Nevada Academic ContentStandards- Resource Page
The resources below havebeencreated to assist teachers'understandingand to aid instruction ofthis standard.
CollegeandCareer Readiness (CCR) Anchor Standard / Standard: RI.1.9-Identifybasicsimilarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic (e.g., in illustrations,descriptions, or procedures).R.CCR.9 Analyzehow two ormoretexts address similar themes or topics in orderto build knowledgeor to comparetheapproaches the authors take. / Questions to FocusLearning
How canreading and comparinginformational texts on the same topic deepen a reader's understanding?
Identifyingsimilarities inanddifferences betweeninformational texts helpsa reader seepatterns andmake connections. A reader'sunderstandingis deepened when new information is processed, recalled,and connected to previous experiencesandknowledge.
Student FriendlyObjectives
Iknow that similarities arethe ways in which twoor morethingsare alike.
Iknow that differences arethe ways in which twoor morethingsarenotalike.
Iknow that illustrations arepicturesand diagrams that support theideas presented in informational text. Iknow descriptions in informational text arewords that describeideas or things.
Iknow that proceduresareordered steps to do ormakesomething. Iknow atopicis what thetext is mainlyabout.
Reasoning Targets
I can identifysimilaritiesand differences betweentwo informational texts on the same topic usingtheillustrations in the text.
I can identifysimilaritiesand differences betweentwo informational texts on the same topic usingthedescriptions in the text.
I can identifysimilaritiesand differences betweentwo informational texts on the same topic usingtheprocedures in the text.
descriptions differences headings illustrations informational text procedures similarities
text topic
Teacher Tips
HowDo Pumpkins Grow-This unit leads students to compare andcontrastdifferent booksabout pumpkins.
Vertical Progression
RI.K.9-With promptingand support, identifybasicsimilarities in and differences between two textson the same topic (e.g., in illustrations, descriptions, or procedures).
RI.2.9 -Compareandcontrast themostimportant points presented bytwotexts on the same topic.
RI.3.9 -Compareandcontrast themostimportant points and keydetails presented in two texts on thesametopic. RI.4.9 -Integrate information from two texts on thesametopicin order to write or speakabout thesubject knowledgeably.
RI.5.9 -Integrate information from several texts on the same topic in orderto writeor speakabout thesubject knowledgeably.
RI.6.9 -Compareandcontrast one author's presentation of events with that of another(e.g., amemoir written byand abiographyon the sameperson).
RI.7.9 -Analyzehow two or more authors writing about thesame topic shapetheirpresentations ofkeyinformation byemphasizingdifferentevidenceor advancingdifferent interpretations offacts.
RI.8.9 -Analyzeacasein which two ormoretexts provide conflictinginformation on the same topic and identify wherethe texts disagreeon matters of fact or interpretation.
RI.9-10.9-Analyzeseminal U.S. documents of historical and literarysignificance (e.g., Washington'sFarewell Address, theGettysburg Address, Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech, King's "LetterfromBirmingham Jail"), includinghow theyaddress related themesand concepts.
RL.9-10.9 -Analyzehow an author draws on and transforms sourcematerial in aspecificwork (e.g., how Shakespearetreats a theme ortopic from Ovid orthe Bibleor howalaterauthor draws onaplaybyShakespeare). RI.11-12.9-Analyzeseventeenth-, eighteenth-, and nineteenth-centuryfoundational U.S. documents of historical and literarysignificance (includingTheDeclaration ofIndependence, the Preambleto theConstitution,the Bill of Rights, andLincoln's SecondInaugural Address) fortheirthemes, purposes, andrhetorical features.
RL.11-12.9 -Demonstrateknowledgeof eighteenth-, nineteenth-and early-twentieth-centuryfoundational works of
American literature, includinghow two ormoretexts from thesameperiod treat similarthemes ortopics.
The aboveinformation and more can be accessedfor freeon the Wiki-Teacherwebsite. Direct link forthis standard: RI.1.9