Update Report for Planning Committee (05.07.2017)
Committee Planning Manager: Dale Barker
17/00762/VARY – Wixford Grange, WixfordFour letters of support have been submitted, summarised as follows:
- Would help address a shortfall in bungalow type housing in the District, giving people in the area the type of housing they desire.
- Would result in a lower density of housing on the site returning more land to grass
- Neither the pub or any caravan has been affected by flooding
- Reduction in number of units would result in less people being at risk
- Permanent occupancy, unlike accommodation for holiday makers, would become more aware of flood risk from the river and act accordingly at time of flooding.
- The site would be more dangerous for holiday makers with young children and even babies
- With parish and councillor support this can only be described as a small scale community lead scheme
- The EA operate a highly sophisticated flood warning system
- The appearance of the site has been much improved
- Permanent occupancy would add to the life of the village
- The units would be appropriate for retirees and the elderly being affordable, maintenance free, gated, safe and a healthy place to live.
16/02797/FUL- Allelys, The Slough, Studley
No updates.
17/01153/VARY - Weston House, Milcote Road, Welford-on-Avon
Amended/additional drawings received (03.07.17)
- 40358_SK08A Comparison of Original vs Current Proposed Layouts hedge as of March 2017
- 29683_005 Cross Section
The comments have been summarised by the case officer (the full response is available in the application file).
Cllr Brain (County Councillor)
- Concerned about the variations being achieved because of hedgerow linesand narrowness of the road.
- HGVs could not pass each other safelywithout mounting the grass verge and the proposed footway and a number of services.
- The mature andwell maintained hedgerow would need to becut back hard, which in my opinion would destroy the root structure and kill it.
- The only remedy would be for the developer to have the newly constructed substation on the wide offside verge of the road re located and widen the road aspreviously recommended. (03.07.17)
Variation of Condition 4
- The realignment of the road to accommodate the substation must either narrow the carriageway or the footpath and verge due to the fixed northern boundary to the site and the requirement to maintain the hedge (as per the Design and Access Statement) which will compromise safety for both traffic and pedestrians around the junction.
- The planned properties are large family homes and this will be the resident’s only route into the village.
- This footpath will be used during the busy school run/rush hour, primarily by parents with children, buggies and toddlers in tow.
- Last year's traffic study showed over 400 cars passing this junction between 8am and 9am, more than one every 10 seconds.
- While 1.5m is wide enough to comfortably accommodate two adults passing each other, parents pushing buggies or holding hand with small children would already have to move onto the verge to pass each other. If the verge is lost they will need to overhang, if not step into, the very busy road to pass each other.
- The width will also be encroached on at various points during the year as the hedge continues to grow and be cut back.
- 7.7 metres is needed to meet the reserved matters application stated position however there is only 7.44 metres available, resulting in a 0.26 metre deficit. As presented the requirements cannot be met.
- The work to improve access to the site must be completed before construction begins to ensure highway safety, the reason this condition was applied.
- The current access is completely unsuitable for construction traffic and stationing any vehicles on Milcote Road would be completely unacceptable due to the width and topography of the road.
- At the time of the original application the inspector stated 'conditions to require that the access is laid out first and that an agreed road safety scheme for Milcote Road and the footway along it are implemented are required to ensure highway safety'.
- We understand the applicant is asking for this change to allow time for getting the S.278 signed but there is no reason why the reserved matters application for detailed design cannot be twin tracked with the S.278 application. For these reasons we object to the variation of condition 5. (26.06.17)
- Understand that the original layout in drawing 29683/001 rev J was approved at appeal - the proposed variation retains the previously agreed dimensions but the impact of utilities (to avoid impact on the electricity substation) has driven the proposal to alter the position of the footway and carriageway.
- Large articulated vehicles have overall widths (incl. mirrors) of 2.55m - so two vehicles passing would have to do so with care but should be possible.
- The numbers of HGVs are forecast to be just 7 and 5 two-way in the peak hours - so the likelihood of two HGVs passing at this location is low.
- Given the proposal does not materially change the approved proposed layout WCC have not raised any objection. (04.07.17)
The comments made by third parties have been summarised by the case officer.
Four further letters of objection from local residents received. Additional planning grounds for objection:
- Traffic noise and reduced privacy from reduction in width of hedgerow.
- Plans do not accurately show the position of the hedgerow.
- Risk to hedgerow from severe cut-back required to keep footpath clear.
- As long as phasing is undertaken in accordance with the previously approved access and visibility splays and to an adoptable standard, then it is felt that the previous concerns have been addressed.
- Road should be 5.5m wide.
- Two HGVs cannot pass without mounting the verge and/or kerb (diagram).
17/01088/VARY – 6 Avon Bank Drive, Luddington
Email received from Parish Council (03.07.2017)
- Third party objection removed
- Parish Council objection withdrawn
17/00941/FUL-Timber Yard, Liveridge Hill, Henley in Arden
Further email received from Beaudesert and Henley in Arden Joint Parish Council. Planning matters relate to:
- Loss of business within wider Parish Area;
- The proposal would be set within a commercial site with a long history within the yard area and is needed to comply with adequate working conditions;
- The Parish Council do not feel that the proposal would have a material impact or would encroach further into the Green Belt;
- The siting and design follow consultation with SDC;
- The site is identified in the emerging Neighbourhood Development Plan as one for future employment; and
- The proposal allows the employment of two further apprentices and three further trained staff.
17/00910/FUL- 13 Headland Close, Welford on Avon
Amenity Assessment
- The neighbour at 14 Headland Close has confirmed, via email correspondence, that the utility room at ground floor is connected to the kitchen/diner. The window is therefore considered to represent a secondary habitable window to the kitchen/diner area. The proposed development would breach the 45 and 25 degree line from this window. In accordance with the Council’s Extending Your Home Guidance less weight is afforded to secondary windows and it is noted that the kitchen/diner is served by openings on the front and rear elevation of the dwelling. The revised internal arrangement is not considered to alter the recommendation of the application as unacceptable harm is not considered to be introduced in line with Core Strategy Policy CS.9.
- For clarity 14 Headland Close has permission for a single storey rear extension in an orangery design with glazed roof.
- For clarity the new dwelling is not considered to introduce an unacceptable overlooking impact on the amenity of 13 Headland Close.
- For clarity, within the Ecological assessment the report should read ‘demolition of single storey side projection’.
17/01324/FUL – 3 Sidelands Road, Stratford upon Avon
- No updates.