Word / Meaning / Example /Explanation
Concise (adjective) / If something isconcise, it's short and gets right to the point. / When we usethe word concise, we're talking about words that have been cut down. We usually use the word concise to describe someone’s writing.
If you're good at quick explanations, you have a concise manner. A good synonym for concise issuccinct.
One important skill to practice in middle school is writing concise summaries. This means that your summaries should only contain the most important points of an article or events in a story.
Paraphrase (verb) / To sum something up or clarify a statement by rephrasing it.
Toparaphrasean articlemeans to say the same thing in other, simpler words. / Students often confuse summarizing and paraphrasing. This is why teachers often get summary paragraphs that are way too long.
So what’s the difference? When a student summarizes a text, the student condenses many lines of material and only keeps the most important points. When a student paraphrases, he/she tries to restate every word or phrase in a new way. The structure of the sentence may be different and the words are replaced with simpler words.
Wait a minute!!!!
This is a lot like what you do with a concluding sentence. Remember that you use the same idea stated in your topic sentence, but use synonyms to replace key words.
Word / Meaning / Example / Explanation
Amiable (Adjective) / good-natured and easy to get along with; friendly, pleasant / A classmate who is always pleasant and helpful is an example of an amiable person.
Objective (adjective) / looking at things in a detached, impartial, fact-based way; undistorted by emotion or personal bias
Something or someone that is objective only presents the facts and avoids getting emotions, beliefs, and opinions involved. / When your approach is objective, your decision is based on facts rather than on your feelings or beliefs.
Here are some sentences that use the word objective.
  1. It's hard to give an objective opinion about your own children.
  2. Scientists need to be objective when doing research because if they involve their beliefs or feelings it could compromise their research.
Types of writing that should be objective are
News reports
Types of writing that are not objective are
Letters of recommendation
Diary or journal entries
Literature Response Essays
Argumentative Essays