YEAR 10 & 11 GCSE 2013



Course introduction/requirements/outline aims of the unit/set standards and (SMART) goals
Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
1 / Introduction to the course /
  • Explanation of the course/set up
  • Expectations/class rules

Investigate the reasons why people take part in sport and physical activity.
Why do they (the students) take part in sport?
Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
2 / 1.1.1:Healthy, active lifestyle and how they benefit you / Students should be able to:
  • explain what constitutes a healthy, active lifestyle
  • classify the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle as social, physical or mental
  • describe how physical activity can increase individual wellbeing
  • help the individual to feel good (serotonin levels)
  • help relieve stress, and prevent stress-related illness
  • increase self-esteem and confidence
  • contribute to good health
  • contribute to enjoyment of life

Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
3 / 1.1.1:Healthy, active lifestyle and how they benefit you /
  • explain how participation in physical activity can stimulate:
  • cooperation
  • competition
  • physical challenge
  • aesthetic appreciation
  • the development of friendships and social mixing.

Initiatives, influences and opportunities that get and keep people involved in sport and physical activity for health and competitive reasons.
Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
4 / 1.1.2. Influences on your healthy active lifestyle / Students should be able to:
  • identify key influences that have an impact on them, and others, achieving sustained involvement in physical activity, including:
people: family, peers, role models
image: fashion, media coverage
cultural: age, disability, gender, race
resources: access, availability, location, time
health and wellbeing: illness, health problems
socio-economic: cost, perceived status of the activity
  • explain the opportunities available to become, or remain, involved in physical activity in a range of roles (including leadership, officiating and volunteering) and the qualities needed to participate in physical activity in this way
  • explain the sports participation pyramid with regard to the foundation, participation, performance and elite stages

Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
5 /

1.1.2. Influences on your healthy active lifestyle

  • describe the following initiatives developed to provide opportunities for becoming, or remaining, involved in physical activity:
latest policies relating to minimum involvement in PE and sport
PE School Sport and Club Links (PESSCL)
School Sport Partnerships
Sport England’s Start, Stay, Succeed initiative:
  • Start – increase participation in sport in order to improve the health
  • of the nation, with a focus on priority groups
  • Stay – retain people in sport through an effective network of clubs,
  • sports facilities, coaches, volunteers and competitive opportunities
  • Succeed – create opportunities for talented performers to achieve
  • success
  • the Youth Sport Trust’s TOP and Active Kids programmes and their contribution to the development of healthy lifestyles.

Health-related exercise — fitness — performance — role models could be developed from Topic 1.1.2 in terms of the fitness requirements that students’ role models need for the activities in which they perform, eg Andy Murray for tennis.
Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
6 / 1.1.3 Exercise & fitness as part of your healthy lifestyle / Students should be able to:
explain the terms:
  • health
  • fitness
  • exercise
and know how they relate to a balanced, healthy lifestyle and performance in physical activities


Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
7/8 / 1.1.3 Exercise & fitness as part of your healthy lifestyle / know about the components of health-related exercise:
  • cardiovascular fitness
  • muscular strength
  • muscular endurance
  • flexibility
  • body composition
relate each to physical activity, identifying the relative importance of each to different physical activities
Skill-related fitness and further development of the role models, but this time in terms of the skill requirements that their role models need for the activities in which they perform, eg Andy Murray for tennis.
Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
9/10 / 1.1.3 Exercise & fitness as part of your healthy lifestyle / know about the components of skill-related fitness:
  • agility
  • balance
  • coordination
  • power
  • reaction time
  • speed
relate each one to physical activity, identifying the relative importance of each one to different physical activities
Test on Topics 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3.
Lesson / Focus / Areas of Coverage
10 /

End of Units test

  • Test on Topics 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3

11 /

End of Units test

  • Go though answers of test

These lessons could include the fitness training topic (1.1.4) so cover a practical activity at the same time as learning and applying the theory for these and previous topics


Lesson / Focus /

Areas of Coverage

12 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle. /
  • Explain controlled assessment task (task setting, task taking, task marking)
  • assess personal readiness (PAR-Q)
  • What HRF components are
  • What SRF components are
  • A test for each of those components

13 & 14 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle. / Assess fitness levels for use in an exercise programme:
tests for health-related exercise:
  • Cooper’s 12-minute run test,
  • hand grip strength test,
  • sit and reach flexibility test
  • Harvard Step Test,
  • Treadmill test;
tests for skill-related fitness:
  • Illinois Agility Run test,
  • Standing stork test,
  • Sergeant Jump test,
  • standing broad jump,
  • ruler drop test,
  • 30-metre sprint,
  • three ball juggle

End of Term

Lesson / Focus /

Areas of Coverage

15 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O. To be aware of the component of skill-related fitness which is being tested.
To be able to relate this aspect of SRF to a healthy, active lifestyle. /
  • Recap controlled assessment task (task setting, task taking, task marking)
  • Recap personal readiness (PAR-Q)
Testing — Assessing fitness levels via a series of tests.
Harvard step test. Lesson Plan 15
Students can investigate further via web links.
  • Once again students act as performer being tested and then as the tester alternating roles with their partner.

16 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O.-To be aware of the aspect of skill-related fitness which is being tested.
-To be able to relate this aspect of SRF to a healthy, active lifestyle / Testing — Assessing fitness levels via a series of tests.
Cooper’s 12 minute run test. Lesson Plan 16
Students can investigate further via web links.
  • Once again students act as performer being tested and then as the tester alternating roles with their partner.

17 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O.- To be aware of, and understand, the principles of individual needs/differences, progressive overload, specificity and rest and recovery. / Setting SMART goals for the Personal Exercise Programme. Lesson Plan 17
Principles of Training.
Students need to know the Principles of Training and be able to apply them both in their Personal Exercise Programme and in the examination paper.
Once again they can learn and recall them via a graphic organizer making sure they know the difference between the Principles of Training and the Methods of Training which they will go on to next.
18 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O.To be aware of, and understand, the FITT principle and also the term reversibility.
To be aware of the principles of setting SMART targets and being able to apply these to a PEP. /
  • Students learn how to use the Principles of Training in their PEP. Lesson Plan 18
  • Learn (re-cap) SMART goals.
  • Students Plan their PEP set SMART goals and write up which principles of training they will use and how they will fit into your PEP.
  • This could be set as a lesson task and it will form part of the controlled assessment

Lesson / Focus /

Areas of Coverage

19 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O.To be aware of the benefits and implementation of interval training as training methods. / Lesson Plan 19
  • The teacher will run this lesson taking the students through the warm main activity and cool down so they experience it and will know how to plan their own exercise sessions for their PEP and the next 5 lessons.
  • A series of lessons on the Methods of Training — Students experience each method or a selection of methods of training.
  • Students will take and record a range of information which they will use for their homework and later when putting this information back into the theory, for example resting heart rate, working heart rate and recovery rate, and blood pressure.
  • They also experience and record the immediate effects of exercise, the exercise session warm up main activity and cool down, the parts of a warm up and cool down and how to perform them. They will use all this information in future lessons to show how they have been applying the theory such as target zones and thresholds of training and aerobic and anaerobic activity and isotonic and isometric contractions.

They will also learn how to link Methods of training with Health-related Exercise and Skill-related Fitness.

  • They can then decide which methods to use in their PEP
  • Students can work in teams some working some resting others recording data. After student 1 has finished students can reverse roles.

20 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O. To be aware of the benefits and implementation of continuous training a as training method. / Lesson Plan 20
A similar session and students may do this as a running/jogging session or using exercise bikes, rowers, treadmills or cross trainers.
Students run their own or do a group warm up and cool down.

Once again recording all the necessary information and completing the homework using their statistics from the lesson.

Lesson / Focus /

Areas of Coverage

21 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O. To be aware of the benefits and implementation of Fartlek training as a training methods. / Lesson Plan 21
  • A similar session and students may do this as a running/jogging session or using exercise bikes, rowers, treadmills or cross trainers.
  • Students run their own or do a group warm up and cool down.
  • Once again recording all the necessary information and completing the homework using their statistics from the lesson.

22 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O. To be aware of the benefits and implementation of fitness circuit training as a training method. / Lesson Plan 22
  • A similar session but the teacher can set up a fitness circuit using a set of varied exercise stations which the students should copy or be given a copy of to go over later for a detailed explanation, eg the agility ladder for agility, exercises chosen, why they were chosen and the order that were set out in.
  • Students run their own or do a group warm up and cool down.
  • Record all the necessary information and complete the homework using the statistics from the lesson.

23 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O. To be aware of the benefits and implementation of skills circuit training as a training method. / Lesson Plan 23
  • A similar session but the teacher can set up a skills circuit once again using of variety of exercise stations which the students should copy or be given a copy of to go over later for a detailed explanation, eg the agility ladder for agility.
  • Students run their own or do a group warm up and cool down.
  • Record all the necessary information and complete the homework using the statistics from the lesson.

Lesson / Focus /

Areas of Coverage

24 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O.To be aware of the benefits and implementation of weight training as a training method. / Lesson Plan 24
  • This is a specialist lesson if the teacher has students that want to use weight training and facilities are available. It will provide a background of knowledge for the students learning about muscles, joints and joint actions and need only be using quite light weights and be built around the notion of muscle toning and muscular endurance not building big muscles so it fits in with the Health-related Exercise terminology. It also gives opportunity to explore safety in Physical Education, exercise and training.
  • Students run their own or do a group warm up and cool down.
  • Record all the necessary information and complete the homework using the statistics from the lesson.

25 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O.To be aware of the benefits and implementation of weight training and cross training as training methods. / Lesson Plan 25
  • A similar lesson but this time it is actually the weight training exercise session and students may do this using machines, and /or a multi-gym but teachers may include some free weights stations eg dumbbells for bicep curls.
  • Students run their own do or a group warm up and cool down.
  • Record all the necessary information and complete the homework using the statistics from the lesson.

End of Theory Content.

Summer (Term 3)


/ Focus /

Areas of Coverage

26 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
Exercise sessions
L.O. To be able to explain a warm-up, main activity and cool-down and the importance of each in connection with a training session / Lesson Plan 26
Evaluate what the students have learned in the previous lessons on the methods of training, the exercise session, warm up, main activity and cool down.
Understanding how Health-related Exercise, Skill-related Fitness and the Principles of Training fit in and how they can be used in their PEP.
What fitness/skill do they want to improve when they do their PEP?
What methods of training will they use?
Fitting this knowledge into the planning and preparation of the student’s PEP.
  • The teacher could run a short exercise session on a different fitness activity especially if they are doing the Exercise Activities, eg an Aerobics, Yoga or Pilates session.

27 & 28 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
Students experience and compare different types of training session.
L.O. To be able to compare two different types of training session / Lesson Plan 27/8
Experiencing Exercise Sessions to match fitness requirements to individuals and activities
Students plan and perform their own warm up and cool down and experience two different types of interval training sessions (the exercise session) once again they produce evidence in the way of heart rates to compare the sessions and to use in later lessons
Experience and understand the training session warm-up; main activity and cool down as they may use it in planning and performing their PEP
  • Explaining the principles of training within an exercise programme
From these sessions the students can explain some of the principles of training for example the intensity, time and type (ITT in the FITT principle) specificity aerobic and anaerobic etc.
One lesson will be an interval training session for a sprinter. Students work together one performs the other records and then they change over.
  • The next lesson will be for a middle-distance runner. Again, students work together one performs the other records and then they change over.


/ Focus /

Areas of Coverage

29 / 1.1.4 Physical Activity as part of your healthy lifestyle.
L.O. To be able to differentiate between aerobic and anaerobic fitness and understand the role that heart rate has to play in monitoring fitness levels / Lesson Plan 29
The evaluation of their spreadsheets and comparison of the training methods.
Heart rates plotting examples and evaluating results from practical experience.
Relate to other parts of the course eg body composition of athletes (leading to somatotypes in topic 1.2.1).
  • In the next two lessons the students take the information they have gathered and apply it using spreadsheets to explain terminology

30 / 1.1.4
Target zones and thresholds of training
L.O. To be able to understand, and make use of, the various zones which can be used to monitor and inform training / Lesson Plan 30
Graphical explanations of target zones and thresholds of training from practical experience — 220 — age times 60% and times 80%
Students use their graphical analysis of all their exercise sessions to help them to understand and apply their knowledge.
  • They should then be able to do this in their PEP.


/ Focus /

Areas of Coverage

31 / 1.1.4
Planning of Personal Exercise Programme
L.O. To understand the PEP and how students will be expected to plan, perform, monitor and evaluate it. / Lesson Plan 30
Students plan their PEP under controlled conditions and hand in a copy of the finished plan to the teacher.
32-38 / 1.1.4
Performing and Monitoring of the Personal Exercise Programme
L.O. To have completed planning, testing, performing, re-testing and monitoring their PEP and have all the information they need to evaluate it. / Lesson Plan 32-38
  • Pupils may find that they need to make adjustments to their programme in light of what is occurring as they are performing the PEP.


/ Focus /

Areas of Coverage

39 / 1.1.4
Evaluation of Personal Exercise Programme
L.O. To be able to fully complete the PEP in line with the specification criteria outlined in component 2.2.5 of the Specification / Lesson Plan 39
Students go over all the information they have gathered during the previous lesson and the teacher can explain how to evaluate their PEP Students write up their evaluation and hand in their Personal Exercise Programme.
40 / 1.1.5
Your personal health and wellbeing
L.O. To be able to understand the links between exercise, diet, work and rest and to consider the relationship between dietary intake and performance. /
  • Lesson Plan 40
Diet — Much of this work could be incorporated into the practical lessons above while the students are doing their 6–week PEP. Then bring it all together in one final lesson for example why did you take on water and need carbohydrates?
  • Exercise, diet, work and rest
  • Explain the requirements of a balanced diet
  • The factors of a balanced diet
Diet in relation to exercise timing of dietary intake and reasons

End of Short Course (3PE01)