Philadelphia Section,
American Industrial Hygiene Association
AIHA, NJ Section, Inc. Presents:
December 1, 2005
Harrison Conference Center
Formerly the Merrill Lynch Training Center
900 Scudders Mill Road
Plainsboro, NJ
The conference is presented by Metro NY AIHA and co-sponsored by:
Philadelphia and New Jersey
Sections of the AIHA.
The PDCs are co-sponsored by:
Metro New York and
Philadelphia Sections of the AIHA
ABIH CM Points have been applied for. Course fees include lunch and refreshments for full day course (refreshments for half day course). Go to for additional details on PDCs and directions to the Harrison Conference Center. For questions, contact:
Peter Harnett, CIH, CSP
PDC Chair
908 284-1001
For Course #1 or #2: Fee: $250 if received by 11/23/2005 -- $280 afterwards
For Course #3A or #3B: Fee: $140 if received by 11/23/2005 -- $160 afterwards
NOTE: The PDCs WILL BE AT THE HARRISON CONFERENCE CENTER. Friday’s NEIH Conference remains at the Westin. These locations are about 2-miles apart. From Route 1, turn onto Scudders Mill Road and follow to third traffic light, about 1.3 miles. Turn right into Main Hotel entrance (900 Scudders Mill Road Entrance – cross street is College Road East).
For additional information on the Harrison Conference Center, please see:
Course #1: Topical Issues in Laboratory Safety
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM / Course Fee - $250 if received by 11/23/2005 -- $280 afterwards.
This course is intended as an intermediate level course. Topics to be included:
- Brief review of relevant building codes, fire codes affecting labs. These codes impact research buildings and laboratories. The International Building Code and NFPA consensus standards also impact approaches to laboratory safety.
- Designing labs to meet the codes and Labs 21 initiative, yet remain safe
- Blending Industrial Hygiene and Sustainable Design
- Handling Potent Compounds in the Laboratory – What Can Go Wrong?
Examples of the health effects of some potent compounds will bereviewed.
- Effective IH control strategies in research laboratories handling potent compounds
- Primer on biosafety and safety considerations in Molecular Biology labs
Course Instructors:
Joe Phillips, AIA
President, Phillips Collaborative LLC
Peter B. Harnett, MS, CIH, CSP
President COEH, Inc.
Robert G. Sussman, Ph.D., DABT
Managing Principal, SafeBridge Consultants, Inc.
Timothy Allers, MS, CIH
World Wide Manager, IH, Johnson & Johnson
Janice Flesher, MS, CBSP, Manager Industrial Hygiene and Training, Bristol Myers Squibb
Course #2: Survival Guide to Electrical Safety for the Health and Safety Professional
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM / Course Fee - $250 if received by 11/23/2005 -- $280 afterwards.
This “energized” interactive program will emphasize electrical safety at 480 volts and less. Unlike our safety professional counterparts, industrial hygienists are less likely to work in high voltage environments. There will be ample time to handle electrical apparatus- circuit protection devices, hot sticks, personal protective equipment, wire types, conduit and lock out devices. Additionally, there will be group exercises and case studies. The course will teach some electrical fundamentals and work practices, but will also cover NFPA 70 E “Electrical Safety in the Workplace.” Topics will include:
- Guarding
- Electrical Cords/Temporary Wiring
- Work Area Classifications
- Bonding/Grounding
- Circuit protection devices
- Lock out/Tag out
- Testing Devices
Course Instructors:
Robert J.Sagendorf, MS, CSP, CHST
Corporate Safety Director, Eii, Inc.
Robert E. Lawless, CUSA, CHST
President, Client Safety Resources, Inc.
Course #3A (Half day): Radiation Safety
8:00 AM - NOON / Course Fee - $140 if received by 11/23/2005 -- $160
This course will provide an overview of radiation physics, instrumentation, and then focus on real world examples of radiation issues in an industrial setting. Topics will include generally licensed sources such as tritium exit signs and cesium level and thickness gauges. We will also cover unlicensed sources of radioactive metals. Oversight of contractors performing industrial radiography or radiotracer work at your site will be discussed.
Course Instructor:
Scott Dennerlein
Scott Dennerlein & Associates, LLC.
Course #3B (Half day):
Effective Hearing Conservation vs. OSHA Compliance
1 PM to 5 PM / Course Fee - $140 if received by 11/23/2005 -- $160
The workshop will briefly review the specifics of 29 CFR 1910.95 on Occupational Noise Exposure. Emphasis will be placed on the differences between OSHA Compliance and Loss Prevention. We will review:
- Confusion that has been created with the Revised 10dB (STS) criteria between OSHA 1910.95 and OSHA 1904.10 for recording hearing loss on the Log 300
- How to determine if an STS is or is not work-noise related
- Review the Workers Compensation and Hearing Loss Formulae for NY, NJ & PA
- Outline a recommended “best practices” method for “effective loss prevention” for noise exposed employees.
Course Instructor:
Richard L. Stepkin, MS, CCC-A
Occupational Audiologist
Enviromed Corp
Registration Form:
Course #______
Amount Enclosed: $______
Registrations without payments NOT accepted. Please note fees vary by course.
Mail registration form with check payable to “NJAIHA”:
NJAIHA c/o Ronnie Tutty
910 Potters Road
Newton, NJ 07860
(973) 300-0144
Register by 11/23/2005 to avoid additional late fees.