First time Registration
- Go to the forum main page:
- Click on Register
This is pretty much self-explanatory that to continue you agree to the terms.
- Fill out the registration. A suggestion for username is use your first name followed by a handle. For instance: Joe W4AAL
For passwords don’t use things like pet or kids names or something familiar that if someone knew you they could figure it out. That and don’t use words that can be looked up in a dictionary. My suggestion for something that is easy to remember but hard for someone to figure out is make up a phrase of say 8 or more words. For instance “My dog is the laziest thing I know”. Then take the first letter of each word to make up the password. In this case Mditltik You can even make it better by substituting the number 1 for I, 3 for e, and other numbers for other vowels if the first letters are vowels. Lots of options. The longer and more complex the final password the harder it is to crack for someone trying to break in. You don’t want someone logging in as you and posting inappropriate items.
- Set the time zone appropriately. If you’re here in NC it should be:
- The confirmation code is there to prevent robots from automatically registering accounts to use the site for spam. After you type in the confirmation code click Submit.
- You should get a page like this:
You should receive an email on the account you set as your email address. Click on the link inside it. This is to ensure that the account is registered to a valid email address.
Note: Please give it time. Things are not instant. Especially since it may have to travel through different systems to reach you. But you should receive an email containing the subject “Welcome to “BARC (Brightleaf Amateur Radio Club) forum”.
- Open the email and click on the link below where it says “Please visit the following…”
- If successful it will take you to the main page of the forum. Click Login and log in using your id and password you created. Whether you use the Remember Me and Hiding status options is totally up to you.
New Posts
The forum is divided into sections based on types of discussions. For instance click on Welcome. You can either start a new topic or click on one of the ones that are there. Don’t worry the moderator can remove a message or you can if you mess up. So don’t be afraid to try it out. The main thing is getting comfortable with doing the basics and we can add more topics and areas as we learn together.
- After you found where you want to post click on New Topic or if you open a current topic like Test you can click on Post Reply.
- You should get a screen similar to:
Type in your reply and hit Submit. You can get fancy based on your experience or play around some with the options.
NOTE: As a new user you will receive a message similar to this:
This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.
This is so that we don’t have someone registering and immediately trying to spam the group with some Viagra ad or something worse.
I will check the forum or you can email me directly at and I’ll log in and approve your post and also change your account so that you don’t have to wait for my approval for future posts. I’m learning how to administer the forum too so please be patient. But once more people get past the initial part you will find it handy to keep in touch with others whether it’s technical issues, general discussion, or if we want an area that has nothing to do with ham.
I do welcome constructive criticism with ways to improve it and obviously information on new sections you think we need. Send them to