Full file at http://testbank360.eu/solution-manual-international-marketing-16th-edition-cateora

INTRODUCTION (Revised 2013)

The 16th edition of International Marketing is designed to serve as the text for a first course in international marketing. The field of international business abounds with courses titled international business, international trade, export trade, global marketing, international marketing management, and international marketing all of which are courses for which the 16th edition of International Marketing is appropriate. Any international business or marketing course which emphasizes the cultural/environ-mental aspects of international trade and stresses the integration of culture and marketing functions can use this text effectively.

Since many schools offer only one course in the international field, we have included information in the Instructor’s Manual that goes beyond the traditional test bank and answers to end-of-chapter questions.

Plan to examine the Instructor’s Manual carefully, it is an important source of information, tips, projects, and suggestions designed to assist you in teaching international marketing. Professors who have allowed us to include them for the benefit of others have developed many of the class projects. If you have projects, teaching tips and other teaching suggestions that you use and would like to share, please pass them along.

Philip R. Cateora
University of Colorado, Boulder

Mary C. Gilly

University of California, Irvine

John L. Graham
University of California, Irvine

Table of Contents



A. Useful Internet Links

B. Course Organization plans

C. Sample Syllabus for a 15-Week Semester Meeting Two Days per Week

D. Classroom Projects

E. Student Projects

F. Notes on the Country Notebook—A Guide for Developing a Marketing Plan

G. Simulations

H. Expanding the Scope of Text Cases and Other Case Materials

I. Information Sources

J. The National Trade Data Bank (NTDB)

K. International Business Center

L. Grameen Foundation

M. Films and Videos




© 2013 by McGraw-Hill Education. This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner. This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part.