University of Warwick, Department of Sociology, 2010/11

SO201: SSAASS (Surveys and Statistics) (Richard Lampard & Eric Jensen)


The following items may be useful in relation to your projects (e.g. with respect to finding literature and other relevant material):

HART, C. 1998. Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination. London: Sage.

HART, C. 2001. Doing a Literature Search: A Comprehensive Guide for the Social Sciences. London: Sage.

FINK, A. 1998. Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From Paper to the Internet. London: Sage.

POLE, C. and LAMPARD, R. 2001. Practical Social Investigation: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Social Research. Harlow: Prentice Hall (Pearson Education). [See Ch. 11 on projects, Ch. 10 on writing, and possibly Ch. 9 with respect to statistical analysis!]

STEIN, S. 1999. Learning, Teaching and Researching on the Internet: A Practical Guide for the Social Scientist. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.

ALDRIDGE, A. and LEVINE, K. 2001. [Chapter 9 on presenting findings].

BRYMAN, A. 2001. [Chapter 23 on writing up research; Chapter 25 on small-scale projects may also be of a degree of relevance].

O'DOCHARTAIGH, N. 2001. The Internet Research Handbook: A Practical Guide for Students and Researchers in the Social Sciences. London: Sage.

HEWSON, C., YULE, P., LAURENT, D. and VOGEL, C. 2002. Internet Research Methods: A practical guide for the social and behavioural sciences. London: Sage.


(N.B. Additional material relating to these project topics may be added later in the year)

The first set of references listed for each source consists of items such as basic reports and examples of further analyses, with a few methodological/conceptual references. Note that some of the questionnaires can be viewed via the Question Bank web pages on the Internet, the site address being as follows:

This first set of references correspond to the data sources in general rather than to the specific substantive topics of the projects. The material may thus also be useful if you intend to do a class/examination essay on the secondary analysis potential of a specific data source.

In most cases, some references used by previous students corresponding to the various projects have also been included. This will give you a starting point for your literature review, but there is no guarantee that any specific item is relevant to your slant on the project title, and the expectation is that you will look for additional material (which may be more pertinent and important than the items listed here!)

General Household Survey

(N.B. Some of these references correspond to use of the GHS in general rather than to the specific substantive topic of the project.)

OPCS. 1973. General Household Survey: Introductory Report. London: HMSO [Chapter 1] and HAKIM, C. 1982. Secondary Analysis in Social Research: A Guide to Data Sources and Methods with Examples. London: George Allen and Unwin. [pp98-108]. {See also MARSH 1988. [pp21-23], for a brief description of the GHS. Note: OPCS = Office of Population Censuses and Surveys}.

OFFICE OF POPULATION CENSUSES AND SURVEYS. 1994. ‘General Household Survey 1992’, OPCS Series GHS, No. 23. London: HMSO.

DALE, A., ARBER, S. and PROCTER, M. 1988. Doing Secondary Analysis. London: Unwin Hyman. [pp70-77 and throughout book].

GREEN, H. 1988. ‘Informal Carers’, OPCS Series GHS, No. 15 (Supplement A). London: HMSO.

ARBER, S. 1990. ‘Revealing Women's Health: Re-analysing the General Household Survey’. In ROBERTS, H. (ed.) Women's Health Counts. London: Routledge.

VICTOR, C. and VELTER, N. 1986. ‘Poverty, disability and use of services by the elderly, analysis of the General Household Survey 1980’, Social Science and Medicine, 22.10, p1087.

JONES, J. 1988. ‘Integrating process and structure in the concept of youth: a case for secondary analysis’, Sociological Review, 36.4.

HASKEY, J. 1992. ‘Pre-marital cohabitation and the probability of subsequent divorce: analyses using new data from the General Household Survey’, Population Trends, 68, pp10-19.

GINN, J. and ARBER, S. 1993. ‘Pension Penalties: The Gendered Division of Occupational Welfare’, Work, Employment and Society, 7.1, pp47-70.

ARBER, S. and GINN, J. 1992. ‘Class and Caring: A Forgotten Dimension’, Sociology, 26.4, pp619-634.

GRUNDY, E. and HARROP, A. 1992. ‘Coresidence between Adult Children and their Elderly Parents in England and Wales’, Journal of Social Policy, 21.3, pp325-348.

HAYNES, R. 1991. ‘Inequalities in Health and Health-Service Use: Evidence from the General Household Survey’, Social Science and Medicine, 33.4, pp361-368.

PAYNE, J. 1987. ‘Does Unemployment Run in Families: Some Findings from the General Household Survey’, Sociology, 21.2, pp199-214.

BLACKABY, D.H. 1986. ‘An Analysis of the Male Racial Earnings Differential in the UK using the General Household Survey’, Applied Economics, 18.11, pp1233-1242.

VICTOR, C.R. and VETTER, N.J. 1986. ‘Poverty, Disability and the Use of Services by the Elderly: Analysis of the 1980 General Household Survey’, Social Science and Medicine, 22.10, pp1087-1091.

MURPHY, M. 1995. ‘Sterilization as a Method of Contraception: Recent Trends in Great Britain and their Implications’, Journal of Biosocial Science, 27.1, pp31-46.

McGLONE, F. 1994. ‘Review of "Different Types of Care, Different Types of Carer: Evidence from the General Household Survey"‘, Journal of Social Policy, 23.4, pp602-603.

BEBBINGTON, A. and DAVIES, B. 1993. ‘Efficient Targeting of Community Care: The Case of the Home Help’, Journal of Social Policy, 22.3, pp373-391.

BURROWS, R. and NETTLETON, S. 1995. ‘Going against the grain: Smoking and heavy drinking amongst the British middle classes’, Sociology of Health and Illness, 17.5: 668-680.

EVANDROU, M., FALKINGHAM, J., LE GRAND, J. and WINTER, D. 1992. ‘Equity in Health and Social Care’, Journal of Social Policy, 21.4: 489-523.

RAHKONEN, O., ARBER, S. and LAHELMA, E. 1995. ‘Health inequalities in early adulthood: A comparison of young men and women in Britain and Finland’, Social Science and Medicine, 41.2: 163-171.

DRESSLER, W.W. 1994. ‘Social Status and the Health of Families: A Model’, Social Science and Medicine, 39.12: 1605-1613.

ARBER, S. and GINN, J. 1993. ‘Gender and inequalities in health in later life’, Social Science and Medicine, 36.1: 33-46.

SMALLWOOD, S. and JEFFERIES, J. 2003. ‘Family building intentions in England and Wales: trends, outcomes and interpretations’, Population Trends 112: 15-28.

Some references used for this project by previous students

Bartlett, J. 1994. Will You Be Mother? London: Virago.

Christopher, E. 1987. Sexuality and Birth Control in Community Work. London: Tavistock.

Djerassi, C. 1980. The Politics of Contraception. London: Norton.

Fried, M.G. (ed.) 1990. From Abortion to Reproductive Freedom: Transforming a Movement. Boston, Ma.: South End Press.

Glasier, A. and Gebbie, A. (eds) 2000. Handbook of family planning and reproductive healthcare. London: Churchill Livingstone.

Glor, J. and Severy, L. 1990. 'Frequency of Intercourse and Contraceptive Choice', Journal of Biosocial Science, 22.2: 231-237.

Hawkes, G. 1995. 'Responsibility and Irresponsibility: Young Women and Family Planning', Sociology, 29.2: 257-273.

Hennink, M., Diamond, I. and Cooper, P. 1999. ‘Contraceptive use dynamics of Asian women in Britain’, Journal of Biosocial Science, 31.4:

Homans, H. (ed.) 1985. The Sexual Politics of Reproduction. Aldershot: Gower.

Hunt, K. and Annandale, E. 1990. ‘Predicting contraceptive method usage among women in West Scotland’, Journal of Biosocial Science, 22.4: 405-421.

Kaufman, G. 1998. ‘Sterilisation of married couples: husband vs wife sterilisation’, Journal of Biosocial Science, 30.1:

Montgomery, M. 1989. 'Dynamic Behavioural Models and Contraceptive Choice', Journal of Biosocial Science, Suppl. 11: 17-40.

Oddens, B.J. and Lehert, P. 1997. 'Determinants of contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Great Britain and Germany .1. Demographic factors', Journal of Biosocial Science, 29.4: 415-435.

Oddens, B.J. 1997. 'Determinants of contraceptive use among women of reproductive age in Great Britain and Germany .2. Psychological factors', Journal of Biosocial Science 29.4: 437-470

Russell, A., Sobo, E. and Thompson, M. (eds) 2000. Contraception across Cultures: Technologies, Choices, Constraints. Oxford: Berg.

Shapiro, R. 1987. Contraception: A Practical and Political Guide. London: Virago.

Lowe, P. 2002. ‘“Every child a wanted child”: Mid-life women’s experiences of contraception’, Women’s Studies International Forum 25.4: 455-462. [Available online via Science Direct].

Ní Bhrolcháin, M. 1988. ‘The Contraceptive Confidence Idea: An Empirical Investigation’, Population Studies 42: 205-225.

Pollock, S. 1984. ‘Refusing to take women seriously: “Side effects” and the Politics of Contraception’. In Arditti, R., Klein, R.D. and Minden, S. (eds)Test-tube Women: What Future for Motherhood?London: Pandora.

Sable M.R. andLibbus M.K. 1998. ‘Gender and Contraception: A Proposed Conceptual Model for Research and Practice’, Journal of Gender, Culture and Health 3.2: 67-83.

Botting, B. and Dunnell, K. 2000. ‘Trends in fertility and contraception in the last quarter of the 20th Century’, Population Trends 100: 32-39.

Barrett, G. and Harper, R. 2000.‘Health Professionals’ Attitudes to the Deregulation of Emergency Contraception (or the Problem of Female Sexuality)’, Sociology of Health and Illness 22.2: 197-216.

Frost J.J., Singh, S. and Finer, L.B. 2004. ‘Factors Associated with Contraceptive Use and Nonuse, United States, 2004’, Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 39.2:90-99.

Glei, D.A. 1999. ‘Measuring Contraceptive Use Patterns Among Teen and Adult Women’, Family Planning Perspectives 31.2: 73-80.

Goldin, C. and Katz, L.F. 2002. ‘The Power of the Pill: Oral Contraceptives and Women’s Career and Marriage Decisions’,Journal of Political Economy 110.4: 730-770.

Gordon, L. 1990. Woman’s body, woman’s right: Birth control in America. New York: Penguin Books.

Hatcher, R.A., Trussell, J., Stewart, F., Cates Jr., W., Stewart, G.K., Guest, F. and Kowal, D. (eds) 2007. Contraceptive technology. New York: Ardent Media.

Jackson, E. 2001. Regulating Reproduction: Law, Technology and Autonomy. Oxford: Hart.

Lowe, P.K. Sidhu, R. and Griffiths, F.E. 2007. ‘‘I got pregnant, I was so like….crying inside…’: Experiences of women of Pakistani ancestry seeking contraception in the UK’, Diversity in Health and Social Care 4: 69-76.

McLaren, A. 1990. A History of Contraception: From Antiquity to the Present Day. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Martin, T.C. 1995. ‘Women’s education and fertility: Results from 26 demographic and health surveys’,Studies in Family Planning 26.4:187–202.

Proudfoot, S., Wellings, K. and Glasier, A. 2009. ‘Analysis why nulliparous women over age 33 wish to use contraception’, Contraception 79.2: 98-104.

Saxena, S., Copas, A.J., Mercer, C., Johnson, A.M., Fenton, K., Erens, B., Nanchahal, K., Macdowall, W. and Wellings, K. 2006. ‘Ethnic variations in sexual activity and contraceptive use: national cross-sectional survey’,Contraception 74.3:224-233.

Spinelli, A., Talamanca, I.F. andLauria, L. 2000.‘Patterns of contraceptive use in 5 European countries’, American Journal of Public Health 90.9: 1403-1408.

Torres, A. and Forrest, J.D. 1983. ‘The costs of contraception’, Family Planning Perspectives 15.2: 70-72.

Zabin, L. S., Astone, N.M. and Emerson, M.R. 1993. ‘Do adolescents want babies? The relationship between attitudes and behavior’, Journal of Research on Adolescence 3.1:67-86.

Also of potential relevance

Gray, E. and McDonald, P. 2010. ‘Using a Reproductive Life Course Approach to Understand Contraceptive Method Use in Australia’, Journal of Biosocial Science 42.1: 43-57.

Jutte, R. 2007. Contraception: A History. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Also potentially of relevance to this project are some references within the supplementary reading list on the module web pages

1991 Census

DALE, A. and MARSH, C. (eds) 1993. The 1991 Census User's Guide. London: HMSO.

OPENSHAW, S. 1995. The Census User's Handbook. Cambridge: Pearson Professional.

DALE, A., FIELDHOUSE, E. and HOLDSWORTH, C. 1999. Analysing Census Microdata. London: Arnold.

OPCS. 1993. 1991 Census: Ethnic Group and Country of Birth. (CEN 91 EGCB). London: HMSO.

OPCS. 1993. 1991 Census: Report for Great Britain. (CEN 91 RGB). London: HMSO.

MARSH, C., SKINNER, C., ARBER, S., PENHALE, B., OPENSHAW, S., HOBCRAFT, J., LIEVESLEY, D. and WALFORD, N. 1991. ‘The Case for Samples of Anonymized Records from the 1991 Census’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A), 154.2: 305-340.

NÍ BHROLCHÁIN, M. 1990. ‘The ethnicity question for the 1991 Census: background and issues’, Ethnic and Racial Studies, 13.4, pp542-567.

MARSH, C and TEAGUE, A. 1992. ‘Samples of Anonymised Records from the 1991 Census', Population Trends, 69, pp17-26.

HEATH, S. and DALE, A. 1994. ‘Household and Family Formation in Great Britain: the Ethnic Dimension’, Population Trends, 77, pp5-13. [Uses Census SARS].

[and numerous other Census-related articles in the last few years of Population Trends].

ANDERSEN, H. 1993. Ethnicity and Gender in the West Midlands Labour Force: An Analysis of the 1991 Population Census. Birmingham: West Midlands Low Pay Unit.

OWEN, D. 1993. ‘Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain: Economic Characteristics’, National Ethnic Minority Data Archive 1991 Census Statistical Paper No. 3. Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations: University of Warwick. [Shelved in Statistics section on Library 4th Floor].

SIMPSON, S. (ed.) 1993. Census Indicators of Local Poverty and Deprivation. London: LARIA.

DALE, A., LINDLEY, J. and DEX, S. 2006. ‘A Life-course Perspective on Ethnic Differences in Women’s Economic Activity in Britain’, European Sociological Review 22.3: 323-337.

Some references used for this project by previous students

Andersen, H. 1993. Ethnicity and gender in the West Midlands labour force: an analysis of the 1991 population census. Birmingham: West Midlands Low Pay Unit.

Brennan, J. and McGeevor, P. 1987. Employment of Graduates from Ethnic Minorities: Research Report. London: Commission for Racial Equality.

Brown, C. 1984. Black and White Britain: The Third PSI Survey. London: Heinemann Educational.

Brown, C. 1992. 'Same Difference: the Persistence of Racial Disadvantage in the British Employment Market'. In Braham, P. (ed.) Racism and Antiracism. London: Sage.

Bruegel, R. 1989. 'Sex and Race in the Labour Market', Feminist Review, 32: 49-66.

Burstein, P. (eds.) 1994. Equal employment opportunity: labor market discrimination and public policy. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Crompton, R. and Sanderson, K. 1990. Gendered Jobs and Social Change. London: Unwin Hyman.

Cross, M. (ed.) 1992. Ethnic Minorities and Industrial Change in Europe and North America. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press.

Hakim, C. 1995. ‘Five feminist myths about women’s employment’, British Journal of Sociology, 46.3: 429-455.

Hartmann, H. 1982. ‘Capitalism, patriarchy and job segregation by sex’. Reprinted in Giddens, A. and Held, D. (eds) Classes, Power and Conflict. London: Macmillan.

Iganski, P. and Payne, G. 1996. 'Declining Racial Disadvantage in the British Labour Market', Ethnic and Racial Studies, 19.1: 113-134.

Jacobs, J.A. (ed.) 1995. Gender Inequality at Work. London: Sage.

Karn, V. (ed.) 1997. Ethnicity in the 1991 census Volume 4: Employment, education and housing among the ethnic minority populations of Britain. London: HMSO.

Mason, D. 1995. Race and Ethnicity in Modern Britain. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.

Mirza, H. 1992. Young, Female and Black. London: Routledge.

Modood, T. 1997. Ethnic Minorities in Britain. London: Policy Studies Institute.

Rees, T. 1992. Women and the Labour Market. London: Routledge.

Rubery, J., Fagan, C. and Humphries, J. 1992. Occupational Segregation in the UK. Manchester: UMIST.

Siltanen, J. 1994. Locating gender: occupational segregation, wages and domestic responsibilities. London: UCL Press.

Health and Lifestyle Survey

COX, B.D. 1987. The Health and Lifestyle Survey: Preliminary Report. London: Health Promotion Research Trust.

BLAXTER, M. 1990. Health and Lifestyles. London: Routledge.

HOWLETT, B.C. et al. 1992. ‘An Exploration of white, Asian and Afro-Caribbean peoples' concepts of health and illness causation’, New Community, 18.2, 281-292.

COX, B., HUPPERT, F. and WHICHELOW, M. 1993. The Health and Lifestyle Survey: Seven Years On. Aldershot: Dartmouth.

PILL, R., PETERS, T. and ROBLING, R. 1993. ‘Factors associated with health behaviour among mothers of lower socio-economic status: a British example’, Social Science and Medicine, 36.9, pp1137-1144.

CARR-HILL, R., MAYNARD, A. and SLACK, R. 1990. ‘Morbidity Variation and RAWP’, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 44.4, pp271-273.

CRAMER, D. 1991. ‘Social support and psychological distress in women and men’, British Journal of Medical Psychology, 64, pp147-158.

PILL, R., PETERS, T.J. and ROBLING, M.R. 1993. ‘Factors associated with Health Behaviour among Mothers of Lower Socio-Economic Status: A British Example’, Social Science and Medicine, 36.9, pp1137-1144.

MAYS, N., CHINN, S. and HO, K. 1992. ‘Interregional Variations in Measures of Health from the Health and Lifestyle Survey and their Relation with Indicators of Health-Care Need in England’, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 46.1, pp38-47.

MACRAN, S., CLARKE, L., SLOGGETT, A. and BETHUNE, A. 1994. ‘Women's Socio-Economic Status and Self-Assessed Health: Identifying Some Disadvantaged Groups’, Sociology of Health and Illness, 16.2, 182-208.

LEWIS, G. and WILKINSON, G. 1993. ‘Another British Disease: A Recent Increase in the Prevalence of Psychiatric Morbidity’, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 47.5, pp358-361.

Some references used for this project by previous students

Annandale, E.1998.The Sociology of Health and Medicine: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Bartley, M., Blane, D. and Smith, G. (eds) 1998. The Sociology of Health Inequalities. Oxford: Blackwell.

Blackburn, C. 1991. Poverty and Health: Working with Families. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Blane, D., Brunner, E. and Wilkinson, R. 1996. Health and Social Organisation. London: Routledge.

Bury, M. 2005.Health and Illness. Cambridge. Polity Press.

Bury, M. and Gabe, J. (eds) 2004. The Sociology of Health and Illness. London: Routledge.

Busfield, J. 1994. Women and Mental Health. London: Macmillan.

Cook, D. and Morgan, H. 1982. ‘Families in High Rise Flats’, British Medical Journal 284: 846.

Cutrona, C. 1996. Social Support in Couples. London: Sage.

Davey, B., Gray, A. and Seale, C. (eds) 2001. Health and Disease: A Reader (3nd edition). Buckingham: Open University Press. [Or 1995 edition].

Fagin, L. and Little, M. 1984. The Forsaken Families: The Effects of Unemployment on Family Life. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

Field, D. and Taylor, S. 1998. Sociological Perspectives on Health, Illness and Health Care. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd.

Graham, H. 1993. Hardship and Health in Women’s Lives. Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Hardey, M. 1999. The Social Context of Health. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Kohen, D. (ed.) 2000. Women and Mental Health. London: Routledge.

Marmot, M. and Wilkinson, R. (eds.) 1999. The Social Determinants of Health. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press.

Nettleton, S. 1995. The Sociology of Health and Illness. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Payne, S. 1991. Women, Health and Poverty. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf.

Pevalin, D. and Rose, D. 2003. Social Capital for Health: Investigating the links between social capital and health using the British Household Panel Survey. Health Development Agency. [ survey.pdf].

Radley, A. 1995. Making Sense of Illness: The Social Psychology of Health and Disease. London: Sage.

Showalter, E. 1987. The Female Malady: Women, Madness and English Culture 1830-1980. London: Virago.

Siegrist, J. and Marmot, M. 2004. ‘Health inequalities and the psychosocial environment: two scientific challenges’, Social Science and Medicine 58.8: 1463-1473.

Stroebe, W. and Stroebe, M. 1995. Social Psychology and Health. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Wilkinson, R. 1996. Unhealthy Societies: The Afflictions of Inequality. London: Routledge.

Cagney, K.A., Glass, T.A., Skarupski, K.A., Barnes, L.L., Schwartz, B.S. and Mendes de Leon, C.F. 2009. ‘Neighborhood-Level Cohesion and Disorder: Measurement and Validation in Two Older Adult Urban Populations’, Journal of Gerontology Series B 64B: 415-424.

Wickrama, K.A.S, Lorenz, F.O., Conger, R.D. Matthews, L. and Elder, G.H. 1997. ‘Linking occupational conditions to physical health through marital, social, and intrapersonal processes’, Journal of Health and Social Behavior38.4: 363–375.

Wilkinson, R. and Marmot, M. (eds) 2003. Social Determinants of Health: The Solid Facts. Copenhagen: World Health Organization.