James Sumner

1612 Greenview Dr. (734) 945-6930

Ann Arbor, MI48103


Ph.D. Analytical ChemistryAug 1999 – Present

University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, MIGPA: 7.0/8.0

B.S. Chemistry; ACS concentration Aug 1995 – May 1999

JamesMadisonUniversity, Harrisonburg, VA Summa Cum Laude

GPA: 7.8/8.0


Dr. Raoul Kopelman Laboratory, University of MichiganAug 1999 – Present

Metal-ion Nanosensor Development for Biologically Relevant Applications

Designed, synthesized, and characterized ratiometric fluorescent nanosensors for the intracellular detection of Fe3+, Cu2+ and Zn2+. Used multiple platforms including sol-gel, liquid polymer, and hydro-gel matrices in sensor development. Selection, development and optimization of appropriate enzyme or protein based detection schemes. Intense outside collaboration. Knowledge of fluorescence microscopy, flourometry, signal optimization, interference elimination, basic organic synthesis, and enzymatic pathways.

Dr. Mark Meyerehoff Laboratory, University of Michigan Jun 1999 – Aug 1999

Characterization of Heparin-Sensitive Electrodes and Heparin Releasing Polymers

Synthesized and characterized electrodes for the detection of heparin. Synthesized and characterized heparin releasing polymers. Knowledge of electrochemical methods, polymer synthesis and characterization techniques. Basic knowledge of biological pathways involving heparin, and basic analytical theory.

Dr. Thomas DeVore Laboratory, JamesMadisonUniversity May 1997 – May 1999

FT-IR Evolved Gas Analysis

Monitored and analyzed the remediation of chlorofluorocarbons by various oxide compounds. Calculated activation energies and rates of various reactions. Thorough knowledge of FT-IR and Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Summers supported by NSF-REU programs.


  • Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  • Atomic Force Microscopy
  • NMR

  • Fluorescence Microscopy
  • Electrochemical instruments
  • ICP-MS

  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy
  • SEM
  • Multiangle light scattering
  • Chromtography (GC, HPLC, GC-MS)
  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

James Sumner


Graduate Student InstructorAug 1999 – May 2000

University of Michigan

General Chemistry Discussion

Prepared weekly lesson plans. Led interactive learning sessions. Clarified difficult concepts. Tutored students individually. Graded assignments and exams. Suggested final grades.

Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory

Prepared weekly lesson plans. Introduced concepts behind experimental methods. Clarified difficult concepts. Supervised students in lab. Oversaw lab safety. Tutored students individually. Graded assignments and exams. Suggested final grades.

Teaching AssistantAug1996 – May 1999


General Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Supervised students in lab. Instructed students on experiments. Organized and distributed chemicals and supplies. Oversaw lab safety.


  1. Sumner, J. P., Kopelman, R.,Alexa Fluor 488 as an Iron Sensing Molecule and Its Application in PEBBLE Nanosensors, Analyst, 2005, 528-533.
  2. Sumner, J. P., Westerberg, N. M., Stoddard A. K, Fierke, C. A., Kopelman, R., Cu+ and Cu2+ Sensitive PEBBLE Fluorescent Nanosensors using DsRed as the Recognition Element,Sensor and Actuators B (Submitted), 2005.
  3. Sumner, J. P., Westerberg, N. M., Stoddard A. K, Cramer, M. Thompson, R. B., Fierke, C. A., Kopelman, R., DsRed as a Highly Sensitive, Selective, and Reversible Fluorescence-Based Biosensor for Both Cu+ and Cu2+ Ions, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (In Press), 2005.
  4. Brasuel, M.; Kopelman, R.; Philbert, M. A.; Aylott, J. W.; Clark, H.; Kasman, I.; King, M.; Monson, E.; Sumner, J.; Hoyer, M.; Miller, T. J.; Tjalkens, R. PEBBLE nanosensors for real time intracellular chemical imaging. Optical Biosensors2002, 497-536.
  5. Sumner, J. P.; Aylott, J. W.; Monson, E.; Kopelman, R. A fluorescent PEBBLE nanosensor for intracellular free zinc. Analyst (Cambridge, United Kingdom)2002, 127, 11-16.
  6. Sumner, J.P. and T.C. DeVore, The reaction between 1,2-dichloroethane and the vanadium (III, IV, V) oxides. Proceedings - Electrochemical Society, 2001, 2001-12(High Temperature Corrosion and Materials Chemistry III), 296-308.
  7. Parrett, J. W., Jr.; Sumner, J. P.; DeVore, T. C. Reaction between chlorocarbon vapors and sodium carbonate. Environmental Science and Technology1999, 33, 1691-1696.

Conference Presentations

Sumner, J. P., Westerberg, N. M., Stoddard A. K, Cramer, M. Thompson, R. B., Fierke, C. A., Kopelman, R., Nanosized PEBBLE Sensors for the Detection of Cu2+/Cu+,

  • Pittcon, March 2004.

Sumner, J. P., Aylott, J., Fierke, C., Kopelman, R., Pittcon,Luminescent Zinc Nanosensor for Real-Time Monitoring of Cellular Processes,

  • March 2002.

Sumner, J. P., Aylott, J., Kopelman, R., Optochemical Zinc Nanosensor for Subcellular Chemical Imaging, Pittcon, March 2001.

Sumner, J. P., Xu, H., Aylott, J., Kopelman, R., Subcellular Chemical Imaging for Zinc with an Optochemical Nanosensor,

  • FACSS, October 2001.

Sumner, J. P., DeVore, T., JMU Spring Chemistry Symposium, May 1999.

Sumner, J. P., DeVore, T., Southeast Regional ACS Meeting, November 1998.

Sumner, J. P., DeVore, T., JMU Spring Chemistry Symposium, May 1998.

Sumner, J. P., DeVore, T., National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 1998.

Sumner, J. P., DeVore, T., Southeast Regional ACS Meeting, October 1997.