(Supplement to Master Agreement dated July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2019 filed in GME office)
Insert current date
Insert name and address of affiliated hospital:
Re: Resident Training Program Letter of Agreement between Insert Name of Program at the University of Utah School of Medicine and IHC Health Services, Inc., d.b.a. as Intermountain Medical Center and LDS Hospital. One agreement shall be written for both IMC & LDS. All other IHCHS training sites must be identified by the facility name
Dear Insert Name of Affiliated Hospital Administrator or Executive Director:
This Resident Training Program Letter of Agreement (the “Letter of Agreement”) is entered into between the University of Utah, on behalf of its School of Medicine (the “School of Medicine”) and IHC Health Services, Inc., (“IHCHS”) d.b.a. Intermountain Medical Center and LDS Hospital (“Hospital”).
The purpose of this Letter of Agreement is to document the specifics of the Insert Name of Program residency training program (the “Program”) at the Hospital, in compliance with the Institutional and Common Program Requirements of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and the special requirements of the Residency Review Committees. This Letter of Agreement is also intended to supplement the Master Affiliation Agreement between the School of Medicine and IHCHS, dated July 1, 2014 (the “Affiliation Agreement”), which is incorporated herein by this reference, as required by Section 2 of the Affiliation Agreement.
The Program Director for the Program, as designated by the School of Medicine Graduate Medical Education Committee, is Insert Name of Program Director. The Chief of the Program Teaching Service at the Hospital is Insert Name of Program Director or Chief at Affiliated Hospital (may be same person if agreement is with University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics).
Dr. Insert Last Name of Affiliated Hospital Program Director recognizes responsibility to the program for all joint education and/or research. Dr. Insert Same Name as above has a full-time faculty appointment as Insert Faculty Rank in the School of Medicine. These appointments are made in accordance with the Affiliation Agreement.
Names and faculty ranks (if applicable) of all teaching staff for the Program at the Hospital (the “Hospital Program Faculty”) will be provided by the program on an annual basis and attached to this agreement. Unless otherwise approved by the School of Medicine, all Hospital Program Faculty must have current board certification or be board-eligible in the specialty that they are supervising. They must also possess current medical licensure and appropriate medical staff appointment at the training location. Hospital Program Faculty must have liability coverage in the amount of $1 million per occurrence and $3 million aggregate to include continued (tail) coverage for at least two years.
Attach a list of names and faculty ranks (if applicable) of all Hospital Program Faculty who will be supervising residents at this training site during the current year. Provide a new list yearly if there are any changes to Hospital Program Faculty.
All Hospital Program Faculty responsibilities and appointments shall be consistent with the Affiliation Agreement. Hospital Program Faculty assumes administrative, educational, and supervisory responsibility for the residents (“Resident” or “Residents”) while training at the Hospital.
The following are expected contributions to the educational goals and objectives of the Program as provided by the Hospital:
Insert here a description of special expertise, unique patient population, etc. Use your program Standards of Performance or Goals and Objectives for the rotations at this hospital to specify what the residents will learn while they are on these rotations. Be specific, the ACGME requires the training agreement to describe in detail the content of the educational experience.
All patients admitted to the Program teaching service will be available for participation in the teaching program. Insert here a description of restrictions if all patients not available.
The number of Residents assigned to the Program on a rotating basis shall be: Insert here # per month, months per year, or hours per week, whatever is appropriate
The period of assignment will be specified in the Resident Rotation Schedule for the applicable year.
The Hospital agrees to pay for a total of Insert # here FTE's each year for the above Residents for 2015-2020 house staff academic years according to reimbursement standards as determined by the School of Medicine’s Graduate Medical Education Committee and may report the total number of FTE’s rotating at the Hospital on Hospital’s CMS cost report. Any changes to funding will be provided on an annual basis by an addendum attached to this agreement and signed by all parties. Residents who are funded by the School of Medicine’s Medical Education Council will not be billed to Hospital, however may be claimed on the CMS cost report when rotating at the Hospital.
It is assumed that one FTE will provide the following kind of coverage:
Insert here a description of coverage. (Note this clause is not about on call coverage, the intent is to describe the residency coverage of the actual sites where the residents rotate) Example, 1 FTE shall be assigned to the following clinics; orthopedics, specialty and consults, and 3 FTE’s shall be assigned to the inpatient teams.
Residents will be expected to take call every Insert here frequency of call, i.e. third, fourth day. Backup call for Residents will be provided by Insert here a description, i.e. hospital faculty in house, or faculty at home, or faculty at UUMC.
The following minimum support services will be available to Residents and Hospital Program Faculty participating in the Program:
Insert here a list of support services. Examples: A regularly scheduled series of clinical grand grounds; conference room and office space for teaching conferences and study; faculty and house staff will have the facilities of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library in the Health Sciences Center available, in addition to the [Name of Library] in the [Name of Hospital].
(ACGME Requirement I.B.1.b) Hospital Program Faculty will have responsibility for teaching, supervision, and formal evaluation of the Residents’ performance in accordance with the ACGME Institutional, Common, and Specialty-Specific Program Requirements.
It is understood that all Residents participating in the Program will be responsible for the timely completion of medical records, and that the Program Director will be responsible to ensure that Residents complete patient charts in a timely manner.
IHCHS has the right to require a Resident leave the premises immediately if the Resident causes patient endangerment, fails to comply with IHCHS and/or Hospital policies (i.e., wearing name badge, dress code, etc.), or the behavior of the Resident fails to conform to the applicable rules and regulations of IHCHS. IHCHS will notify School of Medicine immediately of any such exclusions.
Regular meetings of the Program Director, Chief of Teaching Service, and Hospital Program Faculty will be held to ensure mutual goals and objectives of the program are being achieved. The frequency of such meetings may vary depending on the size of the program, number of Hospital Program Faculty, etc.
The Hospital Program Faculty will participate in Program self-study reviews, special reviews or other reviews as required by the ACGME and/or the Graduate Medical Education Committee. The Hospital Program Faculty will also evaluate the Program annually in combination with the faculty at other training sites and a representative from the residency program and the Program will implement improvements to the Program based on these recommendations. The following is the Program’s process of program evaluation:
Insert here a description of the evaluation process that includes faculty at all sites in evaluating the program annually. Note this clause is not about resident evaluation; the purpose is to describe how the program is evaluated as per ACGME requirement.
VIII. RESIDENTS (ACGME Requirement I.B.1.d)
Policies and procedures which govern Resident education while rotating to the Program can be found in the University of Utah and Master Hospitals House staff Policy Manual, located at
Hospital and School of Medicine must renew this Letter of Agreement every five years, which renewal will be appended to the Affiliation Agreement. This program renewal will be complete by June 15 for the following 5-year period.
The parties acknowledge the possibility that Hospital may fund fewer or more positions than specified above, and that School of Medicine may deliver fewer or more Residents than the number specified above. Prior to December 15 of the year prior to the commencement of the Program, the parties will meet by phone or in person to discuss and agree upon any such changes in funding or Resident numbers, and the financial obligations and FTE’s reported on the CMS cost report, as described at Article V above, will be adjusted accordingly.
The parties acknowledge that all insurance and indemnification questions pertaining to this Letter of Agreement are governed by the Master Affiliation Agreement between School of Medicine and IHCHS.
The University of Utah, the University of Utah Hospital, and the University of Utah Hospital House Staff have adopted policies and procedures governing house staff grievances and due process. This Letter of Agreement incorporates within it applicable University of Utah and University of Utah Hospital Policies and Procedures (available on the Internet at and University Hospital House staff Policies and Procedures (available on the Internet at ), including the House staff Counseling Programs policy (which programs include counseling, employee assistance for house officers and family members, and substance abuse treatment assistance and/or diversion). House staff policies are also available through the Graduate Medical Education Office and at house staff orientation. Any changes, updates, or additions, and all other policies and procedures of the University of Utah, University of Utah Hospital, and University Hospital House staff will be posted to the electronic manual websites referenced, respectively, above, and any changes or updates will be incorporated and effective as of the date of the change or update.
This Program Letter of Agreement is effective for 2015-2020 academic years beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2020.
Insert here Program Director Name Alan J. Smith, PhD, MEd
Program Director, Insert Name of Program Assistant Dean and Director, Graduate Medical Ed.
University of Utah, School of Medicine ACGME Designated Institutional Official
University of Utah School of Medicine
Please indicate Hospital’s acceptance of the terms of this Letter of Agreement by signing below and returning a fully executed original to the School of Medicine at the address above.
Insert here Affil. Hosp Administrator Name Insert here Affil. Hosp. Program Director Name
Chief Executive Officer or Chief of Teaching Service
Regional Vice President Insert here Hospital Name
Central Region Hospitals
Insert here Hospital Name
Revised 1/15
ACGME PLA Requirements
The PLA should:
I.B.1.a) identify the faculty who will assume both educational and supervisory responsibilities for residents;
I.B.1.b) specify their responsibilities for teaching, supervision, and formal evaluation of residents, as specified later in this document;
I.B.1.c) specify the duration and content of the education experience; and,
I.B.1.d) state the policies and procedures that will govern resident education during the assignment.
Salt Lake Regional Medical Center /July 1, 2014-June 30, 2019
IMC & LDS Hospital (IHC) /July 1, 2014-June 30, 2019
Primary Children’s Medical Center (IHC)
/July 1, 2014
Shriner’s Hospital
/July 1, 2014-June 30, 2019
University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics
A.R.U.PThe Orthopaedic Center
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Huntsman Cancer Hospital
University of Utah Clinics (community based) /
July 1, 2014-June 30, 2019
University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute (UUNI)
/July 1, 2014-June 30, 2019
Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center-Salt Lake City
INSTITUTION / ADMINISTRATORSalt Lake Regional Medical Center / Dale Johns, CEO
LDS Hospital & IMC (IHC) / Moody Chisholm, VP
Primary Children’s Medical Center (IHC) / Katy Welkie, VP, CEO
Shriner’s Hospital (use Shriner’s Template) / Ralph W. Semb, President
University of Utah Medical Center / David Entwistle, CEO
University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute / Ross VanVranken, Executive Director
Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center-Salt Lake City / Steven W. Young, FACHE, Director
Amended 7/14