Spanish 2 Week 1 January 2-6

Upcoming Assessments

  • January 6 Pre-assessment
  • January 9 Pre-assessment of Chapters 1-4
  • January 13 Lección 1 assessment

jueves, el 5 de enero

Present the Communicative Goals forLección 1. Go over the contents of each section

I will be able to:

  • Learn and pronounce the sounds of the alphabet
  • Write sounds of the alphabet
  • Listen and identify the alphabet
  • Greet people in Spanish
  • Say goodbye
  • Identify myself and others
  • Talk about the time of day

Review of Administrative & Classroom procedures:

  • The Blog accessing information such as syllabus, homework, extra resources. Parent/Student Signature Form
  • Accessing VHL Central
  • Computer lab policy
  • Cell phone, computers, recorders policy
  • Monthly ficha sheets as speaking grade
  • Food-Drink-Bathroom Policy
  • Name learning – Name Plate
  • 3-ring binder: 3 in. Notebook (for Spanish only) and loose-leaf paper kept in binder with dividers labeled
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar notes and handouts
  • Culture notes
  • Assessments (All 4 skills)


  • How to use your textbook & How to use a dictionary
  • Warm-up by chatting with the class, using previously learned vocabulary, phrases, and structures.
  • Generate a list of these known words

Present / Practice / Communicate

  • [Audio]Present the alphabet sounds
  • [Speaking] Repeat the alphabet you hear
  • [Listening] Determine the letter heard
  • [Speaking] Greet and Introduce yourself and others.
  • [Writing] Ask and Answer questions about where the person is from, where person lives & age.


  • [Writing] Write down the letters you hear to spell a word
  • [Audio & Writing] Review spelling of countries and capitals spelling as dictated


Vocabulary list: Write the Spanish word three times and the English translation once. Say these words out loud as you write for deeper understanding.

Click here: El abecedarioenespanol Audio y visualIf you had difficulty with the pronunciation and comprehension, listen again to the alphabet in Spanish repeating the letters as you hear them.

Now write the letter you hear with the Spanish word associated with each letter. Example: you hear “be” and write bandera (flag)

  • Preview this video for tomorrow:

Viernes, el 6 de enero


  • El Mono Sílabo - VideosXlickhere: Silabas ma me mi mo mu.


  • [Listen] Write the monosyllabic you hear & review success
  • [Listen] Write the letters or syllabus Sra. is dictating [speaking] Check work
  • [Listening] Practice learning and saying greetings Rockalingua Song What is your name
  • [Speaking] With partners practice asking each other’s name. Meet five new students. Write their names down and where they live.
  • [Reading] Lc.1 vocab sheet. Write the Spanish words 3 times and the English 1x.


  • Pre-test Spanish II Reading


  • Lección 1 Vocabulary. If you did not write the Spanish words three times and the English once, be sure to do so for practice.
  • Self-evaluation using I can do statement sheet. Based on your performance in class today, rate your speaking/writing skills in percentages. Sra. will collect these for a homework grade.