Commonwealth College

Student Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Present: Caitlyn, Dean Clarkson, Katie, Ashley, Michael, Kari, Jimmy, Victoria, Maggie, Julie, Alex, Zach, Robin, Kuo, Hayley, Amanda, Tim, Heather, Vidya, Marissa, Jennifer, Charlotte

Date: September 29, 2008 Time: 6:30 PM Place: 406A Goodell

-Constitution, Attendance sheet; Vote to approve minutes from 09/08 / Caitlyn / Kari - motion to approve minutes
Jimmy – motion seconded
NEXT MEETING NEXT MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, DON’T FORGET TO RSVP! / 09/08/08 Minutes approved unanimously.
Alumni Subcommittee Update / Tim / -Committee has not met yet; possibly a meeting this Friday, around 4, but will email with definite time/place
-Possible alumni event with alumni from school of Social and Behavioral Sciences; current students of those majors come and mingle with similar major alums; possibly a Friday afternoon event
Legislative Advocacy Subcommittee Update / Dean Clarkson/ Kari/Jimmy / -Looking for more funding, but current setback: Legislature is proposing 3% cut in state college funding.
-Cutbacks would include research grants, no bbq/food for meetings, more students would be in normally smaller classes, undergrad research conference in jeopardy
- Alternate approach? Instead of asking for more money, thank legislature for continued strong support of ComColl; students, parents, alumni send thank you letters and letters supporting ComColl to representatives in house and senate
-Dean: in discussion of funding issues, ComColl enrollment increased from 2500 to 4000; need to reduce numbers: freshman still considered and can be accepted when entering university, but current students are now required to complete an application for internal transfer to stabilize numbers / -Letter Writing Campaign: We write letter, student signs letter
Constitution Amendment Proposals/Vote / Caitlyn / -Caitlyn “stepping down” in some responsibilities so a new Co-Chair can learn ropes for next year; special elections for Co-Chair will be held next meeting 10/6
-Review of proposed (highlighted) changes of constitution for SAB
-Student philanthropy fund: did not last, open-ended as of last year, disband?
-Recorder duties to change: name change to vice-chair
-Special circumstances when electing the chair: if a committee chairperson assumes the position of chair, the chairperson will not relinquish duties of committee chair, but will continue committee work until regular annual elections are held at the end of the academic year
Open Discussion
Recorder: K. Gustamachio / Caitlyn / -Dean’s Book: adding before Add/Drop?; ComColl policy: miss first class, then cannot attend at all; write up formal policy concerning adding class before add/drop but after missing first class; 10th year anniversary: 391 will consist of faculty teaching their passion; 191 & 291 not prereqs; fall and spring of next year; Profs “teach your dream class!”; Alex Phillips new director
-RAPs: people in RAP classes who don’t live on RAP floor; students email to get into classes needed for gen-ed requirements; had to open class for non-RAP students due to lack of space; up to student to switch into class with people who all live on a different floor
-Eng 112 vs. 112H: same amount of work; peer editing w. ComColl students more beneficial; difference was not professor or material covered, it was students in class; how important is grouping honors students together?; $ issues; resented as a req.; option: 4 top faculty each year get ‘honor’ of giving presentations, students attend ¾ to receive honors recognition in 112 class, will discuss or write paper concerning talk / Dean: Formal policy regarding adding Dean’s Book after missing 1st class/before Add/Drop ends