The Phoenix Medical Practice
1st March 2018
Update on merger plans
Dear Patients
You will be aware from the local media and notices displayed around the practice, that I have been taking steps to secure the future of The Phoenix Medical Practice for the past 7 months. I have held consultations with NHS England, The Doncaster Clinical Commissioning Group and HealthWatch to discuss the future of my practice. The focus was to ascertain any support that was available to ensure the future financial viability of the practice. Sadly, in the end, I was left with only two propositions:
1)The Practice would close and patients would be dispersed amongst other local practices also resulting in staff redundancies.
2)Seek out potential practices to facilitate a merger, ensuring continuity for my patients and future employment for my staff.
Needless to say, the decision has not been easy one, however with the welfare of my patients and staff at heart, I have decided that the second option was the preferred option and therefore I have been finalising arrangements for a merger with The Flying Scotsman Practice who are based at The Flying Scotsman Health Centre, St Sepulchre Gate West, Doncaster, DN1 3AP (Large blue building off Trafford Way near to Doncaster Railway Station)
To that end, the premises here at 1a Cavendish Court, Doncaster DN1 2DJ will close at 4.00pm on Monday 19th March 2018. This will enable a systems merger, to ensure all electronic patient records are merged with the system at The Flying Scotsman Practice.
From Tuesday 20th March 2018, your care will transfer to THE FLYING SCOTSMAN PRACTICE.
All patients will receive a personalised letter over the next few weeks confirming the arrangements that have been put in place.
To ensure a smooth transition, pre-bookable appointments at The Phoenix Practice will be available up until Friday 16th March 2018. We will open on Monday 19th March 2018 at 8.00am until 4.00pm for EMERGENCIES ONLY. All requests for GP appointments for Monday 19th March will be assessed individually by a clinician to establish the urgency. To minimise disruption, it would be most appreciated if your problem is not urgent that you postpone contacting the practice until after 20th March 2018. The telephone number at The Phoenix Practice will cease on 19th March 2018 and you can contact The Flying Scotsman reception by dialling 01302 645544.
To aid the transition, we would request that repeat prescriptions falling due in the week commencing 19th March 2018 are requested up to 7 days earlier. Prescriptions will not be issued on Monday 19th March but the service will resume on Tuesday 20th March from The Flying Scotsman. All pharmacies will be informed of our relocation for prescription ordering and collection purposes.
Please note that repeat prescription requests will no longer be available by telephone, you can order them by a) attending in person at reception b) sending in the right side/counterfoil c)through your nominated pharmacy d) register for online access.
Your co-operation is much appreciated and I am sure you will continue to receive a modern GP service at The Flying Scotsman Practice.
Yours sincerely
Dr Mohammed Khan - General Practitioner