Accessibility Script for Deep_Water_Animation_HD_Final_v01_Approval_16x9.mp4

Duration: 03:14

[Textfloats in word by word]

Think of all the ways you're countingon energy right now


Shell music begins


Moving yellow molecules of varying small sizes appear on white background

They increase in number and velocity

[Text floats in word by word]

How everyone around the worldcounts on energy


The yellow molecules come together to form a rotating globe of the world

[Text floats in word by word]

and global energy demand continuesto rise


The rotating globe enlarges and moves closer to the screen along with the text until they disappear

[Text floats in word by word]

How can we help everyone


Moving grey molecules on white background

[Text floats in word by word]

enjoy the essentials of modern life?


Yellow circles appear containing icons: taps, aeroplanes, smartphones, etc.

The icons move closer to the screen along with the text until they disappear

Moving grey molecules appear on white background

[Text floats in word by word]

Renewables are a growing part ofthe energy mix


Green circles appearcontaining icons: wind turbines, solar panels. They mingle with the grey molecules

[Text floats in word by word]

But all sources are needed


Yellow dots containing flame and furnace icons join the green circles and grey molecules

Fast motion downwards


Underwater bubbles


The screen is now dark blue to represent the ocean, with light blue bubbles

[Text floats in word by word]

Untapped energy lies deep beneathour oceans


The view moves rapidlydownwards again, deeper under the ocean

[Text floats in word by word]

Oil and gas

the remains ofprehistoric plants and animals


White molecules containing fossilised plants and animals move towards screen

[Text floats in word by word]

To unlock this precious resourcewe travel far from shore


Text moves closer to screen then disappears

Grey molecules on white background

View moves from onshore to sea line

A yellow image of an offshore platform appears on the horizon

It moves closer into view

Subsea flowline goes down into the ocean

[Text floats in word by word]

And operate far below the water


Small yellow moleculesand text move to front of screen then disappear

The yellow molecules form outline of whale

Flowline continues

[Text floats in letter by letter]



Flowline now becomes several flowlines in three strands

The three strands outline the shape of a tree trunk and roots




Circle of molecules builds around the tree’s roots



[Text floats in word by word]

We have learned much aboutthis cold, dark world


Tree shape moves off to be replaced by squid type creature formed from yellow dots moves across screen

Moves up through ocean back to sea level and offshore facility

[Text floats in word by word]

and about the surface


Pan away from offshore facility across ocean horizon

Dark blue screen to represent the ocean, with light blue bubbles

[Text floats in word by word]

We work to lessen our impact


Move along horizon to land

[Text rises out of land]

While on land we listen to people


Molecular dots move off like a flock of birds


Dark blue screen to represent the ocean, with light blue bubbles

Molecular dots fly about

[Text floats in word by word]

we respect their livelihoods


One of the dots is now yellow

Out of it come other dots as if looking at a model of molecular structure

[Text slides out from the yellow dot]

We develop skills


Molecular structure spins slightly then moves off

Another yellow ‘molecule’ moves on, similar molecular structure effect as above

[Text floats in word by word]

create jobs


Molecular structure spins slightly then moves off

Another yellow ‘molecule’ moves on, similar molecular structure effect as above

[Text floats in word by word]

encourage business


Yellow ‘molecule’ centre screen

Opens like an exploding firework, several other smaller yellow dots connected by a line structure

[Text floats in word by word]

we help train new generations


Whole effect recedes

Dark blue screen to represent the ocean, with light blue bubbles

Yellow dots come onto screen

[Text floats in word by word]

This energy from the deep


Yellow dots against blue ocean

[Text floats in word by word]

lights our homes


Yellow dots form orderly rows

[Text floats in word by word]

keeps us on the move


Screen turns yellow as dots form into globe shape

Energy lines come out of the globe, in an image of connecting round the world


it powers our connections


Closing image as waves moves across the animation


Shell Pecten
