University Supervisor Required List of Activities

University Supervisor Required List of Activities

University Supervisor Required List of Activities

Complete one of these forms for each student teacher you supervise and place in their professional folder at the end of the placement. Return the folder with its contents to the appropriate SAU Teacher Education site.

Student Teacher: ______

___ Reviewed thestudent teacher applicationmaterials

___ Conducted the initial meeting (in advance of the official start of the placement)

___Collected and returned to SAU the cooperating teacher stipend form(s) within the first week of the placement.

___ Collected the student teacher’s letter of introduction.

___ Collected and returned to SAU the substitute teaching permission form when approved.

___ Collected the teacher generated lesson evaluation using the SOE lesson evaluation form.

___ Completed a minimum of 4 formal observations of the student teacher and conferenced with both the student teacher and cooperating teacher(s). The student teacher signed and dated the bottom of each formal lesson evaluation form.

___ Completed both the midterm and final evaluation on each student, conference with the student teacher and provided a copy of the evaluation to the student teacher.

___ Midterm evaluation emailed, mailed or turned in the appropriate School of Education office with student signature or email verifying they received and reviewed the evaluation.

___ Confirmed the following Notebook assignments were completed by the student teacher during the placement:

  1. Weekly reflections were received from the student teacher and responded to in a timely manner from the university supervisor.
  2. People to Meet - completed within first two weeks of student teaching.
  3. Classroom Procedures - completed within first two weeks of student teaching.
  4. Student Teacher Technology Requirement (Part 1).- completed within first two weeks of student teaching. (Place in student teacher folder with final evaluation)
  5. Completion of four Student Teacher/Student Caregiver Interaction Records.
  6. Provided copies of lesson plans(Place at least one lesson in student teacher folder with final evaluation). These may be lesson plans from the unit plan and/or meet the artifact requirement of the Technology Requirement Part II.
  7. Completion of Technology Requirement (Part II)
  8. Completion of substitute teacher/absence report (Place in student teacher folder with final evaluation)
  9. Signed substitute teacher permission form (Send to SOE when signed by all parties)

___ Completed MDE University Supervisor Survey and turned in the last page of the survey with signature and date.

___ Provided the student teacher with a letter of recommendation (copy to be placed in folder and returned to SOE)

___ Submitted expense report at the end of each semester (By Dec 20 for Fall semester; May 25 for Spring semester) signed and dated.

Indicate in the boxes below the dates of formal observation visits and lesson evaluations:

Sign, date, and place this form with final evaluation (both teacher and university supervisor with student signature page attached),lesson observation forms, unit plan, absences and substitute teaching record form, letter of recommendation, MDE survey receipt page (signed and dated), and expense report in the student’s folder and return to Pam Gregory or the appropriate TESA (Teacher Education Student Advisor: Rachel Johnson – Lansing, Marsha Thompkins – North). *All academic year expense reports MUST be accurately completed and turned in no later than May 24, 2013. No reimbursement checks will be cut for the 2012-2013 academic year after that date.


University Supervisor Signature Date

Revised: 05/10/13