Minutes Clubs & Societies Committee Thursday 19th Oct 2006

University of Melbourne Student Union

Meeting of the Clubs and Societies Committee


3.45pm, Thursday 19th of October 2006

Location: Office Bearer Space

Meeting opened 3.50pm.

1. Procedural matters

1.1 Pat appointed chairman as OB

1.2 Dil elected minute taker

Moved: Davo, Seconded: Goldie


1.3 Attendance:







As Clancy and Carl have dropped off as at the proposed meeting scheduled for today, a special meeting was petitioned by the three present committee members, who now constitute quorum.

Petitioned: Davo, Goldie, Kelly


1.4 Apologies


1.5 Adoption of Agenda

Moved: Dil Seconded: Kelly


2. Ratification of Previous Minutes

Moved: Kelly, Seconded: Davo


3.  OBs Report

Accept OB’s report

Moved : Davo, Seconded: Kelly


4.  Grants

Approved Grants en Bloc

M: Davo S: Dil


6. Problem Grants

Maths & Stats Competition and Social Function

Motion: To approve grant for off-campus event

M: Davo S: Kelly

Debating Society Competition grant

Motion: Approve grants for Prizes but not for dinner wine

M: Goldie S: Pat

7.  Final Approval

Biomedical Science Students Society

Motion: To approve final application

M: Kelly S:Goldie


Footbag (Hacky Sack) Club

Motion: To approve final application

M: Davo S:Goldie


8. Correspondence with Mr. Robert Anderson from Mature Age SS

Correspondence received and reported on. Noted that Alex White has made a comprehensive reply to Mr. Anderson’s complaints, and referred him to the Students Council if he wishes to appeal decisions of the C&S committee. The C&S Office need not continue correspondence on this point as he has been advised of appropriate appeal channels.

9. Issues from Clubs council

- Faculty Clubs

The committee noted that regulations will not be changed to allow faculty to have a different method of enlisting members.

- Exec Handover

Clubs will not receive funding until they show that at least 2 of the executive committee are UMSU members. This includes funding for orientation.

Motion: That clubs must carry student union membership brochures on their table during orientation

Moved: Davo Seconded: Kelly


10. Fiona’s Pretty New Holiday Care Application form

The committee noted that the Holiday care application form was indeed very pretty

10) Orientation allowable funding

Note: That the orientation allowable funding would not be extended to include cost of membership cards

11) Orientation

Motion: Faculty clubs are allowed to have tables with the General interest tables if they want

M: Dil S: Kelly


Motion: Unaffiliated clubs are allowed to set up tables during O'Week Clubs carnival only if,

- a deposit of $100 is put down, which is only redeemable only if the clubs completes affiliation

- the C&S committee approves their application

- they agree to not take membership fees and only to take personal details for Expression of Interest

- there are tables leftover after affiliated clubs are given tables

12) Other Business

Spending on clubs council

Motion: To approve the cost $260 to be taken out of sundries for clubs council

M: Goldie S: Pat

Next Meeting on 2nd Nov at 3.30pm

Meeting closed 5.25pm