/ Course Expectations / Syllabus for
Black Hills High School | Mr. Gibbons

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Integrated Math 3

Objectives: This course is designed to give students the ability to read, write, speak and apply the mathematics necessary for Calculus (and then some).

Content: The two semesters of this course cover the topics covered in Central Washington’s Math 153 & Math 154.

This is a demanding Pre-Calculus curriculum, which will prepare students for AP Calculus or Calculus at any four-year institution.

Text: Advanced Mathematics - Pre-Calculus with Discrete Mathematics and Data Analysis by Richard G. Brown & Precalculus with Limits – by Larson

Student Evaluation:

  1. Daily Quizzes - 10%

Successful completion of HW will be assessed objectively with a daily quiz that will be one of the assigned homework problems. Collaboration on homework is encouraged. If you need additional help, I am available during PACK time.

It is understandable that you may (for a variety of reasons) have trouble completing an assignment. Therefore, your two lowest quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the first semester. Every quiz missed with an excused absence (up to seven) will be excused upon verification that you completed the assigned problems. Daily quizzes are summative assessments.

  1. Daily Homework – 8%

Successful completion of HW will also be assessed subjectively by your instructor (or a peer tutor). Every day, homework will be turned in before class begins. Your HW grade will be based upon completeness and quality of work. HW is a formative assessment.

  1. Participation/Professionalism – 2%

It is expected that everyone will be actively involved in the process of learning in this classroom. An organized notebook with class notes will be evaluated at the end of each unit. You will also receive progress reports that need to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned. Finally, students will always complete an error analysis after every exam.

The final portion of your professionalism grade will be based on my subjective impression. You will want to make it clear to me that you are consistently on time, prepared to learn, and involved in classroom activities. I am assessing your ability to communicate and meet my classroom expectations. Any discipline documentations on Skyward will adversely affect your professionalism grade.

  1. Exams - 80%

There will be six unit exams during the first semester. These exams will cover the material discussed in class as well as any material covered in the homework. Tests will be designed to stretch your mind, so you should come to them with adequate preparation.

  1. Final Exams

These exams will be worth slightly more than your unit exams and will be a part of the 80% “Exams” category (listed above). Of all subjects, mathematics is one of cumulative. Your final exam will reflect that. Cramming in order to achieve a good grade on a test is not the way to learn mathematics. Rather, it is important to keep up with the material as you go. If you always keep this in mind, you will not only make your life easier come exam time, but you will also be on your way to becoming a true learner. Like the unit exams, finals will be designed to challenge you and to stretch your thinking!

Attendance & Collaboration: It is extremely important that you be on time for class. Coming in late is not only a distraction for the instructor; it is also a distraction for the other students (see Participation/Professionalism).

Your presence is also extremely important. If you miss a class, you lose some of the consistency of regular practice. In addition, the students who are present miss hearing your ideas and comments.

Assignments, quizzes, projects and/or tests missed due to any unexcused absence will be given the grade of zero. If you do miss class, you can find the lesson, any handouts, and the assigned HW on my webpage “mlgibbons.pbworks.com”.