University of MarylandUniversityCollege – Master of Science with Specialization in Homeland Security

The University of Maryland University College is offering two Master of Science degrees with a specialization in Homeland Security.

The Homeland Security Management specialization provides managers and practitioners with the background to prepare for and deal with a wide range of man-made and natural threats and vulnerabilities at the community and organizational level.

The curriculum prepares students to perform security risk assessments and to develop strategies to mitigate threats to people, physical facilities, and information-dependent critical infrastructure, as well to plan for and manage operational recovery.

Courses also explore the evolving roles within various first responder communities regarding pre-event planning and post-event response.

Master of Science in Information Technology: Homeland Security Management

Required Courses:

Information Technology Foundations (3 credits)

Computer Systems Infrastructure (3 credits)

Information Systems Infrastructure (3 credits)

Information Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Design (3 credits)

Information Technology Project Management (3 credits)

Homeland Security Management Specialization Required Courses:

Concepts in Homeland Security (3 credits)

Critical Infrastructures (3 credits)

Resilience Planning and Preparedness for Disaster Response and Recovery (3 credits)

The Law, Regulation and Ethics of Information Assurance (3 credits)

Biosecurity and Bioterrorism (3 credits)

Energy Infrastructure Security (3 credits)

Seminar in Homeland Security (3 credits)

Master of Science in Management: Homeland Security Management

Required Courses:

Organizational Theory Society (3 credits)

Intercultural Communication and Leadership (3 credits)

Financial Decision Making for Managers (3 credits)

Statistics for Managerial Decision Making (3 credits)

Strategic Management Capstone (3 credits)

Homeland Security Management Specialization Required Courses:

Concepts in Homeland Security (3 credits)

Critical Infrastructures (3 credits)

Resilience Planning and Preparedness for Disaster Response and Recovery (3 credits)

The Law, Regulation and Ethics of Information Assurance (3 credits)

Biosecurity and Bioterrorism (3 credits)

Energy Infrastructure Security (3 credits)

Seminar in Homeland Security (3 credits)

The University of Maryland University College is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

For more information:

Contact: Dr. Irmak Renda-Tanali

Professor and Program Chair, Homeland Security Management & Emergency Management

Information& Technology Systems Department

GraduateSchool of Management& Technology

University of MarylandUniversityCollege

Ph: 240-684-2435

Fax: 240-684-2402


Update: 10/25/15

“Please note: Some of the Web sites linked to in this document are not federal government Web sites, and may not necessarily operate under the same laws, regulations, and policies as federal Web sites.”