Final Project: Diversity Assignment: A Synoptic Examination of Literacy
- Find 5 articles that situate literacies within any combination of the following contexts:
1) social justice
2) in relation to pedagogy/the classroom
3) within school/educational policy
4) in relation to families/communities
Note: These articles should come from peer reviewed professional journals. They may be interdisciplinary, but one article should be from an international journal or written by an international scholar.
- Synthesize a review of these articles in a 6-8 page paper, APA style, with references from articles. One section of your paper must be devoted to implications for your classroom/instruction/student learning. Again, this is not merely a summary of articles; rather, the nature of the article should emerge through your review of it.
- Prepare a group PowerPoint presentation in which you demonstrate connections you have made among Personal, Professional, and Political Concepts of Multiple Literacies. Rather than summarize each group members’ articles (an unwieldy proposition!), the emphasis of the presentation should be on synthesis and conceptual frameworks for understand literacies (personal, professional, for teaching & learning, socio-cultural-political, and such concepts). Presentations should consist of a maximum of 8 slides, including the following: introduction 3-4 concepts, implications for teaching and learning, conclusion, bibliography. Please do not crowd words onto the slide and then read slides to the class. Grades will be lowered for this unacceptable infraction.
Diversity Assignment: A Synoptic Examination of Literacy
Criteria / 2 / 6 / 10Overall Understanding of Concepts / Presentation does not indicate understanding of contextualization of literacy. Little evidence of synthesis of contextualized concepts of literacy with classroom practice. / Presentation indicates a general understanding of contextualization of literacy.. Some evidence of synthesis of contextualized concepts of literacy with classroom practice. / Presentation indicates a clear understanding of contextualization of literacy. Clear evidence of synthesis of contextualized concepts of literacy with classroom practice.
Classroom Implications / Presentation does not address content in light of classroom implications or teaching. / Presentation generally addresses content in light of classroom implications, including teaching. / Presentation clearly addresses content in light of classroom implications, including teaching.
1 / 3 / 5
Narrative / Narrative shows inadequate evidence of reflection. Inadequate discussion of contexts of literacy and practice. Student does not reference an international article as one of 5 articles for the project. / Narrative shows adequate evidence of reflection and has marginal discussion of contexts of literacy and practice. Student references an international article as one of 5 articles for the project. / Narrative shows clear evidence of reflection and has sophisticated discussion of contexts of literacy and practice. Student analyzes an international article as one of 5 articles for the project.
Quality of Presentation / Presentation does not include technology or is inappropriate for the topic and message. Presentation is lacking in organization / Presentation includes technology, but there is some question as to the appropriateness of the presentation for the topic and message. Presentation is mostly clear and organized. / Presentation includes technology that is appropriate for the topic, and message. Presentation is clear and organized.
Professionalism / Late, does not follow all presentation directions, some grammatical and mechanical errors. / On time, follows most presentation directions, some grammatical and mechanical errors. / On time, follows presentation directions, free grammatical and mechanical errors.