Update Report for Planning Committee(East): 5th October 2016

Committee Planning Manager:Dale Barker

16/02202/REM–Land off Main Road, Main Street, Lower Quinton
Additional Consultation Response
County highways have responded on 30.09.2016 raising an objection to the proposal on the grounds that the proposed internal layout of the site would not result in satisfactory visibility splays and turning areas suitable for the Council’s refuse vehicles, and would result in some unsatisfactory turns into parking bays. The Applicant has since submitted amended plans to address these concerns and highways have verbally indicated that, subject to formal assessment, the amendments would likely overcome the concerns rasied.
Amended Recommendation
That authority be granted to the Head of Planning and Housing to grant reserved matters approval, subject to the conditions and notes on pages 24-26 of the agenda (with wording numbering and the insertion of additional highway conditions as appropriate delegated to officers), subject to the receipt of any necessary amended plans, and subject to a response from the Local Highway confirming that they have no objection to such amendments.

16/02327/FUL–Land to the North of Shipston Road, Alderminster

No updates.
16/02012/FUL–Newlands Caravan Site, Loxley Lane, Wellesbourne
Corrections to Committee Report. (P33) Paragraph 5, should read Planning Permission 13/01217/FUL granted consent for the storage of caravans on a larger area of land which is adjacent to the application site. The permission has been implemented and caravans are currently stored on this site. (changes in italics).
16/02561/FUL -16 Ettington Close, Wellesbourne
  • An amended red line location plan has been submitted with the red line encompassing all of the curtilage
  • An amended red line site plan has also been received that matches the location plan.

16/01928/FUL– 16 Fordington Place, Kineton
An additional representation was received from Kineton Parish Council:
  • The Parish Council objects to the grant of permission for this application on the following
  • grounds:
  • The building will be in the conservation area contrary to the Kineton Neighbourhood Development Plan (KNDP) Policy D2 c & e
  • The building will be visible from Lighthorne Road which is much higher than the level of the garden in which it is being built
  • The building is of an unacceptable and inappropriate scale contrary to (KNDP) Policy D1
  • The building does not conform to the Stratford-on-Avon District Design Guide
  • The use of the building will generate noise and potential light pollution
Detailed comments supporting the above grounds for objection are made on the following
1. The proposed site lies within the Conservation Area of Kineton. There is therefore a requirement for new development to “enhance” and “make a positive contribution” to the setting.
2. The proposed site is in a prominent position on the approach to the village from the Lighthorne Road. This is currently an open space and as such makes a significant contribution to the setting of the Conservation Area.
3. For these reasons the Parish Council requests that the Planning Authority’s Conservation Officer is consulted to provide an expert appraisal of these proposals in relation to impact on the setting of the Conservation Area. (NPPF 137; SDC Core Strategy Policy CS 8; and Historic Environment Good Practice Advice Guidance in Planning 2015)
Size and Scale
4. In considering the size of the proposed ‘extension’, Policy CS19 states that extensions will be of an appropriate scale and subservient in relation to the existing building.
5. The District Design Guide provides informative guidance about innovation with a purpose (3.5.1 – 3.5.3)
6. It suggests that the most relevant experience for innovation in the design of the built environment is embodied in the immediate environment. Which is not to discount experience developed elsewhere nor experimentation but to say that the starting point should be immediate experience.
7. The Guide advises that in attempting to evaluate innovation, it is necessary to question “why innovate”. The Parish Council is not convinced by the design and materials proposed.
8. The Parish Council would welcome the specific advice of the Conservation Officer regarding the full height glazing proposed on the southern and eastern elevations and their impact on the Conservation Area.
9. The proposed building will introduce a substantial amount of timber cladding to an area which is predominantly brick. On this matter the Parish Council will defer to the advice of the Conservation Officer.

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