Output Specification

School-Specific Brief Template (Special Schools & AP)


[Insert full name of school]

November 2017

For technical professionals involved in the design and construction of school premises

Organisation / Education & Skills Funding Agency
Name of Document / School-specific BriefTemplate (Special Schools & AP)
for use in conjunction with the Output Specification: Generic Design Brief
Contents / School-specific BriefTemplate (Special Schools AP)
Version / Comments and Amendments (details to be included where relevant) / Author/ Reviewer / Date / Approved by / Date
1.0 / Draft for team review / LW / 02/05/2017
2.0 / FINAL issued for Framework / LW / 16/06/2017 / AB / 29/06/2017
3.0 / Updated to include clarifications during OJEU process and ESFA publication guide. Issued for Cronstruction Framework FINAL / Lucy Watson / 05/09/2017 / AB / 19/09/2017
4.0 / Update Issued for Construction Framework FINAL including clarification re: toilet cubicles / AB / 03/11/2017 / AB / 03/11/2017

Drafting Note[1]. This template document can be used for any school type to reflect project-specific factors identified during discussions with the School’s representative.

The Generic Design Brief (GDB) forms Part B of Volume 5 of the Employer’s Requirements. The GDB contains the generic requirements for all Schools, therefore the SSB should only contain additional requirements specific to the School, and which impact on the capital works. The SSB requirements should not contradict the GDB.
The SSB, and associated Annexes are included as an Appendix to the Feasibility Study and will form Part C of Volume 5 of the Employer’s Requirements (ERs).

The SSB is in two parts:

  • The Strategic Brief, which provides context to the Project Brief. It describes the school’s educational needs, its site, and any works which may be needed, but are outside of the parameters of the programme, and hence the Project Brief. The Strategic Brief in particular should be completed in close cooperation with the school.
  • The Project Brief identifies the work required in the funded project. It should be completed towards the end of the Feasibility stage once a Control Option for the Works has been agreed.

The SSB Annexes are listed at the end of this template.

Any text added should be in standard black font and numbered so that each clause can be referenced. The Contents table and version control should be updated to suit.
Drafting notes are to be deleted as part of the final completion of the School-specific Briefs (SSB) prior to forming Part C of Volume 5 of the ERs.




1.1Status of this document

1.2Document Structure

1.3Precedence of Documentation

2Strategic Brief

2.2Capacity: number of pupil places

2.3Pupils’ Needs

2.4Educational Drivers - Curriculum and Organisation

2.5Site Layout

2.6Safety, Security and Safeguarding

3Project Brief

3.2Overarching Requirements


3.4Internal Space

3.4.2Classroom Suites (including practical spaces in Primary)

3.4.3Practical Teaching Suites and Spaces (Secondary)

3.4.4Music, Halls and/or Performance Suites

3.4.5Dining and Kitchen

3.4.6Staff and Administration


3.4.8Medical and Therapy Spaces

3.4.9Toilets, coats and bags and mobility equipment storage

3.4.10Entrance and circulation


3.5External Space and Grounds

3.6External Fabric

3.7Internal Elements and Finishes

3.8Services and Environmental Conditions

3.9Phasing and Construction

3.10Fittings, Furniture and Equipment (FF&E)

3.10.1General Layout Requirements

3.10.2Space-specific requirements

3.10.3Performance and Quality

4ICT Design Requirements

5School-specific Annexes


1.1Status of this document document is the School-specific Brief (SSB)to be used for Special Schools and Alternative Provision (AP)which,with its Annexes, sets out the school-specific requirements for [insert full name of School/AP] in [insert name of Responsible Body] that are referred to in the Generic Design Brief (GDB)[2]and its Technical Annexes. SSB and itsAnnexes, including Annex SS1: ‘School-specific Schedule of Accommodation’ (SoA)[3] and ‘School-specific Area Data Sheets’ (ADS) and, where applicable, Annex SS2 ‘Refurbishment Scope of Works’ (RSoW),together withthe GDB and its Technical Annexes, forms the Output Specification (OS). The OS sets out the Employer’s Requirements. its Annexes) set out both the strategic requirements for the School/AP, andthe project–specific requirements for the School/AP. The strategic requirements set the context for the Project Brief.

Drafting Note. Ensure that, together with the requirements in the GDB and its Technical Annexes, this SSB document and its Annexes provides a design brief which reflects the School’s specific requirements including the nature of the Site and the School’s educational and organisational requirements.

Where this document requires additions over and above the standard requirements in the GDB, identify if these requirements are either:

  • abnormal, and if so, establish the funding case for them (for example as a result of the site constraints or a risk assessment); or
  • additional, and ensure sufficient funding is available and agreed from third parties (for instance where the specification of the height of balustrades is more than is required in the GDB).

If applicable, seek advice from the Employer on the funding route prior to design being undertaken. All additions must be appropriately costed (for instance as part of the feasibility study).

1.2Document Structure SSB is structured as shown in the diagram below.

Drafting note.Insert ‘used’ or ‘not used’ against each annex as appropriate
(e.g. SS2 will not be used in a new build project).

School-specific Brief / Relevant School-specific Annex
Section / Content / Annex / Content / Used/ Not Used
1 / Introduction / SS1 / School-specific Schedule of Accommodation and School-specific Area Data Sheets
2 / Strategic Brief / SS2 / School-specific Refurbishment Scope of Works
3 / Project Brief / SS3 / School-specific Legacy Equipment Schedule
SS4 / School-specific Legacy Furniture Schedule
SS5 / School-specific ICT Equipment Summary

1.3Precedence of Documentation Contractor shall consider and address all elements of the Employer’s Requirements, including the GDB and its Technical Annexes and the SSB and its Annexes including Annex SS1: ‘School-specific SoA’ and ‘School-specific ADS’ and, where applicable,Annex SS2: ‘School-specific RSoW’. In the event that there is any inconsistency between the GDB and this SSB, the GDBwill take precedence. Furniture and Equipment requirements are covered in Annex SS3 and SS4 ‘School-specific Legacy Equipment’ Schedule and ‘School-specific Legacy Furniture Schedule’. requirements are covered in Annex SS5: ‘The ICT Equipment Summary’.

2Strategic Brief shall ensure that the Building(s), grounds, Fittings, Furniture and Equipment (FF&E),Building Services, Security Measures and Fire Protection Systems, Communications and ICT infrastructure can support the strategic educational and organisational requirements set out in this SSB, in addition to those set out in the GDB.

Drafting Note:Following discussions with the School/AP, add, delete or amend, as necessary, the list of requirements in the following sections.

Where there are Strategic issues which will have an impact on the Project Brief, state these, and include the relevant information in the Project Brief in Section 3.

2.2Capacity: number of pupil places

Drafting Note:Detail the forecast demand and proposed School/AP capacity including:

  • Age range, current and planned (if different).
  • Planned pupil numbers, any past and / or planned changes to this, any bulge classes or any planned restructuring of tiers.
  • Current NOR split into year groups and any planned change to this.
  • FTE number of any nursery places and age range.
  • Number of sixth form places (combined figure for the two (or three where relevant) year groups).

September 2013/14[4]: / Nursery (FTE) / R / Y1 / Y2 / Y3 / Y4 / Y5 / Y6
Number on roll
September 2013/14: / Y7 / Y8 / Y9 / Y10 / Y11 / Y12 / Y13 / Y14[5]
Number on roll
Total number on roll
2014 planned pupil numbers

Drafting Note: Highlight any other School-specific requirements over and above the generic SoA for the agreed pupil numbers and ages, and ensure it is agreed with the Employer before finalising.

Identify any current third party users of any part of the School/AP (Early Year’s providers; community users; clubs; partner organisations, outsourced providers, etc.). Where appropriate, details should include:

  • any contractual arrangements covering use (leases, licences, etc.).
  • if they have dedicated space or times of use of shared facilities
  • if third party use is likely to impact on the Project (either temporarily or permanently).

Any residential provision should be identified here, giving number of pupil places and age range.

2.3Pupils’ Needs Contractor shall ensure that the design of the Building(s) and external space and grounds support the range of pupils’ educational, therapeutic and medical needs at the School/AP.

Drafting Note: Describe the range of needs accommodated at the School/AP(highlighting any associated design implications; use Building Bulletin 104 as a guide). This information - whichis vital because pupils’ needs can significantly affect design requirements - should cover:

  1. For special schools, is this an ambulant special school, i.e. catering predominantly for ambulant pupils? If so, does it provide for:
  2. A wide range of special needs such as moderate/severe learning difficulties (MLD/ SLD) and autism?
  3. Specifically social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH)?
  4. Specificallysignificant difficulties associated with autism (i.e. severe autism)?
  5. Other (please explain)?
  1. For special schools, is this a non- ambulant special school, i.e. specifically set up to cater for pupils with physical disability (PD) and profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)? If so, does it provide for:
  2. A broad range of needs with 10%-60% pupils non-ambulant?
  3. A broad range of needs with 60%-90% pupils non-ambulant?
  4. Other (please explain)?
  1. For AP, does the provision provide primarily for:
  2. Mental and physical health difficulties (e.g. anorexia)?
  3. Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (including short or long term exclusions)?
  4. Other (please explain).
  1. For any School/AP setting:
  2. Are there additional special needs catered for that could affect the design (e.g. hearing or visual impairment (HI/VI)?
  3. Does the setting cater for any pupils who are at particular risk of harm (e.g. due to lack of awareness) or infection?

2.4Educational Drivers - Curriculum and Organisation Contractor shall ensure that the design of the Building(s)and external space and grounds support the School/AP’s curriculum and organisational model and that the layout of the Building(s) has the right balance and distribution of space. The design shall bein line with SoAand any further curriculum and organisational requirements set out in this SSB.

Drafting Note: Summarise here the School/AP’s specific curriculum, pedagogy and organisation, including those planned for the future, should be summarised here to provide a context to any Works. Where they affect the Works, they should also be incorporated into the SoA(Annex SS1), and the relevant text and reasoning included in the Project brief. The text should be pragmatic and succinct. Issues that may be usefully covered include:

1:Particular emphasis on an area of learning or pedagogical approach, e.g. a vocationally based curriculum.

2:Is life skills part of the curriculum? If so, what activities take place and what facilities are needed?

3:Are there any community or family related activities such as a café or family therapy taking place now or planned for the future?

4:Organisation of Key Stages and mixed age groups.

5:In an AP, do pupils spend part of their time at the AP and part at a school/ workplace (if so how does this effect group sizes)?

6:Organisation of different special needs, for example are pupils with severe autism taught in a dedicated suite?

7:Exceptions to the generic Suites of Spaces model outlined in the GDB, or other curriculum links not identified.

8:If the School were to change its SEND intake, in what way would the spaces be different/allocated?

9:What are the proposed/current movement patterns of pupils and staff e.g.do the pupils change rooms for every lesson type or do the teachers come to them (this could have implications for circulation and/or classroom facilities)?

10:What is the extent of passive supervision required and how will this be achieved, has this been identified as a particular requirement following a risk assessment (this could have implications for internal glazing, office locations, outdoor spaces etc.)?

11:Which (if any) spaces are likely to be used after school hours and what is the length of time they will be used, does this require solutions different to those in the GDB, e.g. for security?

12: What specialist medical/ therapeutic support will be needed, for each type of need accommodated, and will any of it be provided by those outside the School/AP (for example therapists or doctors)?

13:Is support given within the classroom for a whole-class setting orin small groups, or individually away from the classroom?

14:What range of learning activities (other than PE) take place outside?

15:How many pupils and staff will there be in each learning session (including support staff)? To be given for each age group and special needs where it varies.

16:Are there any long-term arrangements for pupils to spend some of their time off site (for example at a Mainstream School or sports centre?

17:Do pupils use specialist ICT equipment (this could have implications for servicing, room layouts)?

2.5Site Layout Contractor shall ensure that the location of any New Building(s) and the design and layout of any external spaces providedcomplies with the Site layout requirements in the GDB and takes into account the following specific issues.

Drafting Note:Add here an outline of the existing Sitelayout and facilities. Additional requirements can be given, which reflect School/AP-specific Site constraints, particularly those concerning local issues.

1:Current points of access to the Siteand any potential to improve access.

2:Any particular views that should be exploited?

3:The Site microclimate, including sun paths and prevailing wind direction.

4:Any adverse environmental conditions such as flooding or traffic noise.

5:Any safeguarding, security or shared Site issues not covered by the requirements in the GDB.

6:Surrounding geology, geography, archaeological and historical features and buildings, or protected habitats where relevant.

7:If clear connectivity or separation is required from a neighbouring School.

8:Unusual car parking requirements, over and above those determined by the local planning department, and for community use.

9:Drop-off and pick up requirements, including typical numbers and types of buses and other vehicles.

10:Is there a need for links to external areas over and above the standard requirements outlined in the GDB, or is there curriculum use of the School/AP grounds other than PE (e.g. horticulture)?

11:Do the school’s travel plans have particular requirements over and above the core offer?

2.6Safety, Security and Safeguarding Contractor shall ensure that the design of the Buildings and external space providedtake account of any School-specific safety, security and safeguarding issues.

Drafting Note:Any specific safety, security or safeguarding issues that may need to be addressed should be given here, taking account of anyrisk assessments and any third party use of the facilities, and the impact these will have, for example:

1:Any local school-specific security or sensitivity issues, e.g. location; proximity to occupied properties, on site caretaker etc.?

2:Any additional considerations for security measures (buildings and site), which differs to the requirments within the GDB, e.g. secure line, access controls, alarms or CCTV systems, as identified in the School/AP’s security and access risk assessment?

3:Any local requirement for sprinklers?

4:Any need for boundary fencing over and above the standard specification given in the GDB and Annex 2B: ‘External Space and Grounds?

5:Any additional security and/or safety measures because of the pupils’ needs?

3Project Brief shall ensure that the Building(s), grounds, FF&E and ICT infrastructure support the practical requirements as set out in this SSB, in addition to those in the GDB[6].

Drafting Note:Following discussions with the School/AP,add, delete or amend,as necessary, the list of requirements in the following sections.

Identify any requirements that aresignificant additions to the standard requirements in the GDBand, if applicable, seek advice from the Employer on the funding route prior to design being undertaken.

3.2Overarching Requirements Project Brief is for [insert name] and is for either [delete 1 or 2, as applicable].
  1. WholeSchool Project, such that the Contractor has responsibility for providing the required facilities for the whole School/AP with the Site and shall comply with all requirements in the GDB [or]
  2. Partial School Project, such that the Contractor only has responsibility for the construction or refurbishment of Buildings identified in this SSB, as well as access to those Buildings and any additional Site Works identified in this SSB.

Drafting Note:A Whole School Project is one in which the Works carried out on most Buildings or most of the grounds of a school, is typically more than 75% of the overall Building area. In a Whole SchoolProject, the Contractor will have responsibility for providing the required facilities for the whole School/AP within the Site.

A Partial SchoolProject is one in which only one or two blocks being rebuilt or refurbished, typically less than 75% of the overall Building area.

If the project involves refurbishment, use Annex SS2: ‘School-specific RSoW’ to describe the scope of works in the refurbished areas.

Summarisedbriefly here, noting where any areas of refurbishment or remodelling apply, referencing location drawings as needed.

3.3Adjacencies Contractor shall design the Building(s) to adhereto the following School-Specific adjacencycommentary, which sets out the School/AP’s relationships between different suites.

Drafting Note:Insert a simple diagram or description would indicate how the Spaces should be adjacent to each other. In a Partial SchoolProject, show the adjacencies of existing blocks to the new/remodelled block on a Site plan.

Give any specific requirements, identifyinghow the Suites of Spaces may need to be organised to meet the School/AP’s particular teaching requirements. Requirements should be consistent with the Strategic Briefabove and the SoA in Annex SS1, for example: