Upcoming Events
Event / Date / Location / Details
Family Violence Common Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) / 18 May
27 May
18 June / Traralgon
Sale / For information, contact Gippsland Family Violence Regional Integration Coordinator, Kerry Hamer, or Family Violence Support Worker, Andrea Hall at Gippsland Women’s Health Service, 5143 1600 (Tues, Wed Thurs) or via
Make a Difference:
Become a Mentor / 24 & 25 May / Dept of Health, Traralgon /
Mentoring Works
Allied Health Mentoring / 25 May / Dept of Health Traralgon /
Active Ageing Network Forum / 27 May / Sale Baptist Church /
Please email if you would like the registration form in Word format.
SAFE PLAY – The Risk of Injury through Play Vs Child Obesity / 28 May / Royal Children’s Hospital /
InterACT community arts project / 30 May, 1—3pm / Sale Memorial Hall: Supper room / Information available from Deb Milligan: / 5142 3330
Victorian Men's Health and Wellbeing Strategy
31 May / The Department of Health is currently developing Victoria’s first Men’s health and wellbeing strategy. As part of this process a background paper has been prepared that proposes a framework and priority areas for the future strategy. The Victorian Government is now seeking your feedback and would like to invite you or your organisation to make a submission using the submission template provided. Submissions close 5:00pm Monday 31 May.
The aim of the Strategy will be to improve men’s health by assisting services to better understand and meet the needs of men; supporting men to create healthier lifestyles; and increasing men’s engagement with health services. The strategy will complement work being undertaken through the Women’s health and wellbeing strategy and further build our understanding of the important interactions between gender and health.
Electronic copies of the background paper, summary document and submission template are available from: www.health.vic.gov.au/mhws/ .
Submissions must be received by 5:00pm Monday 31 May 2010.
Please contact Daniel Perkins, Senior Policy Advisor, Policy Coordination and Projects Branch on 9096 8757 if you have further queries about the background paper.
Communities in Control Conference 2010
Power Up! / 31 May & 1 June / Moonee Valley Racing Club, Melbourne / Once a year 1500 people gather to exchange ideas & wisdom, be er-energised and inspired and address the big leadership issues facing Australia’s community organisations. It’s Australia’s largest, most popular community conference. www.ourcommunity.com.au/cic2010
Bridges of Poverty:
Strategies for Communities and Professionals / 1 June / Italian Australian Club, Morwell / This training was held in the Latrobe Valley in 2007 and was extremely valuable for all in attendance. The director of Social Solutions Nairn Walker is presenting the day.
Improving Chronic Disease Care – Together we can do better! / 2 June / Traralgon Vineyard (Zanella Estate) /
Victorian women’s health and wellbeing
strategy 2010-2014
Consultation / 7th June 2010 10.30 am – 12.30pm / Latrobe Convention Centre,
Traralgon /
Gippsland agricultural women: find your voice / 7 & 8 June
24 & 25 May / Sale
Phillip Island / Every good farm has a great story behind it … and you can tell it. If you would like to tell people about your agricultural business and your story about sustainable agriculture… we can help you do it better.

“Better Care of Older People Everywhere”
Toolkit Launch / 8 June / Bairnsdale Sporting & Convention Centre / The launch of the “Better Care of Older People Everywhere” Toolkit is the culmination of the COAG LSOP Improving Care for Older People Project. The Toolkit provides health services with evidence based resources to address minimising functional decline of patients within our health services. The simple strategies identified, will when implemented, make a significant difference to the wellbeing of our patients. For further information email
Monash University – Short courses for 2010 / 9 – 11 June
17 & 18 June
21 – 25 June
27 – 30 July / Caulfield Campus
Caulfield Campus
Conference Centre
Conference Centre / Health Literacy
Evaluation in Health Promotion
Health Promotion
Health Impact Assessment
More information at
Communication and non-violent response education (CARE T4T) / 14 – 17 June
28 June – 1 July
13 – 16 Sept
17 – 20 August / Leongatha
Warragul / CARE training focuses on the importance of participants as members of an undivided team, working together to provide health care to a wide range of consumers. More info from:
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Workshop 2010 / 15 June / Rendezvous Hotel Flinders Street Melbourne /
Better Health Self Management
Leaders Training. / 16th, 17th & 18th June / Rivers Room
Bairnsdale RSL /
5 Day Health Promotion Short Course – Bairnsdale & Sale / 17th, 18th, 24th & 25th June & 1st July / The course will be facilitated by Berni Murphy. Flyer will be circulated shortly. Currently taking expressions of interest – please contact Rachael
Science and Medicine in Sport and Exercise 12th Annual Victorian Conference / 20 June / Mercure Ballarat Hotel and Convention Centre / Into the Future: Exercise for the new decade. Further information is available from Tamara Christmas on 03 9674 8777 or email
2010 sexual
health seminar
for nurses / 21 June / Family Planning Victoria
Box Hill /
Building on Diversity ‘Sharing our experiences, challenges and solutions’ / 23 June / Darebin Arts & Entertainment Centre, Preston / An exciting conference bringing together multicultural organisations, relevant government departments and other stakeholders to showcase multicultural service excellence and to strengthen partnerships. www.apcs.org.au/buildingondiversityconference
Disability Forum
Better Health ~ Better Lives / 25 June
10.00am —12.00noon / Wellington Community Connect
2/98 Cunningham St, Sale /
Rejuvenation Weekend- Rural and Farming Families
Gippsland Rural Outreach Worker Network / 25-27 June / Coonwarra, Farm Resort, Stratford / Cost: $100.00 single
$150.00 family
Places are limited and bookings are essential. For a booking form contact: Kelly Day, East Gippsland Division of General Practice, Phone: 5153 0383 Email:
Community Kitchens Facilitator Training / 28 June / Community Services Building
Palmerston Street, Sale /
Obesity Prevention Short Course / 28 June – 2 July / Geelong /
Regional Conference
Strong Foundations For Early Childhood
Uniting Care Gippsland / 30 July / The Arts Centre, Warragul / Keynote Speakers: Professor Collette Tayler and Mem Fox
For information, please contact Sally Derham at UnitingCare Gippsland on Phone: 03 51447777
Free Financial Workshops Management for Seniors / 13 September
21 Feb 2011
7 March 2011
Dates still to be finalised / Sale
Warragul / Free financial workshops for older Victorians are being offered as part of the Victorian Government's Elder Abuse Prevention Strategy. More information is available at http://www.vu.edu.au/sites/default/files/Senior%20Workshops%20GENERAL.pdf

Wellington Primary Care Partnership Page 4 of 4 18 May 2010