University of Massachusetts Lowell John Brown, Ed. D. Graduate School of Education
Adolescent Development and Student Learning
Assignment: Pencil Paper Test
Tests and quizzes are currently utilized as one of several assessment tools classroom teachers utilize. They aim to assess the students command of knowledge and skills gleaned from the curriculum and instructional efforts of the teacher. Publishers often include tests with their materials and textbooks and additional sources for “pre-made tests” also exist. But the classroom teacher knows in detail the characteristics of the students, the learning objectives the class worked on, and how he/she instructed and emphasized different topics or skills. It is against this backdrop of actual instruction that any test (as a valid assessment instrument) should be constructed. Therefore, it is important that a teacher be comfortable and skillful at constructing tests or quizzes that closely align with their instruction and educational objectives when seeking valid assessments of student learning.
The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your ability to construct a quality “Pencil-Paper Test” for classroom use. You’ll need to show competence constructing a variety of item types and organizing them into a professional test for classroom use that can be administered in a 45-minute class session.
1. Select a topical area of study or a unit that you will likely teach (eg Cell Structure and Function, Introduction to Polynomials, The Colonial Period, Literary Devices in Poetry). Create a Unit Overview describing your unit including its Educational Objectives.
2. Further select skills and knowledge from the unit (consider your educational objectives) that are best assessed through a Pencil-Paper Test and not a performance assessment or project.
3. Consult the attached “Assessment List for Paper Pencil Test”
4. Create a Paper Pencil Test to assess student achievement of important skills and knowledge in your unit. Include at least 10 items of varied types (selection and supply). Include an Interpretive Exercise and an MCAS-like Open-response item.
5. Complete an Answer Key for your Test. For supply items such as essays just outline or bullet key aspects of an appropriate response.
6. Complete a Test Blueprint to accompany your Test and insure your test relates to your Educational Objectives.
7. Assemble the Unit Overview with Educational Objectives, the Paper Pencil Test with Answer Key, and the Test Blueprint as your completed project for submission.
for each Objective / Percent of items for each Objective and Comments
/ Knowl / Comp / App / Anal / Synth / Eval / TotalObjective #1 ……….
Objective #2 ………..
Objective #3 ………….
An overview of the Unit is included explaining the context, describing the unit’s content, and listing some of the learning activities and major assignments. The Overview is clear and informative. / 10
A set of clearly stated Educational Objectives for the Unit is included with the Overview. / 10
The Test is professional looking and properly formatted: heading, title, sections, item numbers, directions, point values, white space as necessary. / 10
The Test contains at least 10 items including a variety of item types (selection and supply). Items are organized well with a sequence, flow, and coherence. / 10
Items are constructed well (clear, not ambiguous, appropriate vocabulary). Challenges at varied Bloom levels are present; essay items provide guidance. / 20
An Interpretive Exercise and an MCAS-like Open-response item are included and constructed well. / 10
Items in the test relate directly to and assess achievement of Unit Objectives. / 10
An Answer Key is included and accurately annotated. / 10
A test blueprint is included and accurately annotated. / 10
100 Total
A+ = 99-100
A = 96-98
A- = 90-95
B+ = 85-89
B = 80-84
B- = 75-79