Due: 2/15/2016Project 3 Description50 Points
Cover Letter and Resume
In this project you will write a cover letter and a resume. The cover letter and resume must be in a single file. What is your dream job? Write the cover letter and resume regarding your dream job. Picture yourself in 20 to 30 years, after you have finished school and have had several jobs in the field. Obviously, I do not expect the information in this cover letter and resume to be factual so I expect you to fabricate interesting items about your goals, experiences, and background. One of my students wrote his cover letter and resume as if he was a corporate cleanup man that turned around struggling companies. It was extremely well done. However, I do expect the resume to support the information in the cover letter. It is critical that this resume and cover letter cover 20 to 30 years in the future. If the dates are too current, I will not accept the document.
The cover letter should direct its content towards the specific company that you would be submitting an application. Look up the companies involved in the areas of your dream job or make up a company. If you make up the company, you must supply the background when referring to this made up company. Clearly state how your experience, background and knowledge would benefit the company in the job role that is being advertised or in a specific job role. Point out how this position fits into your long term employment goals. Also include some information about how the company and you share similar goals and why you think the company would be a good company to work for. So I expect a minimum of three paragraphs in your cover letter and each of those paragraphs needs a minimum of three sentences. The cover letter must not have information in the header and footer sections of the cover letter page. It should have your name and telephone number at the beginning or the end in the body of the cover letter but not in the header or footer sections. You must use a page break operation between the cover letter and the resume.
The resume must have and only have the following sections:
ObjectivesWhat are your current and long term objectives? At least two sentences.
Recent ProjectsWrite about three recent projects and what the worth of the project was to the company. Each recent project should be a short paragraph.
Work ExperienceAt least 3 previous employments
Education BackgroundCollege and graduate school attendance; no high school
Major CoursesInclude courses directly and indirectly oriented towards the job that you are applying for. You need a minimum of 6 courses with 2 on each line. Placing the two courses on a line will be done using center-aligned tabs; not columns, not a table. Some students have difficulty with this section. Examine what courses are required in the junior and senior years and/or graduate level courses needed.
SkillsSpecific job skills and general office skills. These are most often soft skills – communication, leadership, teamwork
Awards / RecognitionAny kind of awards such as patents, medals, bonuses, recognitions that may influence the company of your worth.
InterestsInterests and hobbies.
You must use the following word processing techniques in your resume and cover letter. In most cases you must apply a specific word processing technique to a specific section in your resume. Do not use one of the resume template documents or the resume wizard for this assignment. I want you to create the resume document yourself. You can use the templates as a guideline. Do not send me your current resume; I want to see a resume for years in the future.
Spread your name, address, phone, and Email address between the header and the footer sections in the resume. You must have both a header and footer section on your resume. Your name must be correct but the rest can be made up.
You must use a color font (not black) for the text in the Objectives section.
Apply hanging indent paragraphsto the Recent Projects section. A hanging indent is where the first line is further left than the rest of the lines in the paragraph. Remember, there should be at least three short paragraphs.
Insert a table and then use one of the preformatted table styles for the Work Experience section. It needs to be more than a basic, plain set of cells. Make sure that you review the Table Style Options.
The Education Background section must use single line spacing and have no spacing before or after the paragraphs.
Create two columns by using center aligned tabs - apply this to the Major Courses section. Do not use a table or 2 column page layout via sections. Under the paragraph area click on the Paragraph dialog box arrow and then pick tabs. Or you could use the ruler to set your center-aligned tabs. When entering your courses, press the tab key to align your cursor under the first center-aligned tab, then type in your course. Press the tab key again to align your cursor under the second center-aligned tab and then type your next course.
Apply a Number List to the Skills section.
Both the Awards / Recognition and the Interests sections must use bullet lists. You must use a different bullet indicator or symbol for each section. The bullet symbol cannot be the solid round, hollow round, or square.
Use italics font style in the items in the Interests section.
The Cover Letter is the first page and the Resume follows as additional pages in a single word processing file attached through the Assignment Manager. Name your attached file ini_project3.docx where ini are your initials.
Project 3 RubricItem / Description / Points
1 / Correct filename format / 1
2 / Cover letter with minimum of 3 paragraphs each with 3 sentences / 6
3 / No header section on cover letter / 1
4 / No footer section on cover letter / 1
5 / Insert page break between cover letter and resume / 1
6 / The correct 8 sections of information with enough data / 8
7 / Change font color in the Objectives section / 1
8 / Hanging indent used in Recent Projects section / 3
9 / Table with selected style in Work Experience section / 4
10 / Use single line spacing, 0 for paragraph spacing before/after in
Educational Background section / 3
11 / Center-aligned tabs to create 2 columns in Major Courses section / 6
12 / Bullet lists used in Awards and Interests sections with diff symbols / 4
13 / Numbered list used in Skills section / 2
14 / Use italics font style for the Interests section / 2
15 / Header section on resume / 1
16 / Footer section on resume / 1
17 / Used imagination in your cover letter and resume / 5
Total / 50
Finding Related Material in the MS Office 2013 Book
Page breaksWD 105
First page header
Inserting a table
Apply table style
Center-aligned tabs
Bullet listsWD 23-24
Numbered lists
JRNorth1Spring 2016