionistor competitivewithothertheatricalcompanies.
7. ImagineProductionswill,whenever possible,govern utilizingfactand dataand base decisions on sound research.
8. ImagineProductionswill observe a policy ofopen governance.Board meetings will be open tomembership participationand announced in advance.Ethical operationswill be conductedin transparency.Budgetswill be approved and ratifiedby themembership.Officerelectionswill be facilitatedby a non-biased committee.
9. ImagineProductionswill conductall business in an ethicalmanner and will follow all national,state,and local municipal laws.Licensing will be secured forall shows attheoutset.
10.ImagineProductionsBoard members will,tothebestoftheirability,represent the needs and desires oftheactivemembership,and place theirconsideration ahead ofany personal bias.Further,theImagineProductionsBoard members will observe a strictconflictofinterestprotocoland as individuals may notbenefit eitherfinanciallyor personally because ofthisrole.
Members who are electedtotheExecutiveBoard (process identifiedin Bylaws)wish to be involved in thegovernance ofImagineProductionsofColumbus,Incand are expectedtocontributewith time and talent tothe overall managementofthecompany. TheExecutiveBoard manages thegeneral operationsofthecompany and delegates individual productionand day-to-dayresponsibilitiestotheExecutiveStaff.Thereare currentlyno fiduciaryresponsibilitiesforboard members,however,thefinancialsecurity ofthecompany ultimatelyfallstotheboard.
•Shall be thechiefexecutiveofficerofthecorporation
•Attendsall ExecutiveBoard meetingsand productionrelatedmeetings,as needed
•Presides atall meetingsofthemembership and oftheExecutiveBoard.
•Appointsand dismisses all standingand special committees,subjecttothe regulationoftheExecutiveBoard
•Cooperateswithall committeechairs and sees tothetimelyreportingof committees
•Actsas ex-officiomember ofall committees
•Overseesall officersand activitiesofthecorporation
•Provides forthegeneral welfareofthecorporation
•Distributesproposed agendas prior toeach board meeting
•Performssuch otherdutiesas may be assigned by theExecutiveBoard
•Possesses votingprivileges
•Assumes ALL dutiesofthepresidentin theeventofthelatter’sabsence, disability,etc.
•Attendsall ExecutiveBoard meetingsand productionrelatedmeetings,as needed
•Performssuch dutiesas are normally incidenttotheoffice
•Performsotherdutiesas assigned by thePresidentor theExecutiveBoard
•Holds custodyof,and maintains,the general records ofthecorporationtoinclude attendance,committeeappointments,elections,and membership contact information
•Attendsall ExecutiveBoard meetingsand productionrelatedmeetings,as needed
•Disseminateswrittencommunicationfromall meetingstothemembership and theExecutiveBoard
•Takesminutesatall meetingsand distributessaid documentationpostmeeting
•Performssuch otherdutiesas shall be assigned by thePresidentor theExecutiveBoard
•Possesses votingprivileges
•Operatesas thechieffinancialofficerofthecorporation
•Attendsall ExecutiveBoard meetingsand productionrelatedmeetings,as needed
•Receives,maintains custodyof,and oversees all monies and securitiesofthe corporation,depositingthem in such financialinstitutionsas are determineby the ExecutiveBoard.
•Paysall bills and otheritemsas necessary,and signs all checks and vouchers formoney
•Maintains thegeneral records ofreceiptsand disbursementin accordance with thefinancialpolicies ofthecorporationadoptedby theExecutiveBoard
•Performssuch otherdutiesas may be assigned by thePresidentor theExecutiveBoard
•Possesses votingprivileges
•Attendsall ExecutiveBoard meetingsand productionrelatedmeetings,as needed
•Actsas primary contactwithImagineProduction’smembership base,maintaining theImagineProductionsMembership Facebookpage as a primary resource for thedisseminationofinformationwithand communicationtoImagine’s membership base.[TH13]
•Participatesin productionand non-productionrelatedeventsin various capacities.
•Possesses votingprivileges
Individualsare appointedintoExecutiveStaffpositionsby theExecutiveBoard tocarry out the day-to-daytasksofthecompany including managementofbusiness operations, marketing,and productions.Executivestaffmanage othervolunteerstaffin their respectiveareas and work togetheras a teamtomake decisions regarding production- level tasksforthecompany.
•Hires and supervises production directors
•Maintains and updates production job descriptions as needed
•Leads the artistic vision of the company, working with the Staff and Executive board to implement programs and ensure integrity of the product and process
•Oversees the day-to-day management of artistic staff
•Manages the production selection process
•Monitors the selection of directors, designers, and supervises all the creative elements necessary for the company’s productions
•Presides over the audition process for each production, including the appraisal of cast before casting is posted[TH14]
•Attends a majority of performances during the run of each production
•Assesses and assures the proper progression of production staff members into positions of increasing responsibility
•Adheres to the Statement of Principles, as laid out by the Executive Board
•Works with the Executive, Marketing and Technical Directors in a team approach to the ongoing operations of Imagine Productions
•Attends all Executive Board meetings, monthly staff meetings and production related meetings, as needed
•Schedules facilities for rehearsals, performances and events (in partnership with the Executive Director)
•Acts as a representative of Imagine Productions to the Greater Columbus Community
•Evaluates production elements to ensure a positive experience for cast and crew and facilitates adebrief with production staff upon the closing of each production
•Coordinates handling of peer reviewers to attend two production run-thru’s prior to opening
•Coordinates the annual community educational workshop (in partnership with the Executive Director)
•Coordinates pre-production staff meeting (in partnership with Company Staff)
•Supervises Company Staff[TH15]
•Monitors weekly budget correspondence with board president and treasurer[TH16]
•Maintains efficient and effective internal/external relations, resolving any interpersonal conflicts
•Attends a majority of performances during the run of each production
•Maintains inventory of production receipts[TH17]
•Holds check writing and contract writing/negotiating privileges[TH18]
•Adheres to the Statement of Principles, as laid out by the Executive Board
•Attends all Executive Board meetings and production related meetings, as needed
•Facilitate monthly staff meetings
•Works with the Artistic, Marketing, and Technical Directors in a team approach to the ongoing operations of Imagine Productions
•Schedules facilities for rehearsals, performances and events (in partnership with the Artistic Director)[TH19]
•Attends a majority of performances during the run of each production
•Develops the production budgets in coordination with Board Treasurer and Company Staff[TH20]
•Coordinates long-range and annual planning in collaboration with the Artistic Director and Executive Board
•Acts as a representative and advocate for the theatre with government agencies, insurance companies, community and local business groups and arts organizations
•Coordinates pre-production staff meeting (in partnership with Company Staff)
•Receives all production receipts from all production staff, coordinating any reimbursements with the Treasurer and disseminating them to said individuals
•Supervises technical staff assigned to each production
•Attends all Executive Board meetings and production related meetings as needed
•Ensure the set construction fulfills the director’s vision and is compatible with the parameters, capabilities, and limits of the performance space and within budget
•Coordinates set construction with Stage Manager
•[TH22]Maintains and supervises the equipment and technical assets of the performance space
•Determines the necessary technical supports such as lighting, sound, staging, and special needs necessary for events and performances present at the facility
•Advises Production and Executive Staff on the technical specifications, costs and usage of technical equipment required for the individual show
•Attends a majority of performances during the run of each production
•Supervises the implementations of approved technical designs
•Assists in recruiting, training and assignment of technical staff for individual shows
•Maintains written inventory of/and monitors the condition of IP owned equipment including sound, rigging, construction equipment, and all materials currently in or intended for storage
•Arranges for the repair and replacement of equipment within budgetary constraints, performing ongoing preventive maintenance
•Coordinates technical activities including tech rehearsals, set production, and special effects
•Builds an appropriate technical crew for the season and schedules their time in the most effective manner
•Ensures that technical crew receives appropriate training, mentorship and development
•Ensures thatall lightingunitson theplotare hung in thecorrectlocations, functioningproperly,allocatingcabling,gels,and otheraccessories as needed (responsibilitiescan be shared/delegatedtotheProduction Manager)
•Manages the integrity of the “Imagine” brand through researching the attitudes and opinions of the public as it relates to Imagine Productions and its offerings
- Writes, edits, and produces newsletters, brochures, direct marketing pieces, and other printed material
- Creates and determines publicity/press relations plans to generate consistent, increasing awareness of the company in the media, and supports any overall marketing initiatives
- Solicits, arranges and organizes media interviews (print, radio and TV) for general stories about the company
- Works with outside organizations, providing company related media/information to them
- Identifies the most important audiences, decides what to communicate to them, and the best media to use
- Cultivates and maintains media contacts in order to generate relevant stories, interviews and other media coverage for Imagine Productions
- Oversees the archiving of all press clippings, video clips, radio tapes and photo library
•Internal communication:
- Keeps staff and patrons updated with company news
•Writes and distributes news releases, articles, calendar listings, and public service announcements (PSA's), ensuring consistency and accuracy
•Fields and/or responds to media inquiries generated by those releases, or regarding a specific production or event
•Attends a majority of performances during the run of each production
•Coordinates and oversees photo sessions for public relations and marketing purposes
•Coordinates handling of press representatives reviewers including contacting them, securing comp tickets, and compiling press packets
•Maintains and updates the company website blog, Facebook page or any other social media (may be delegated to others)
•Supervises brand management, advertisement, marketing and graphic design/logos (can be outsourced)
•Supervises design and/or placement of ads, coordinating all production program layouts… etc.
•Possesses final authority on all copy and/or media content disseminated to the public