Attachment to November 17, 2015 SenEx Minutes

University Senate Athletic Committee Standing Charges FY2016

(Revised and submitted for review, Nov. 9, 2015)
Dr. Max Utsler, Chair

1. Review KU and Kansas Athletics Inc. (KAI) efforts to promote and maintain
academic excellence for the student athletes.

  1. Identify potential academic barriers and recommend mechanisms to overcome such barriers including collaboration with the student athlete academic support services.
  2. Review current-year data on missed class days due to competition and travel.
  3. Review the following KAI academic reports: Spring and Fall Student-Athlete Grade Summary, NCAA Academic Progress Rate Institutional Report, Graduation Rates and the KAI report on academic majors for student-athletes and non-athletes.
  4. Review the effects of university changes regarding core requirements, majors, minors, certificates or other curricular issues.

2. Review KU and KAI efforts to provide a premier student athlete experience.

  1. Review programs designed to ensure the personal development and personal welfare of student athletes including: nutrition and physical health, mental health, and safety.
  2. Review reports from KAI exit-interviews and KAI survey questions regarding participation in the broader campus community.
  3. Review Student Athlete Advisory Committee programs and recommend opportunities to improve student athlete involvement in extracurricular campus and community activities.

3. Help ensure KU maintains athletic compliance with University, Big XII and NCAA rules and Federal law.

  1. Review educational programs and communication strategies to ensure the KU community better understands the combined responsibility for compliance.
  2. Review and summarize KAI reports identifying athletic compliance parameters including but not limited to recruiting practices and university admissions.
  3. Review KU and KAI policies and procedures on drug testing, diversity and sexual harassment including Title IX compliance, and alcohol use in matters of sexual assault reporting.

4. Help ensure KU meets its strategic goals pertaining to athletics.

  1. Recommend educational programs and communication strategies to enhance the balance between academics and athletics, as well as to promote a broad understanding of the goals and priorities of each.
  2. Recommend mechanisms for improved communication between KAI coaches and staff and KU faculty, staff and students
  3. Maintain regular communications with the NCAA/Big XII Faculty Representative, the Athletics Advisory Committee(AAC), KAI and University Governance to ensure the needs of each are being served.


Approved by SenEx: May 27, 2015

Approved by University Senate: September 10, 2015

  • For further information or to schedule a meeting with SenEx to discuss charges or the committee’s work, contact SenEx Chair Michael Williams .
  • Minutes of each meeting should be e-mailed to the Governance Office () as they are approved. The minutes will be posted to the Governance web site.
  • If the committee is recommending a change to university policy or rules, SenEx must officially receive that recommendation by March 29, 2016 in order to meet timeline requirements for full review by Governance.
  • Please send a report of the committee’s actions on each of the charges, as well as any recommendations the committee wishes to make concerning charges or membership for the following academic year, to University Governance, at , and submit the final report by April 15, 2016.

Standing charges:

1. Review KU and Kansas Athletics Inc. (KAI) efforts to promote and maintain academic excellence, as they pertain to athletics. (ongoing)

  1. Identify potential barriers to student athlete integration into curricular and extra-curricular activities, and recommend mechanisms to overcome such barriers.
  2. Recommend campus initiatives to target academic success of student athletes, including collaboration with the on-going academic programs at the Student Athlete Support Center.
  3. Recommend educational programs and communication strategies to increase community awareness of issues such as Academic Progress Rate (APR), progress towards degree and similar regulations as well as academic honors and awards to student-athletes.
  4. Review current-year data on missed class days due to competition and travel.
  5. Review the following KAI academic reports: Spring and Fall Student-Athlete Grade Summary, NCAA Academic Progress Rate Institutional Report, and Graduation Rates.
  6. Review the KAI report on academic majors for student-athletes and non-athletes.

2. Review KU and KAI efforts to provide a premiere student-athlete experience. (ongoing)

  1. Recommend mechanisms to enable broader discussions of opportunities to improve the student-athlete experience.
  2. Provide review of programs designed to ensure the academic success, personal development, and personal welfare of student athletes.
  3. Review, summarize and disseminate KAI reports identifying student wellness parameters including but not limited to drug testing practices and policies, nutrition and physical health, psychological and emotional well being, and social integration.
  4. Review data resulting from KAI exit-interview and KAI survey questions regarding participation in the broader campus community.

3. Help to ensure that KU maintains athletic compliance with University, Big XII and NCAA rules. (ongoing)

  1. Recommend educational programs and communication strategies to ensure the KU community better understands our combined responsibility for compliance.
  2. Review and summarize KAI reports identifying athletic compliance parameters including but not limited to ten-day absence policies, academic screening practices and recruiting practices.
  3. Review university and national policies regarding alcohol use in matters of sexual assault reporting and athletic scholarships.

4. Help to ensure that KU strategic goals pertaining to athletics are accomplished. (ongoing)

  1. Recommend educational programs and communication strategies to enhance the balance between academics and athletics, as well as to promulgate broad understanding of the goals and priorities of each.
  2. Review KU and KAI practices and policies pertaining to diversity in athletics, including Title IX compliance.

5. Help to facilitate systematic dialog between KU and KAI regarding items of mutual interest. (ongoing)

  1. Recommend mechanisms for improved communication between KAI and faculty, staff and students.
  2. Work with KAI to avoid potentially divisive issues of interest to faculty, staff and students.
  3. Maintain regular communications with the NCAA/Big XII Faculty Representative, the Athletics Advisory Committee(AAC), KAI, and University Governance to ensure the needs of each are being served.

Specific Charges:

1. Continue to review the potential impact of implementation of the University’s common core on the academic progress of student-athletes, particularly on how this is impacting student-athletes who are transfer students.

2. Monitor the effects of the new NCAA eligibility requirements (e.g., high school course requirements and timing of courses, new GPA and SAT/ACT requirements) and the impact they may have in 2016 when they go into effect.

3. Continue to collaborate with KAI on strategies to promote increased awareness of student-athlete academic honors and awards to the broader University and Lawrence community.

4. Continue to monitor data resulting from KAI exit-interview and KAI survey questions regarding participation in the broader campus community and review Student Senate/SAAC task force recommendations.

5. Continue to dialogue with KAI Compliance staff to identify strategies for disseminating information to faculty and appropriate staff regarding compliance issues and regulations that are impacted by academic actions and decisions.

6. Review standing charges and recommend modifications. Report to SenEx by February 1, 2016.


Revised Standing Charges, Submitted by Committee Chair for FY2016

Approved by SenEx: 11/17/15

Approved by University Senate:

  • For further information or to schedule a meeting with SenEx to discuss charges or the committee’s work, contact SenEx Chair Michael Williams .
  • Minutes of each meeting should be e-mailed to the Governance Office () as they are approved. The minutes will be posted to the Governance web site.
  • If the committee is recommending a change to university policy or rules, SenEx must officially receive that recommendation by March 29, 2016 in order to meet timeline requirements for full review by Governance.
  • Please send a report of the committee’s actions on each of the charges, as well as any recommendations the committee wishes to make concerning charges or membership for the following academic year, to University Governance, at , and submit the final report by April 15, 2016.

(Revised and submitted for review, Nov. 9, 2015)
Dr. Max Utsler, Chair

1. Review KU and Kansas Athletics Inc. (KAI) efforts to promote and maintain
academic excellence, as they pertain to athletics. (ongoing) for the student athletes.

  1. Identify potential academic barriers to student athlete integration into curricular and extra-curricular activities, [RK1]and recommend mechanisms to overcome such barriersincluding collaboration with the student athlete academic support services.
  2. Recommend campus initiatives to target academic success of student athletes, including collaboration with the on-going academic programs at the Student Athlete Support Center. Review current-year data on missed class days due to competition and travel.
  1. Recommend educational programs and communication strategies to increase community awareness of issues such as Academic Progress Rate (APR), progress towards degree and similar regulations as well as academic honors and awards to student-athletes. [AM2]Review the following KAI academic reports: Spring and Fall Student-Athlete Grade Summary, NCAA Academic Progress Rate Institutional Report, Graduation Rates and the KAI report on academic majors for student-athletes and non-athletes.
  2. Review current-year data on missed class days due to competition and travel.[RK3]Review the effects of university changes regarding core requirements, majors, minors, certificates or other curricular issues.[RK4]
  3. Review the following KAI academic reports: Spring and Fall Student-Athlete Grade Summary, NCAA Academic Progress Rate Institutional Report, and Graduation Rates.
  4. Review the KAI report on academic majors for student-athletes and non-athletes.


2.Review KU and KAI efforts to provide a premier student athlete experience.

  1. Recommend mechanisms to enable broader discussions of opportunities to improve the student-athlete experience. [RK6]Review programs designed to ensure the personal development and personal welfare of student athletes including: nutrition and physical health, mental health, and safety.
  2. Provide review of programs designed to ensure the academic success, personal development, and personal welfare of student athletes. Review reports from KAI exit-interviews and KAI survey questions regarding participation in the broader campus community.
  3. Review, summarize and disseminate KAI reports identifying student wellness parameters including but not limited to drug testing practices and policies, nutrition and physical health, psychological and emotional well being, and social integration. Student Athlete Advisory Committee programs and recommend opportunities to improve student athlete involvement in extracurricular campus and community activities.
  4. Review data resulting from KAI exit-interview and KAI survey questions regarding participation in the broader campus community. [RK7]

3. Help ensure KU maintains athletic compliance with University, Big XII and NCAA rules and Federal law.

  1. RecommendReview educational programs and communication strategies to ensure the KU community better understands our combined responsibility for compliance.
  2. Review and summarize KAI reports identifying athletic compliance parameters including but not limited to ten-day absence policies, academic screening practices and recruiting practices and university admissions.
  3. Review university and national policies regarding alcohol use in matters of sexual assault reporting and athletic scholarships.Review KU and KAI policies and procedures on drug testing, diversity and sexual harassment including Title IX compliance, and alcohol use in matters of sexual assault reporting.

4.Help ensure KU meets its strategic goals pertaining to athletics.

  1. Recommend educational programs and communication strategies to enhance the balance between academics and athletics, as well as to promote promulgatea broad understanding of the goals and priorities of each.
  2. Review KU and KAI practices and policies pertaining to diversity in athletics, including Title IX compliance. Recommend mechanisms for improved communication between KAI coaches and staff and KU faculty, staff and students.
  3. Maintain regular communications with the NCAA/Big XII Faculty Representative, the Athletics Advisory Committee(AAC), KAI and University Governance to ensure the needs of each are being served.

5. Help to facilitate systematic dialog between KU and KAI regarding items of mutual interest. (ongoing)

  1. Recommend mechanisms for improved communication between KAI and faculty, staff and students.[RK8]
  2. Work with KAI to avoid potentially divisive issues of interest to faculty, staff and students.
  3. Maintain regular communications with the NCAA/Big XII Faculty Representative, the Athletics Advisory Committee(AAC), KAI, and University Governance to ensure the needs of each are being served.[RK9]

Specific Charges:

1. Continue to review the potential impact of implementation of the University’s common core on the academic progress of student-athletes, particularly on how this is impacting student-athletes who are transfer students.[RK10]

2. Monitor the effects of the new NCAA eligibility requirements (e.g., high school course requirements and timing of courses, new GPA and SAT/ACT requirements) and the impact they may have in 2016 when they go into effect.

3. Continue to collaborate with KAI on strategies to promote increased awareness of student-athlete academic honors and awards to the broader University and Lawrence community.

4. Continue to monitor data resulting from KAI exit-interview and KAI survey questions regarding participation in the broader campus community and review Student Senate/SAAC task force recommendations.[RK11]

5. Continue to dialogue with KAI Compliance staff to identify strategies for disseminating information to faculty and appropriate staff regarding compliance issues and regulations that are impacted by academic actions and decisions.

6. Review standing charges and recommend modifications. Report to SenEx by February 1, 2016.

[RK1]“Extracurricular” section of Strike out is now located in 2. c.

[AM2]Strikeout reworded in Specific Charge 3

[RK3]Strike out is now B.

[RK4]Red is part of specific charge 1.

[RK5]E and f are rewritten into c.

[RK6]Strike out on a, b and c were reworded to a.

[RK7]Strike out on d, was reworded to b.

[RK8]See 4. b

[RK9]See 4 c

[RK10]Should this be deleted, see Standing Charge 1. d, refers to the core requirements.

[RK11]Should this be deleted, see Standing Charge 2. b