Revised: 02/06/2009

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Division of Neuropathology

Rotating Resident Evaluation

Resident Name: ______Rotation Dates: ______

Evaluators Name: ______Evaluation Date: ______


1.  Learn to compile clinical histories and laboratory data necessary to interpret neuropathologic material.

2.  Learn to organize and crisply present complete neurologic histories.

3.  Learn to evaluate and document histopathologic findings in neuropathology specimens.

4.  Learn principles of pathogenesis of neurologic disease.

Basic Levels of Competence

A. Unacceptable

B. Demonstrates only basic competency with clearcut room for improvement

C. Functioning appropriately for level

D. Mastery of stated goals

E. Exceptional performance

N/A Not able to comment

Please check appropriate box in various categories.


1. /

Functional Neuroanatomy

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Has insufficient command of terminology to describe a lesion.
Comment: / B. Can communicate effectively about anatomic locations.
C. Can give detailed neuroanatomic descriptions and generate basic clin-path correlations.
D. Can formulate complete clin-path correlations.
E. Can formulate comprehensive differential clin-path correlations.
2. /

Tumor Histology

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Can not recognize grossly abnormal histology.


/ B. Can correctly interpret histologic fields with active Socratic direction.
/ C. Can independently recognize and interpret major histologic features.
/ D. Can independently interpret a typical specimen and formulate a differential and diagnosis.
/ E. Demonstrates exceptional skills and knowledge in interpreting case material.
3. /


(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Can not identify obvious lesions or anatomic landmarks.


/ B. Can identify and anatomically localize lesions.
/ C. Can identify and with guidance extract diagnostically important features.
/ D. Can identify and independently extract diagnostically important features.
/ E. Can formulate and resolve complex differentials based on multiple scan modalities.
4. /

Clinical Neurooncology

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Can not formulate a rudimentary differential diagnosis/prognosis.


/ B. Has general appreciation of tumor specific clinical outcomes and therapies.
/ C. Can formulate a complete differential with basic therapeutic and prognostic details.
/ D. Can formulate a complete differential with therapeutic and prognostic details.
/ E. Exceptional understanding of practical clinical diagnostic/therapeutic issues.
5. /

Clinical Neurology & Pathophysiology

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Inadequate understanding of basic pathologic processes in the brain.


/ B. Demonstrates grasp of important principles.
/ C. Demonstrates mastery of general principles.
/ D. Commendable focal depth or global breadth of pathophysiologic knowledge.
/ E. Exceptional focal depth and global breadth of pathophysiologic knowledge.


6. /

Autopsy reports

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Did not complete or totally unacceptable.


/ B. Completed with major direct supervision/revision.
/ C. Completed with appropriate supervision.
/ D. Completed independently.
/ E. Exceptional analysis and presentation.
7. /

Directed Self Study

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Demonstrated inadequate effort.


/ B. Completed little more than Robbins.
/ C Completed Robbins and focused readings on case material.
/ D. Completed Robbins, focused case material and broadly in texts/web courses.
/ E. As above and into primary literature.
8. /

Case Presentations

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Incoherent presentation even with direction.


/ B. Coherent presentation with extensive direction.
/ C. Independent coherent presentation.
/ D. Independent presentation demonstrating in depth understanding of case and issues.
/ E. Exceptional presentation demonstrating advanced independent analysis.
9. /

Topic Presentation

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Did not present.


/ B. Completed task with notable deficiencies in presentation or understanding.
/ C Solid presentation demonstrating basic understanding.
/ D. Solid presentation able to address questions demonstrating in depth preparation/understanding
/ E. Exceptional insightful educational experience.

Global Assessments

10. /

Professionalism (Cooperation, Dependability, Interpersonal Skills, Judgment)

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Inadequate professionalism.


/ B. Showed lapses of professionalism.
/ C. Functioned appropriately for a medical school elective.
/ D. Demonstrated high level of professionalism and responsibility.
/ E. Capable of running the service.
11. /

Neuropathology Practice

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Ignorant of the role of diagnostic neuropathology.
/ B. Has a general understanding of the breadth and scope of diagnostic neuropathology.
/ C. Can answer questions directed at specifics of neuropathology practice.
/ D. Understands the use of special stains, procedures and priorities in working up specimens.
/ E. Capable of running the service.
12. /

Basic Medical Knowledge

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Global deficiencies readily apparent.
/ B. Focal deficiencies became apparent.
/ C. Exhibited an appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge.
/ D. Demonstrates a high level of general medical knowledge.
/ E. Exceptional general knowledge.
13. /

Ability to technically function as a resident

(N/A Not able to comment) / A. Has limited understanding or capacity to understand.
/ B. Gives every indication to become a technically competent resident.
/ C. With supervision is functioning as a resident.
/ D. Independently functioning as a junior resident.
/ E. Independently functioning as a senior resident.

Please comment on the student’s PRINCIPAL STRENGTHS (include degrees of improvement in skills over the course of contact):


To be completed by Attending only:

Do you have any reason to question this resident’s honesty? (if yes, please explain above) ______Yes ______No

1.  Cases managed (hand in case tracking forms)

2.  Topics of Mini-Review presentations.

3.  Quizzes completed

