A complaint letter is written to voice one’s problem so as to have it fixed at the earliest. Complaint letter is a more formal means of communication as compared to verbal communication. The complainant pens down his/her problem, asks concerned authorities to sort out the grievance in hand and also suggests suitable solutions if possible. This letter should be concise, brief and written in a polite yet stern tone to get favorable treatment.
Sample Complaint LetterTips
Here are some helpful tips to pen a Sample Complaint Letter:
- Start by mentioning your post/designation and name of your organization.
- Briefly explain your grievance and causes for the same.
- If problem has persisted after earlier reminders, mention the same.
- End by requesting concerned authority to take suitable action to overcome grievance/ crisis.
Sample Complaint Letter
Mark Robinson
Elders Paradise
Tensile Street
Ian Smith
Regal Banquet Hall
Tensile Street
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am the manager of ‘Elders Paradise’, an old-age home for seniors in your neighborhood.
I have complained on several occasions earlier that celebration in your banquet-hall till wee-hours during weddings, birthdays and other occasions is causing lot of trouble to our residents.
Since we house senior citizens many of whom have serious health conditions, peace and calm is essential for them to rest. Despite sanction of Mayor’s orders in this regard in which 9 pm is stipulated as the upper limit for playing loud music, the same has been violated on many occasions in the past.
Moreover, garbage is dumped in your back-yard for many days after such events which poses serious health-risk for our residents.
I request to kindly abide by the Mayor’s orders and ask your guests to refrain from playing loud music after 9 pm and also do the needful to maintain hygiene in and around your property in the future.
Thanking You,
Sample Complaint LetterTemplate
______(your name)
______(your address)
______(name of recipient)
______(recipient’s address)
Date ______(date of writing letter)
Dear Mr/ Mrs/______(recipient’s name)
I work in the capacity of (mention your post/designation)….. in (mention name of organization /company) . I have complained on several occasions earlier that ….(briefly explain your grievance ) .
Despite reminders ….the problem still persists.
I request you to kindly ….(request concerned authority to take suitable action to overcome abovementioned crisis/grievance) …. in the future.
Thanking You
______(your name)
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