University of the


Department of Modern Languages



Winter 2012

Instructor: Laura Wealick


Location: Stó:lō Resource & Research Management Centre

Bldg #10-7201 Vedder Rd. Chwk, B.C.

Rm: Halq’emeylem Language Lab

Seswayel Lets’e-Week One

Grammar: Halq’eméylem Adjectives

Éychexw.You are good.

Axwí:ltsel.I am small.

Xwoyí:weltset.We are happy.

Schewótchap.You folks are smart.

Méq’ te swíyeqe.The man is full.

P’éq’ te pú:s. The cat is white.

Íyómex thútlò.She is beautiful.

1. How are the adjectives used in the box above? Where do they fit into the

sentence? (Hint: do they go in the same place as verbs in these sentences?)


Predicate (Verb or Adjective) / Subject Marker
yó:yes work
yóyes working
sí:sí scared
híkw big
méq’ full / -tsel I
-chexw You singularas subject
-tset We
-chap You, plural as subject
(He/She/It is implied, if the sentence simply has NO subject marked)

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences into English using

the pattern-box above.

1. Yó:yestsel ______

2. Híkwtsel ______

3. T’ílemchexw ______

4. Sí:sichexw ______

Write the following English sentences into Halq’eméylem using

the pattern-box above.

1. You (sg.) are working ______

2. You (sg.) are scared ______

3. We are scared ______

4. You (sg.) are big ______

5. He/she/it is big ______

Translate the following Halq’eméylem sentences into English

using the pattern-box above.

1. Ímexstsel ______

2. Ímex______

3. Schewótchexw ______

4. Sí:sitsel______

5. Híkw______

Translate the following English sentences into Halq’eméylem

using the pattern-box above.

1. You (sg.) are full ______

2. You (pl.) work ______

3. He/She/It is smart ______

4. We are walking ______

5. He/she/it is walking ______

6. He is singing ______

(Verb or Adjective) / Subject Marker / Determiner / Noun
yó:yes work
yóyes working
t’ílem sing
t’ít’elem singing
sí:sí scared
híkw big
schewót smart
méq’ full / -tsel
(he/she/it is implied,
if the sentence simply
has no subject marked)
(no marking if a full noun is added) / te
ye / swíyeqe

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences into English

using the pattern-box above.

1. Ímextsel ______

2. Ímex the slháli ______

3. Schewótchexw ______

4. Sí:sitsel______

5. Híkw te swíyeqe______

Write the following English sentences into Halq’eméylem

using the pattern-box above.

1. You (sg.) are scared______

2. You (pl.) work ______

3. He/She/It is smart ______

4. The woman is smart______

5. He/she/it is walking ______

6. The brother is walking______

Seswayel I:sále-Week Two

Grammar: A second use of Halq’eméylem adjectives

Where does the adjective occur in the sentences above?______

Compare the use of adjectives in Halq’eméylem to the position of adjectives in English. Is it similar or different?______

Halq’eméylem Adjectives modifying the noun.

Predicate / Subject Marker / Det / Adjective / Noun
yó:yes work
yóyes working / -tsel
(He/She/It is implied,
if the sentence simply
has NO subject marked)
(NO marking if a full noun is added) / te
ye / sí:si
éy (good) / swíyeqe

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentence in English using the pattern box above.

1. Ímextsel.______

2. Í:mex the ey slhali.______

3. T’ílem te híkw swíyeqe.______

4. Sí:sitsel. ______

5. T’ilem te sí:si swíyeqe.______

Write the following English sentences in Halq’eméylem using the pattern box above.

1. You (sg.) are scared.______

2. The good man works.______

3. He/she/it is working.______

4. The good woman is working. ______

5. He/she/it is walking.______

6. The brother is walking.______

Seswayel lhí:xw-Week Three

Grammar: Who/What Questions about what I did

To ask a question using what ‘I’ did something to, you use the pattern shown in (1). Some examples of sentences following this pattern are shown in (2).

(1)Pattern for Asking What did I ...?

Stám kw'e il VERB

What that I VERB= What did I VERB?

(2)Examples for the Pattern in (1)

(a)Stám kw'e il lép'ex?

What did I eat?

(b)Stám kw'e il kw'étslexw?

What did I see?

(c)Stám kw'e il kw'átset?

What did I look at?

NOTE: il can be used instead of lil, throughout. The pattern for asking questions with who I did something to is very similar, except that you use the word tewát (who).

(3)Pattern for Asking Who did I ...?

Tewát kw'e il VERB

Who that I VERB= Who did I VERB?

(4)Examples for the Pattern in (1)

(a)Tewát kw'e il máyt?

Who did I help?

(b)Tewát kw'e il kw'étslexw?

Who did I see?

(c)Tewát kw'e il kw'átset?

Who did I look at?

Who/What Questions about what YOU did

To ask a wh-question about what 'you' did, you use the pattern shown in (5). Some examples of full sentences formed using this pattern are shown in (6).

(5)Pattern for Asking What did you ...?

Stám kw'e ixw VERB

What the you VERB= What did you VERB?

(6)Examples for the Pattern in (1)

(a)Stám kw'e ixw lép'ex?

What did you eat?

(b)Stám kw'e ixw kw'étslexw?

What did you see?

(c)Stám kw'e ixw kw'átset?

What did you look at?

[Note: YOU CAN ALSO USE lixw, INSTEAD OF ixw] The pattern for asking questions with who where you is the doer is very similar, except that you use the word tewát (who) in the questions.

(7)Pattern for Asking Who did You ...?

Tewát kw'e ixw VERB

Who the you VERB= Who did you VERB?

(8)Examples for the Pattern in (1)

(a)Tewát kw'e ixw máyt?

Who did you help?

(b)Tewát kw'e ixw kw'étslexw?

Who did you see?

(c)Tewát kw'e ixw kw'átset?

Who did you look at?

Who/What Question Exercises

Combine items from the boxes below, in the order given, to answer the questions.
tewát / kw'e / íl
íxw / máyt-to help (him/her)
kw'étslexw- to see (it)
qwélstexw-to say (it)
q'é:ylexw-to kill him/her/it
lép'ex-to eat (it)
tà:met-to call him/her

1. Write the following sentences into English using

the pattern-box above.

a. Stám kw'e íl kw'étslexw?


b. Stám kw'e íxw kw'étslexw?


c. Stám kw'e íl q'éylexw?


d. Stám kw'e íxw q'éylexw?


2. Fill in the Blanks to Complete the Following Sentences

a.Stám kw'e ______kw'étslexw?What did I see?

b.Stám kw'e ______kw'étslexw?What did you see?

c.Stám kw'e ______tá:met?What did I call?

d.Stám kw'e ______tá:met?What did you call?

3. Write the following sentences into Halq'eméylem using

the pattern-box above.

a.What did I eat?


b.What did you eat?


Combine items from the boxes below, in the order given, to answer the questions.
tewát / kw'e / íl
íxw / Mayt

1. Write the following sentences into English using the

pattern-box above.

a.Tewát kw'e íl máyt?


b.Tewát kw'e íxw máyt?______

c.Tewát kw'e íl qwélstexw?______

d.Tewát kw'e íxw qwélstexw?______

2. Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences.

a.Tewát kw'e______kw'étslexw?Who did I see?

b.Tewát kw'e______kw'étslexw?Who did you see?

c.Tewát kw'e______máyt?Who did I help?

d.Tewát kw'e______máyt?Who did you help?

3. Write the following sentences into Halq'eméylem using

the pattern-box above.

a.Who did I call?______

b.Who did you call?


Seswayel Xe’ó:thel~Week 4

Grammar: Independent (Emphasis, Emphatic) Subject Markers

Study the following phrases and then answer the questions that follow.

1. / Í:mextsel ta’áltha. / I am walking.
2. / Yóyeschexw teléwe. / You are working.
3. / Lá:yemtset talhímelh. / We are laughing.
4. / Ewó:lemchap talhwélep. / You folks are playing.

The above sentences each contain one new word that we have not seen yet. What are they?

The new words are:

______, which means______

______, which means______

______, which means______

______, which means______

You will notice that we now have two ways of saying I, you, we, you folks. One form are the “subject markers” -tsel,-tset,-chap,-chexw, and the others are listed above .

Here are some contexts where it is appropriate to use the “extra” word for “I”

Context: Someone asks you who is walking. You answer: Í:mex ta’althe.

Context: Someone says Mary is walking. In fact, she is not. You correct her by saying: Ewe. Í:mex ta’althe.

Context: You want to emphasize that it is YOU who is walking.

You say: Í:mex ta’althe.

How would you describe the sorts of contexts where it is appropriate to use the additional word for “I”?


Emphatic Pronoun Exercises

(Verb or Adjective) / Subject Marker / Emphatic Pronoun
yó:yes work
yóyes working
t’ílem sing
t’ít’elem singing
sí:sí scared
híkw big
schewót smart
méq’ full / -tsel
(He/She/It is implied,
if the sentence simply
has NO subject marked)
(NO marking if a full noun is added) / ta’áltha

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences into English.

1. Ímextsel. ______

2. Ímextsel ta’álthe. ______

3. Schewótchexw. ______

4. Meq’chexw teléwe.______

5. Ímextset talhímelh. ______

6. Ímexchap talhwélep.______

Write the following English sentences in Halq’eméylem using the pattern box above. Use the Emphatic Pronouns in each case.

1. You (sg.) are singing. ______

2. You (pl.) work. ______

3. We are singing. ______

4. I am full. ______

5. You (pl.) are walking. ______

Seswayel lhq’a:tses~Week 5

Grammar: Transitive Verbs with First/Second Person

and Review of Week 1-5 for Midterm Exam

Subjects and Objects

This exercise will teach you how to say sentences where two parties are involved in an action. (This kind of sentence, where one person acts on someone or something else, is called

a “transitive sentence”.)

Look at the following phrases and then answer the questions that follow:

Kw’atsthóxchexw.You look at me.

Maythóxchap.You guys help me.

Kw’atstóxwchap.You guys look at us.

Maytóxwchexw.You (sg.) help us.

Kw’atsthómetset.We look at you (sg.).

Maythómetsel.I help you (sg.).

Kw’atsthómetsel.I look at you (sg.).

Kw’atstóletsel.I look at you guys.

Maytóletset. We help you guys.

Part One: Taking apart some words:

1. The verb-ending that means ‘me’ fits into the spaces below:

Kw’atsth___chexw.You look at me.

Mayth___chap.You quys help me.

Look at the box above to find which ending means ‘me’.

Answer: me=______

2. The verb-ending that means ‘you’ (sg.) fits into the spaces below:

Kw’atsth___tset.We look at you (sg.).

Mayth___tsel.I help you (sg.).

Kw’atsth___tsel. I look at you (sg.)

Look at the box above to find which ending means ‘you’.

Answer: you (sg.)=______

Question: How is the ending, you just found for you (sg.) different from the

ending you already know,-chexw?


3. Question: The verb-ending that means ‘us’ fits into the spaces below:

Kw’atst___chap. You quys look at us.

Mayt___chexw. You (sg.) help us.

Look at the box above, to find which ending means ‘us’.

Answer: us=______

4. Question: The verb that means ‘you guys’ fits into the spaces below:

Kw’atst___tsel. I look at you guys.

Mayt___tset. We help you guys.

Look at the box above, to find which ending means ‘you guys’.

Answer: you guys=______

Question: How is this ending for ‘you guys’ different from the one you

already know,-chap?


Exercise 1

VERB / Transitive Marker / Object Marker (=person receiving the action) / Subject Marker
(= person doing the action)
may / -t (th before óx
or óme)* / -óx (1sg.) / -tsel (1sg.)
-chexw (2sg.)
-tset (1 pl.)
-chap (2 pl.)

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences in English.

1. Maythóxchexw.______

2. Kw’átsethóxchap.______

3. Maythóxchap. ______

Error checking: Correct the Errors, if any in each of the following sentences below.

1. You (sg.) see me.Kw’átsetóxchexw.

2. You (sg.) look at me.Maytóxchexw.

3. You (pl.) look at me.Kw’atsetóxchap.

Write the following English sentences in Halq’eméylem.

1. You (sg.) look at me.______

2. You (pl.) help me.______

*Notice that we have separated off the ‘t’ from the verb, as a separate ending. The ‘t’ is pronounced ‘th’ before óx and óme, as indicated. Why separate this ‘t’ off from the verb? Well, it doesn’t mean anything, but it is a special ending that appears in transitive sentences, where one person acts deliberately on someone or something.

Exercise 2

VERB / Transitive Marker / Object Marker (=person receiving the action) / Subject Marker
(= person doing the action)
May / -t (th before óx
or óme)* / -óx (1sg.)
-óxw (1 pl.) / -tsel (1sg.)
-chexw (2sg.)
-tset (1 pl.)
-chap (2 pl.)

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences in English.

1. Maytóxwchap.______

2. Maythóxchap.______

3. Kw’átsethóxchap. ______

Error checking: Correct the Errors, if any in each of the following sentences below.

1. You (sg.) help us.Maythóxwchexw.

2. You (sg.) look at me.Kw’atsetóxchap.

3. You (pl.) help us.Maythóxwchexw.

Write the following English sentences in Halq’eméylem.

1. You (sg.) help us. ______

2. You (pl.) look at me. ______

Exercise 3

VERB / Transitive Marker / Object Marker (=person receiving the action) / Subject Marker
(= person doing the action)
Xwemékwethe (kiss) / -t (th before óx
or óme)* / -óx (1sg.)
-óxw (1 pl.)
- óme (2 sg.) / -tsel (1sg.)
-chexw (2sg.)
-tset (1 pl.)
-chap (2 pl.)

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences in English.

1. Maythómetsel.______

2. Xwemékwethethómetset.______

3. Kw’átsethómetset. ______

Error checking: Correct the Errors, if any in each of the following sentences below.

1. I help you (sg.).Maytómetsel.

2. I look at you (sg.).Kw’atsetómetsel.

3. We help you (sg.).Maytómetset.

Write the following English sentences in Halq’eméylem.

1. I kiss you (sg.).______

2. We kiss you (sg.).______

Exercise 4

VERB / Transitive Marker / Object Marker (=person receiving the action) / Subject Marker
(= person doing the action)
May / -t (th before óx
or óme)* / -óx (1sg.)
-óxw (1 pl.)
-óme (2 sg.)
-óle (2 sg.) / -tsel (1sg.)
-chexw (2sg.)
-tset (1 pl.)
-chap (2 pl.)

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences in English.

1. Maytóletsel.______

2. Maythómetsel.______

3. Xwemékwethetóletset. ______

Error checking: Correct the Errors, if any in each of the following sentences below.

1. I see you (pl.).Kw’atsethóletsel.

2. We look at you (pl.).Maytóletset.

3. We help you (sg.).Kw’atsetómetset.

Write the following English sentences in Halq’eméylem.

1. We look at you (sg.). ______

2. We help you (pl.). ______

3. You (pl.) kiss us. ______

Seswayel Txems~Week 6


Seswayel Th’ó:kws~Week 7


Seswayel Th’ó:kws~Week 8

Grammar: Possessives

Look at the phrases below and answer the following question:

1. Question:

How do you say his/her/their in the Halq’eméylem language?


To say his/her/their in the Halq’eméylem language I add…

______to the______

Now look at the following phrases and answer the questions below:

1. Question:

If the ‘possessor’ of the noun (Mary, and the man in the above box) is a

full noun, where does the possessor go?



VERB / Det / Subject noun
(= person doing the action) / Poss / Det / Poss
yóyes / te
the / í:meth (grandchild)
(older brother/older sister)
álex (sibling) / -s (3 rd) / te
the / xwélmexw

Write the following Halq’eméylem sentences in English:

1. Yóyes te í:meths te xwélmexw. ______

2. Yóyes te í:meths the xwelítem. ______

3. T’ít’elem te sétl’àtels te swíyeqe. ______

Circle the error, if any, in each Halq’eméylem sentence below:

1. The man’s grandson is working. Í:mex te í:meths te swíyeqe.

2. The man’s brother is working. Yóyes te álex te swíyeqes.

Study the following phrases and then answer the questions that follow:

1. Question:

From looking at the above phrases you will notice that there seem to be two

ways of saying ‘my’ in Halq’eméylem. What are they?


The Halq’eméylem words for ‘my’ are______and______.

2. Question:

What determines which of the two words is used for ‘my’ in Halq’eméylem


______is used when talking about______

______is used when talking about______

Now look at the following phrases which contain some of the determiners that you already i.e. ‘te’ and ‘the’.

1. Question

Compare the two different forms of ‘the’ with the two different forms for ‘my’,

shown above. What do the have in common?


‘Te’ and ‘tel’ are used when talking about ______

‘The’ and ‘thel’ are used when talking about ______

  1. Question:

How do you say ‘our’ in Halq’eméylem?


To say ‘our’, you add______onto______.

VERB / Det / Poss / Subject noun
(= person doing the action) / Poss
yóyes / te
the / -l / í:meth (grandchild)
sétl’àtel (older brother/older sister)
álex (sibling) / -tset (1 pl.)

Write the following Halq’emeylem sentences in English.

1. Ímex te í:meth. ______

2. Í:mex te í:methset. ______

3. Tít’elem te álextset. ______

4. T’ít’elem the álextset. ______

Fill in the blanks:

1. Our brother is walking. Í:mex te ______.

2. My brother is walking. Í:mex te ______.

Write the following sentences in Halq’eméylem.

1. Our brother is working. ______

2. My older brother is working. ______

Study the following phrases and then answer the questions that follow:

1. Question:

From looking at the above phrases you will notice that there seem to be two

ways of saying ‘you’ (sg.) in Halq’eméylem.* What are they?


The Halq’eméylem words for ‘your’ (sg.) are

______and ______.

  1. Question:

What determines which of the two words is used for ‘your’ (sg.) in



______is used when talking about ______

______is used when talking about______

*As with the words for ‘you’, Halq’emeylem also distinguishes ‘your’ for talking about one person , vs.

‘your’ for talking about something belonging to a group of people. We use ‘your’ (sg.) when we talk about

‘your’, talking to one single person.

Look at the phrases below and answer the following question:

1. Question:

What two things do you put into a sentence to mean ‘you guys’ in



You put______onto the word for the

You also put_____onto the noun

VERB / Det / Poss / Subject noun
(= person doing the action) / Poss
yóyes / te
the / -l
-‘ / í:meth (grandchild)
sétl’àtel (older brother/older
álex (sibling) / -tset (1 pl.)
-elep (2 pl.)
(needs ‘ on the determiner too)

Translating: Translate the following Halq’eméylem sentences into English

1. Yóyes te’ í:meth. ______

2. Yóyes te’ í:methelep. ______

3. T’ít’elem te’ sétl’àtel. ______

Fill in the blanks:

1. Your brother is walking. Í:mex te__álex.

2. My brother is walking. Í:mex te__álex.

3. You guys’ brother is walking. Í:mex te__ álex______.

4. Our brother is walking. Í:mex te álex______.

Translate the following sentences into Halq’eméylem.

1. Your older brother is singing. ______

  1. You guys’ older brother is singing. ______

Seswayel Tú:xw~Week 9

GRAMMAR : 3RD Person Object & Subjects

1. Sentences with He/She/it Doers and a Receiver

When he/she/it (or a noun) is the doer and that doer is acting on some receiver, then you have to add an /-es/ onto the verb. Some examples are shown below.

  1. Máythóxes tútl’ò=He helps me.

Help-me-es he

  1. Máyhóxes thútl’ò.=She helps me.

Help-me-es she

  1. Máytóxwes tutl’o.= He helps us.

Help-us-es he

  1. Máytóxwes thútl’ò.=She helps us.

Help-us-es she

The/-es/ is very strictly requires, in such cases (where he/she/it acts on some receiver). If you try and leave the /-es/ ending off, the sentence will be wrong.

2. Omitting tútl’ò and thútl’ò.

Since tútl’ò and thútl’ò can always be omitted in context, you can shorten sentences like those above down to this:

  1. Máythóxes.=He/she/it helps me.


  1. Máytóxwes.=He/she/it helps us.


3. Specifying a Whole Noun as Doer

Conversely, if you want to be very specific about who the ‘third person’ is, you simply add on a noun. The/-es/ is also strictly required, then, as in these examples.

  1. Máythóxes te swíyeqe.=The man helps me.

Help-me-es the man

  1. Máythóxes te slhá:li.=The woman helps me.

Help-us-es the woman

4. The /-es/ ending is only used when the he/she/it is acting on a receiver.

If no receiver is present, then the /-es/ is not needed with third person (he/she/it) doers. For example, you would say simply ‘Imex tútl’ò. You do not have to add an /-es/ to the verb in that sentence, because there is no receiver of the action.

3 Subject (doers), with overt objects

Verb / Receiver / Does-NOUN
ts’ít-to thank/praise
q’óyt–to kill / - óx-(me)
-óxw-(us) / -es
(add if he/she/it or a noun is acting on a receiver) / tútl’ò
te swíyeqe
the slhá:li

Translate the following sentences into English

1. Tsítóxwes tútl’ò. ______

2. Tsíthóxes tútl’ò. ______

3. Máytóxwes thútl’ò. ______

4. Máythóxes te swíyeqe. ______

Fill in the blanks to complete the following sentences

Kw’átsetóxw______tútl’ò.He looks at us.

Kw’átsethóx______tútl’ò.He looks at me.

Q’óytóxw______the slhá:li.The woman kills us.

Q’óythóx______the slhá:li.The woman kills me.

Translate the following sentences into Halq’eméylem

He looks at us. ______

She looks at us. ______

He/she/it thanks us. ______

He/she/it thanks me. ______

PUZZLE: 3rd Person Subjects

Study the Halq’eméylem sentences below, then answer the questions that follow: