September 26-28, 2018 Portola Hotel and Spa in Monterey
OVERVIEWIs your hospital an innovator that’s willing to showcase your leading-edge work? Are you breaking new ground to improve the quality, efficiency and affordability of health care in your community?We invite you to bring your hospital’s improvement team to the Hospital Council 2018 Summit and participate in our Innovation Challenge. Your creative, innovative solutions are important to all of our members.
PRESENTATION TOPICSWe seek presenters to share leading-edge ideas that inspire discussions, encourage engagement and learning.
We are looking for submissions for innovative initiatives in the following areas:
-Patient Care Delivery - Finance and Operations - Workforce and Culture - Throughput - Emergency Medicine
-Quality/ Patient Safety - Health Disparities - Green Environment - Technology - Telemedicine
PRESENTER RESPONSIBILITIES-Provide a one-hour, high quality educational presentation that encourages audience participation and discussion
-Meet with Hospital Council staff to refine presentation and get overview of the conference and audience expectations
-Provide presentation materials and speaker agreements in a timely fashion
-Attend the awards presentation in person on the first day of the conference
-Promote your participation in the Summit to your networks
HOSPITAL COUNCIL RESPONSIBILITIES-Provide one free registration to the Hospital Council Summit for the primary presenter
-Provide a showcase for the innovative work you are doing
-Promote and market your hospital’s participation in the Innovation Challenge to our Summit attendees
-Assist presenterswith audio visual and other conference details as needed
NOTIFICATIONYour submission will be carefully considered by the Innovation Challenge Team and organizers. The Team will respond to your submission within a month after the due date of March 30, 2018. Selected winners will receive a Hospital Council Innovation Challenge award and special recognition at the Hospital Council Annual Summit.
HOW TO SUBMITPlease submit your applicationas a Word doc with the following information:
Your Name and Title
Organization Name, Address, Phone, Email
Presentation Title
1. Executive Summary of results (limit 200 words)
2. Describe your innovation project and include:- What problems were you needing to address?
- What challenges did you encounter along the way?
- How did you manage adoption and sustainability?
- What were the outcomes of your innovative initiative?
- Top three take-aways from this presentation?
- Additional Information
Deadline for submission is 5:00 pm on Friday, March 30, 2018. Please email completed application to Jenna Fischer, Vice President of Education, Quality and Patient Safety at . Call 925-746-5106 with any questions. For more information about the 2018 Summit visit:.
The Innovation Challenge presentation submission is for members of the Hospital Council of Northern and Central California to present your hospital’s innovative approaches to improving health care.