Pre-Launch Email #1 - 1 of 3 General for Speakers (Long)

Subject Options:

• Headed for the nursing home? (How to avoid it)

• Live Longer, Feel Better! documentary [VIP Invite]

Dear ______,

Do you ever think any of these things?

I've poisoned myself with sugar

My heart is growing weaker every day

My kidneys are slowly shutting down

My mind isn't as sharp as it used to be

What the heck is happening to me?

Award winning Director Michael Beattie has created a powerful documentary series called "Live Longer, Feel Better!", and I am privileged to bring it to you, as part of my inner circle.

Michael has gathered the leaders in natural healthcare to share their own personal beliefs on battling all the other things that seem to increasingly afflict us as we grow older. And I consider myself honored to be one of the experts included.

The truth is that all these symptoms can in some ways be traced back to simple underlying problems. Problems that can be reasonably easily addressed.

Click here to gain access to the entire documentary series (at NO cost) and get the details.

What you need to know:

• Big pharma companies make their money when you live longer, but as far as they are concerned, the more sickness and disease, the better! It's a GREAT business model!

• The average woman in Europe lives ten years at the end of life where they can’t climb ten steps. Now THAT is a loss of independence!

• Even when Doctors KNOW the solutions, often they are not allowed to speak up. Their jobs depend on them keeping their mouths shut.

Think this doesn't affect you?

·  Do you ever worry about your future indepedence?

·  How you will be treated as a senior citizen?

·  If you'll be able to remember those great family times?

·  Ever worry if you'll be stuck in the corner of a nursing home?

I believe the Live Longer, Feel Better! documentary series is an opportunity to change your course once and for all.

Live Longer, Feel Better! is the story of Michael Beattie’s journey to discover how we all can AVOID those 20 years of ill health before we die. Like him, we all want vitality and independence as we age – not a loss of bodily functions and a cabinet full of pills.

This seven part documentary is that journey - and it’s given to you at no cost.

Click here to watch the trailer. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this.

Here’s a list of ALL the episodes, to showcase just some of what you will have access to.

1. A Golden 100?

2. Why We're Toxic

3. Celebrating Nutrition

4.Troubled Water

5. Unlocking Our Cells

6. Living Through Cancer

7. Your Divine Dance

Please click here and register ASAP to save your seat…. And maybe, your future years.

With great respect,


PS: Bringing you this documentary series - and this message – is genuinely personal to me. When asked to take part I jumped at the chance.

I hope you watch it and share this link with those you love. LINK