January 2009
NAME: Raquel R. Marquez
BIRTHPLACE AND DATE: Brownsville, Texas; July 18, 1951
UTSA website:
University of Texas, Austin
Sociology, Ph.D.
University of Texas, Austin
Master of Arts
Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, Texas
Bachelor of Science in Applied Sociology
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Minority Opportunity Summer Training
American Sociological Association
Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas
San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas
Associate Professor. Department of Sociology. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Chair, Department of Sociology, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Making Connections –
CRECER Research Group. San Antonio, Texas.
Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Border Kids Count.
July, 2004. San Antonio, Texas.
Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Border Kids Count.
November, 2003. Sante Fe, New Mexico.
Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Strengthening Families on the Southwest Border. Planning Meeting. July, 2002. Baltimore, MD.
Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Llano Grande Project.
Youth Development. August, 2002. Edouch-Elsa, TX.
Research Consultant. Annie E. Casey Foundation. Transnational Families Consultative Session. Roundtable. September 23, 2002. Baltimore, MD.
Student Coordinator. The Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives and
Inter-University Program for Latino Research. 1999 Latino Graduate
Training Seminar on Qualitative Methodology. Washington, DC.
Site/Project Co-coordinator. Population Research Center. The University of Texas at Austin. Texas/Mexico Border Project funded by the MacArthur Foundation.
Assistant Instructor. Course entitled: Gender and Ethnicity, La
Chicana. Course cross-listed in Mexican American Studies,
Sociology, and Women’s Studies. University of Texas at Austin.
Research Assistant, Poverty, Gender, and Household Strategies in
Border Cities: An Ethnographic Perspective. Currently conducting
fieldwork in Brownsville, Texas and Matamoros, Tamaulipas. Research
is funded by the MacArthur Foundation.
Consultant, AVANCE Ethnographic Study. Part of team that is conducting
an ethnographic program evaluation of the AVANCE Family Support and
Education Program. Evaluation is funded by the Ford Foundation.
AVANCE National, San Antonio, TX.
Consultant, U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform. Research, writing,
review, and editing of the U.S.-Mexico Bi-national Report in English and
Spanish. Washington, D.C. and Austin, Texas.
Research Assistant, Inter-University Program for Latino Research.
Assisted with the launching of the IUPLR National Office, Smithsonian
Institution. Washington, D.C.
Research Assistant, Fellowship to Support Faculty Research.
Assist Dr. Yolanda Padilla in research on Border health, poverty
and immigration. Fellowship funded by the Center for Mexican
American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.
Research Assistant, The International Migration and Human Rights
Project at the University of Texas at Austin. Planned and coordinated
1994 International Working Group Meeting; planned and coordinated
1995 International Working Group Meeting held in Granada, Spain.
Consultant, The Tomas Rivera Center & Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF). Reviewed and summarized legal depositions for court case Ruiz vs. Santa Maria, CA.
Research Associate, The Tomas Rivera Center, Austin, Texas.
Houston Community Evaluation Project: Interviewed Houston community leaders, data programming and analysis, writing and editing.
Migrant Enumeration Project: Data analysis. North American Free Trade Debate Series: Research, writing and editing.
Field research interviewing newly arrived immigrants. Austin, Texas.
Research Assistant Intern, The Tomas Rivera Center, San Antonio. Texas Hispanics in Higher Education, Contributor to survey questionnaire, research, writing, and editing.
Field research interviewing dislocated garment workers. San Antonio, Texas.
Mexico Center Faculty Fellow, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Fronterizas: Latinas Working Group.
Principal convener and participant. National collaboration of Latina Scholars. Research agenda: Families on the Southwest Border. Meetings at Notre Dame, IN; UTSA, TX, Tijuana, MX. Funded by Annie E. Casey Foundation, Inter-University Program for Latino Research, Notre Dame, IN.
UTSA Transnational Working Group. The University of Texas at San
Institute for Law and Public Affairs at the University of Texas at San
Antonio. Research Associate.
Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Research Associate.
San Antonio Local Learning Partnership: Data/Research Group.
Collaboration with the City of San Antonio Department of Community
Initiatives, United Way, Our Lady of the Lake University and the Center for Public Policy Priorities
Texas Humanities Council, Voices of the UFW Project. $9,000. Partial funding awarded, $3000.
Yip Harburg Foundation, Voices of the UFW Project. $1,500. Awarded.
UTSA Mexico Center Educational Research Fellowship. $1,500. Awarded to conduct research in Monterrey, Mexico.
Raynier Foundation. Voices of the UFW Project. $5,000. Awarded.
UTSA Summer Faculty Research Award. Voices of the UFW Project. $5,000. Not awarded.
Inter-University Program for Latino Research. University of Notre
Dame. Transnational Families on the Southwest Border. Principal
Investigator. $12,000. Awarded.
San Antonio Area Foundation. Voices of the Texas UFW Project: Online Photographic Digital Archive. Principal Investigator, $32,400. Not funded.
Inter-University Program for Latino Research. University of Notre
Dame. Transnational Families on the Southwest Border. Principal
Investigator. $12,500. Awarded.
Inter-University Program for Latino Research. University of Notre
Dame. Transnational Families on the Southwest Border. Principal
Investigator. $12,386. Awarded.
2003 Annie E. Casey Foundation. Borderland Families - Transnational
Communities in Texas and Mexico. Principal Investigator. $20,000.
2003 Annie E. Casey Foundation. Transnationalism and Latinas on the
Border. Principal Investigator. $15,000. Awarded.
Rockefeller Foundation. Knowledge, Culture and Construction of Identity
in a Transnational Community: San Antonio, Texas. Research Associate.
Grant awarded to Dr. Harriett Romo at the University of Texas
at San Antonio. Awarded.
Annie E. Casey Foundation: Shaping A Learning Partnership for Making Connections in San Antonio, Texas. Co-Principal Investigator. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. 3rd year of 10 Year Strategic Plan. $202,255. Awarded.
Hispanic Leadership Institute in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Co-Principal Investigator. Funded by the USDA Agriculture and Forest Service. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. 1rst year of 3 year project. $175,000. Awarded.
Good Samaritan Center. Principal Investigator. Assessment of the West
Side Community’s Frail and Elderly. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio. $7,960. Awarded.
Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San
Antonio in collaboration with the UT Health Science Center, Dental
School. Co-principal Investigator, Behavioral Assessment Core. San
Antonio Center to Reduce Oral Health Disparities. National Institute of
Health. Not-awarded.
“Immigrant Women on the Texas/Mexico Border: The Structure of the Labor
Market as it Relates to Impoverished Women’s Reproductive Behavior”. Draft
A. Refereed Publications
a. Books
Marquez, Raquel and Harriett Romo. Co-Editors. Transformations of La
Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border. University of Notre Dame Press.
Gambitta, Richard and Raquel R. Marquez. Co-Editors. The Politics and
Economics of San Antonio. (Forthcoming: Contract with McGraw Hill Press.)
2. Articles
Marquez, Raquel R., Louis Mendoza and Steve Blanchard.
“Neighborhood Formation on the West Side of San Antonio.” Latino Studies. Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Vol. 5, Issue 3. Autumn 2007.
Marquez, Raquel R. and Yolanda Padilla. “Migration in the Life Course of Low-Income Mexican Women.” Journal of Borderland Studies. Texas A & M University at Laredo. Vol. 18.2. August, 2004.
Marquez, Raquel R and Yolanda C. Padilla. “Immigration in the Life Histories of Women Living Along the United States-Mexico Border Region”. Journal of Immigrants and Refugees. University of Connecticut. Vol. 2, No. 1/2. August 19, 2004.
Vila, Pablo and Raquel R. Marquez. “Hispanos/Latinos, o Mexicanos,
Puertorriqueños, Cubanos? Rótulos identitarios y construcción de
identidades sociales en los EE.UU.” Araucaria. University of Sevilla,
Spain. Pp. 158-184. December, 2001.
3. Book Chapters
Marquez, Raquel R. “Transborder Interactions and Transnational Processer in
a Border Community, Laredo, Texas”. Co-Editors. Transformations of La
Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border. University of Notre Dame
Harriett, Romo and Marquez, Raquel R. “Identity Construction in Transnational Lives: Characteristics and Complexities”. Editor Zartman, William I. In Boundaries in Depth and in Motion. At Press,
University of Georgia Press.
Marquez, Raquel R and Yolanda C. Padilla. “Immigration in the Life
Histories of Women Living Along the United States-Mexico Border
Region”. Editor Drachman, Diane. In Social Work and Immigration:
Thinking Beyond US Borders: Haworth Press. Nov. 1, 2004.
Marquez, Raquel R. “Transborder Interactions and Transnational Processes in
a Border Community, Laredo, Texas”. Editors Marquez, Raquel R. and
Harriett Romo. In Transnationalism and Latinas on the Border.
(Accepted, Forthcoming: Notre Dame Press. Fall 2004)
Marquez, Raquel R. “Women and Labor in the Economy and Polity of
San Antonio”. Chapter in The Politics and Economics of San Antonio.
Edited by Richard Gambitta and Raquel R. Marquez, University of Texas at San Antonio. (Accepted, Forthcoming: McGraw Hill Press. Fall 2004.)
A. Non-Refereed Publications
1. Book Chapters/Book reviews
Marquez, Raquel. R. Book Review. The Price of Poverty: Money Work, and
Culture in the Mexican American Barrio. By Daniel Dohan. University
Of California Press. Latino Studies Journal Volume 4, Issue 1-2 (Spring/Summer 2006): 196-198.
Marquez, Raquel R. et al., “Between Necessity and Freedom: Roundtable on Current Immigration Issues”. Editors Mendoza, Louis and S. Shankar. In Crossing into America: The New Literature of Immigration. The New Press. December, 2002.
2. Policy/Research Reports
Hispanics in the State of Texas: Emerging Trends Findings from the 2000
Census. Hispanic Research Center at the University of Texas at San
Antonio. Contributor to publication. January, 2002.
Making Connections San Antonio: A Neighborhood Transformation &
Family Development Initiative. Hispanic Research Center at the
University of Texas at San Antonio. Research advisor and writing
contributor to publication.
3. Articles Posted on Internet Website
Marquez, R., Padilla, Y., & Roberts, B. (2000). “Migration in the life
course of Women in Mexican border cities: Links to educational, family,
and labor Trajectories.” New York: Presented at the Council on Social Work Education Annual Program Meeting, February 26-29, 2000.
Accessible on Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work. Anti-
Racist Training and Material Project.
4. Newspaper Articles
Marquez, Raquel R. “A Response to: Charting a New Course for a
Multiculturalism that Matter’s”. El Noticiero, University of Texas
at San Antonio. March, 1999.
C. Published Conference Proceedings
Marquez, Raquel. Mujeres Immigrantes en La Frontera Tejas/Mexico: Un
Analisis Comparativo del Aislamento y la Habilidad de las Mujeres para
Integrarse Satisfactoriamente en sus Nuevas Comunidades. In P. M. Ward (Ed.), Final Report of the University of Texas System and the Desarrollo Integral de la Familia (DIF) Nacional of Mexico Workshops on Reducing Vulnerability Among Families in the Mexico and US Border Region (pp. 14-15). Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin.
Padilla, Yolanda C. & Marquez, Raquel. The Role of Migration in the
Life Course of Low-Income Mexican Women. In P. M. Ward (Ed.), Final
Report of the University of Texas System and the Desarrollo Integral de la
Familia (DIF) Nacional of Mexico Workshops on Reducing Vulnerability
Among Families in the Mexico and US Border Region (pp. 128-131).
Austin, TX: University of Texas at Austin.
D. Technical Reports
Argilagos, Ana Marie, Raquel R. Marquez, et al. Border Kids Count. Annie
E. Casey Foundation. September 2004.
Marquez, Raquel R. The Border as a Resource: Maintaining Families at
the Border. Report to Annie E. Casey Foundation. Baltimore Maryland.
November 2003.
Marquez, Raquel R. An Analysis of the Making Connections Youth
Community Mapping Program. Report to Annie E. Casey Foundation and
The Hispanic Research Center at The University of Texas at San Antonio.
November 2002.
Marquez, Raquel R. “The Process of Developing: A Family Security Portfolio
and Family Security Index for the West Side of San Antonio”. Presented at the
Self-Sufficiency Standards Session. Baltimore, MD. September, 2002.
Marquez, Raquel R., el al. “Families on the Southwest Border”. Research
concept paper submitted to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. September
Marquez, Raquel R. A Community Assessment of the Frail and
Homebound Elderly Living Within the Good Samaritan Center Service
Area. Final Report to: The Good Samaritan Center, San Antonio, TX.
July 2002.
Marquez, Raquel R. et al. Making Connection NTFD Initiative: A
Celebration on the Anniversary of the Family Summits 2001. Report to
Annie E. Casey Foundation. June 2002.
Marquez. Raquel R. The 2001 San Antonio Making Connection
Summit’s:The Process and A Presentation of Qualitative and Quantitative
Findings. Report to the Annie E. Casey Foundation. June 2001.
Robert, Bryan R., Raquel R. Marquez and Yolanda C. Padilla. The
Demography of Women’s Health and Women’s Employment on the US-
Mexico Transborder. Final Report to: The John D. & Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation.
Cardenas, Gilberto, Raquel R. Marquez, and Susan Moreno. Final Report of Ethnographic Study of the AVANCE Expansion Process: Phase I, 1996-1997: A Case Study of the AVANCE Texas Initiative. San Antonio, Texas.
E. Works in Progress
Marquez, Raquel R. Repatriated Braceros from the state of Nuevo Leon. Oral History Collection. 2008
Marquez, Raquel R. Voices of the Texas UFW Project. Film documentary,
Oral History Collection, Online Digital Photograph Archive. Data collection started Spring 2006.
Marquez, Raquel R. From Migration to Isolation: Mexicana’s Confronting the Challenges of Life at the Texas/Mexico Border. -
Marquez, Raquel R. “The Political and Social Empowerment of Mexicanas
and Mexican American Women of the south Texas Colonias: A Case in
Point, The Colonia of Cameron Park.” Targeted Journal: Race, Gender and
Class Journal.
Marquez, Raquel R. “An Assessment of the Homebound Hispanic Elderly of