Chapter I. Purpose and Scope of the Regulations
§1. Legal basis
Agreement between the school and the pupil’s guardian
§2. Objective
The objective of the regulations for assistance with homework is to ensure a good working environment for the pupil, to promote good working habits, order and to ensure the health of the pupils.
§3. The scope and extent
The regulations apply to assistance with homework in Lørenskog municipality.
In addition to the municipal statutory instruments for the regulation, the individualestablishment has the authority to introduce supplementary regulationsrelated to homework assistance at the individual school. Dispensation may not be given inthe individual school’s regulations in respect of to the Education Act and accompanyingstatutes together with the municipal regulations. In any conflict, the Education Act and accompanyingstatutes and the municipal regulations take precedence over the individual school regulations pertaining to assistance with homework.
The pupils, guardians and staff shall be informed of the regulations each year at the commencement of the school year. The regulations shall be discussed annually by the School Council, and shall be posted on the school’s web page at all times.
Chapter II. The Regulations
§4. General behaviour
- The regulations on normal behaviour and attitude apply to assistance with homework
- There shall be a proper study environment, and the pupils must show respect and pay attention to the instructions of the teacher
- All pupils shall:
- show respect for each other and the staff providing homework assistance
- be precise
- be tidy
- take care of school equipment, the buildings and teaching materials, and ensure waste is properly disposed of
- participate in tidying up the classrooms
- take good care of personal effects
- Valuables are the pupil’s personal responsibility
- It is forbidden
- to take candies, soft drinks and similar to the homework assistance locality
- to take dangerous implements such as knives, imitation weapons, matches. lighters and fireworks to the homework assistance locality
- to damage school property and equipment belonging to the school or other pupils
§5. Prohibition on the use of insulting words or behaviour
It is forbidden to use insulting words or behaviour. By this is meant words or actions which are considered offensive by those towards whom the words/actions are directed. Examples of serious insulting words or actions are:
Violence includes aggressive actions which have the intention of causing injury, pain or humiliation. Violence can be physical or psychological.
Threats may be made orally, through actions, via the social media and in other ways.
An individual is mobbed when he or she is repeatedly exposed over time to negative actions by one or several persons. Mobbing implies an unbalance in power and strength relationships.
Discrimination implies that a person is unjustly treated or victimized, for example on account of gender, sexual orientation, functionality, belief, skin colour, national or ethnic origin. Discrimination may be direct or indirect.
Racism includes discrimination on account of skin colour, national or ethnic background.
§ 6. Intoxicating substances
It is forbidden to bring, use, or trade tobacco, alcohol, narcotics or any other intoxicating substances or substances dangerous to health during homework assistance.
§7. Regulations pertaining to use of mobiletelephones and digital equipment
A mobile telephone may be taken to school at owner’s responsibility. It is forbidden to use the mobile where this is to the detriment of pupils or staff. Useof the mobile telephone may be permitted during homework assistance when this is related to the homework. Permission must be granted to takepictures and film staff or pupils. Permission is also required to transmit and publish pictures or films of staff or pupils.
The school’s PCs, internet and use of epost may only be used in the homework assistance locality when the assistant finds this appropriate.
The school leaders shall approve network regulations and a user agreement between the homework assistant and the pupils for use of the school’s equipment. User-name and passwords for the school’s PCs are personal and shall be kept secret. It is forbidden to use the passwords of others.
§8. Absence
Parents must inform the school on the same day that the pupil is absent.
Chapter III. Penalties
§9. Penalties in general
Breach of the regulations may result in penalties. There shall always be a proportional relationship between the pupil’s behaviour and penalties imposed by the school.The school’s evaluation of the severity and frequency of the breach shall determine the penalty imposed in each individual case. Physical punishment and other offensive means shall not be employed.It is not permitted to impose a collective punishment foractions carried out by an individual or group of pupils. Pupils are obliged to adhere to the penalties imposed. In the event of sanctions not being followed, new penalties may be imposed.
In an acute situation when there is danger of a pupil causing injury to him/herself or others, it will be necessary to detain the pupil, or to separate the pupil fromthe remainder of the group and place him/her in a room under supervision for a short period. When such measures are imposed, the head teacher and the parents shall be immediately informed. The homework assistant shall document any such measures in the pupil’s report book, and inform the head teacher of the incident.
Penalties and conditions
- A pupil may be reprimanded by the teacher or other school employee
- The pupil may be given a written warning to be delivered to the parents
- The pupil may phonce home and give an account of his actions
- The pupil may be obliged to have a conversation with the school leadership, the class teacher, social teacher/other staff/ adults at the school and/or the involved parties
- The pupil and the school may enter into an mutually binding agreement
- An item may be confiscated during homework assistance for the rest of the day, handed over to the pupil’s guardians, or delivered to the police.
- The pupil may be placed in another group or do other tasks outside his/her own group
- Loss of other advantages may be imposed if the head teacher finds this appropriate
- The pupil may be detained for a short period
- The pupil shall repair, tidy up or clean after him/herself or others.
- The pupils guardians can be held responsible for damages up to a value of kr. 5000 pursuant to the Damage Compensation Act §§1-1 and 1-2.
- In the event of a breach of the regulations, the municipality may report the matter to the police.
- In grades 1 to 7, the pupil may be removed from homework assistancefor the rest of day following serious or repeated breaches of the regulation. When expelled for the rest of the day, the guardians must be informed prior to the expulsion being put into force.
- In grades 8 to 10, a pupil may be suspended from homework assistance for up to 3 days following serious or repeated breach of the regulations. The principle can determine suspension following consultation with the pupil’s teacher. Before a resolution can be passed, the pupils shall have had the opportunity to present his case orally, and other measures and penalties shall have been considered. The guardians must be informed.
- The school is obliged to consider other penalties prior to suspending the pupil. The resolution must be made by the principle in the form of a simple resolution. The pupil shall have the opportunity to give an oral explanation prior to the principle make any resolution. The pupil/parents have the right to appeal to the county governor.
- The pupil does not have the right to homework assistance on those days he is suspended from school.
Breach of the regulationsor use of the internet and the school’s computers
- In the event of breach of the school regulations for use of the internet and misuse of the user name and password of others, a pupil may be denied access to the school’s computers for a specific period. This sanction shall not apply where use of the computer is required in the classroom
- In the event of breach of the regulations, the municipality can report the matter to the police.
Chapter IV. Administrative procedures
In the decision-making process, the following procedure shall be followed:
- The homework assistant is obliged to ensure that full details of the matter have been established and that any decision is made on a defensible basis based on the nature and character of the matter.
- As far as possible, the pupil shall be warned and presented with the relevant information in the matter and given the opportunity to make a statement before a decision is made. In serious matter the guardians shall be contacted. The warning may be given orally, but in serious cases, the reasons should normally be given in written form.
- The decisions shall always be explained. The explanation shall be given at the same time as the pupil is informed of the decision unless special circumstances do no enable this. The warning may be given orally, but in serious cases, the reasons should normally be given in written form.
- Measures of a minor character which are undertaken such that education is not interrupted are regarded as disciplinary and educational measures. These measures do not require a resolution.
- Where the measures are decisive for the pupil’s rights and obligation and are more comprehensive, a simple resolution is required.
Chapter V. Entry into force
The regulations have been approved by the municipal council, Resolution 159/12 of 19.12.12. The regulations enter into force as from 1. January 2013.