Diocese of Leeds Registered Charity No. 249404


Hymns: 406, 704

9.30am Mass – Girls Choir

Missa brevis: Britten

My heart, ever faithful: JS Bach

Rejoice, praises render: JM Bach

11.00am Solemn Mass– Adults

Missa cantata domino: Labo

Ave Maria: Victoria

Dum transisset Ssabbatu: Taverner

Organ: Piece heroique: Franck

6.00pm Mass – Cantor & Organ

Trio in F: Rheinberger

Pastorale: Vierne

Danse: Harkim

WELCOME: If you are a visitor to the Cathedral, we want you to know how welcome you are – whether you have come from another parish in the diocese, or from another part of the country or from across the world. Thanks, in part, to the generosity of visitors like you, we are able to celebrate the Church’s liturgy here in a fitting and beautiful way.

MASS INTENTIONS:Mary Crompton(return to health), Charlie Lysaght (RIP), Eileen Courtney (RIP)Breid Diver (2) (LD), Ruben Sykes (LD), Kay Kennedy (LD), Mr Mulhern (LD), Joe McPadden (LD), Kay Kennedy (LD), Special Int. (ET), Eddie Smith (A), Gerard & Sarah (Marriage), Earnest Bennett (LD), Ken Major (LD), Mary Devens (recovery from illness), Joseph Haller (70th birthday), Patricial Peyton (A), Gabriel Ryan (RIP), Diana Mitchell (RIP), Kate Reape (RIP)

LEEDS CATHEDRAL CONCERT:Thursday 18thOctober at 1.10pm– Organ Duets: Christopher McElroy and Benjamin Saunders.

TEA/COFFEE: will be served in Wheeler Hall after the 11.00am Mass on Sunday. All welcome.

WE WELCOME the choir of LeedsParishChurch who are joining our boy’s choir and choral scholars to sing at Vespers & Mass on Wednesday of this week.

THE LEEDS UNIVERSITY LITURGICAL CHOIRis also visiting the Cathedral this week to sing Vespers and Mass on Thursday and we thank them for coming.

THE CATHEDRAL DEANS OF ENGLAND &WALESare holding their three day annual conference in Leeds this year. They arrive on Monday and will visit Hallam Cathedral and attend Vespers at the Cathedral on Tuesday.

MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE: will be held on Saturday 27th Oct, 1st Dec and 15th Dec from 10.30am – 2.30pm in Wheeler Hall. To reserve a place on this course please contact Deacon Michael Mkpadi on 0113 261 8040 [office] or 0113 295 9718 [home]. Please ensure that you have discussed your marriage intentions with your parish priest before making this booking.

“SONGS OF PRAISE” is being recorded here at Leeds Cathedral during the week 5th – 9th Nov. If you are a SINGER and are interested in taking part please contact BBC for tickets in one of the following ways. Email: acing ‘Leeds Cathedral” in the subject box. Phone: 0161 244 3473, Write to Songs of Praise [Leeds Cathedral], Room 5012m BBC, Oxford Road, ManchesterM60 1SJ. Please note that tickets are being given out by the BBC only. Please do not contact the Cathedral House for tickets.

A DAY OF REFLECTION FOR THE AFRICAN AND CARIBBEAN COMMUNITIES: will be held on Sat. 10th Nov here at Leeds Cathedral and Wheeler Hall. The theme will be “I will step out on the word of God”. Commencing at 10.00am in Wheeler Hall, the sessions will be led by Fr. Michael McLaughlin. All taking part should bring a packed lunch, tea and coffee provided. The day coming to a close at 3.30pm. Contact Deacon Michael Mkapdi to make a reservation on 0113 261 8040 [office] or 0113 295 9718 [home].

FR. MICHAEL SULLIVAN who has been working inBradford has recently been appointed to the staff of the Cathedral. We welcome Fr. Sullivan who moves to Leeds tomorrow after his summer holidays.

PLEASE NOTEON SATURDAY 20TH OCTOBER the 12 noon Mass has been moved to 11.00am as the Bishop is celebrating this Mass for all involved in the work of CAFOD and the Justice & Peace Commission. Confessions will still take place from 10.30 – 11.45am

WORLD MISSION SUNDAY is next Sunday 21st October. There will be a second collection to support the mission of the Church and gift aid envelopes are also available at the back of church. The Holy Father in his recent document ‘Sacramentum Caritatis’ said, “Truly, nothing is more beautiful than to know Christ and to make him known to others.”